Home / FAQ / Data. What are the limitations of data in keep.eu?

Data. What are the limitations of data in keep.eu?

The existing project, partner and call data in keep.eu varies from programme to programme. This is because keep.eu relies on the data sent by each programme. Please refer to the Representativeness page, which shows how representative keep.eu is per programme and field .

In some other cases keep.eu does not contain any information at all regarding a few projects; this is covered in the tables in the Representativeness section, to which you can refer in order to understand how representative the data is in Keep, per period, per type of programme, and overall.

Other than this, project and partner data from cross-border programmes of the 2000-2006 period do not fulfill the same requirements as programmes from all the remaining programming periods and/or strands. This is because not all cross-border projects funded between 2000 and 2006 would be able to provide as much data as the projects from other strands. Collection of data for this strand began later than for the remaining ones and many factors contributed to this gap, such as the fact that these programmes’ Joint Technical Secretariats no longer existed at the time the data on these projects and partners were collected, programmes were not extended, data was stored in different locations or covered one participating country only.

2000-2006 and 2007-2013 project data limitations

Besides any issues with data from each programme, identified in Search for programmes, the tables below show a systematic overview of the cautions that keep.eu users should take when going through the data in keep.eu regarding the concerned periods.

Project acronym

Included. Projects without Acronym display project name (because not all programmes use Acronyms). In keep.eu there are also Acronyms that are numbers given to a project by the programme, for instance IPBU.02.02.01-70-006/09 or 0032_GIT_AAA_5_E. Sometimes Acronyms are very long because they show the project title, which is moreover inserted in two languages.

Project name in original language

Not always included. If a language other than English was available it was inserted; sometimes programmes submitted all project data in English only.


Not always included. Not all programmmes provided such data after the lifetime of a project.

Project start date

Not always included. Start and end dates are needed to automatically generate the duration of the projects, but also to produce statistics; month and year would be the minumum requirement (format: yyyy-mm).

Project end date

Not always included.

Macroregional strategies

Included if projects were linked to the EUSBSR or the EUSDR and labelled as such.

Project name in English

Not always included. Project names, in particular of cross-border programmes, are often in languages other than English; sometimes there are no project names but only Acronyms indicated (simply because that was the only received data).

Project Description

Included except for the projects from two 2007-2013 programmes. With over 300 projects and all other relevant information available, it was decided to assign thematics based on project titles alone.

Project Website

Not always included. If the project website was not available, the respective programme’s URL was inserted. Due to the fact that even programme websites are not available forever (in particular programmes that did not exist in all periods) this information is not available for all projects.

Project total budget

Not always included. Some programmes only sumbitted total budgets per projects, others only EU funding.

Project EU funding

Not always included.

2000-2006 and 2007-2013 partner data limitations

Lead Partner / standard partner / associated partner / observer

Not always included. Associated partners and observers are in principle never included, but it cannot be excluded that there are some observers within the standard partners, because between 2000 and 2013 partner budget was not part of the keep.eu data structure.
On the other hand, there are cases of projects with more than one lead partner. It is the case with projects with Swiss or Norwegian participation, as well as in EUSBSR and EUSDR projects.

Institution name in original language

Not always included. If a language other than English was available it was inserted; sometimes programmes submitted everything in English only.

Institution name in English

Not always included. Institution names, in particular of cross-border programmes, were often submitted in languages other than English.






Not always included. There were many difficulties with retrieving street names and sometimes also postcodes.


Not always included. There were many difficulties with retrieving street names and sometimes also postcodes.