Home / FAQ / Data on projects, partners and calls. What kind of data is available in keep.eu?

Data on projects, partners and calls. What kind of data is available in keep.eu?

Keep.eu focuses on a specific group of programmes, projects, and partners. All of these programmes and projects share are fully or partially funded by the European Union and/or its Member States, and all of them involve participants (partners) from at least two different countries. These countries can either be part of the European Union, or they can be States or territories outside of the Union (such as pre-accession countries, and countries neighboring the European Union, among others). Keep.eu also contains data on projects developed within the scope of the European Union macro-regional strategies.

For ease of search, keep.eu divides the programmes it features (and, consequently, their projects) into the types described in the FAQ entry on the types of programmes.

The keep.eu database contains four tables:

  • Programmes of the types described in the FAQ entry on the types of programmes (starting in the 2000-2006 period), with fields covering each of the programmes’ name, strand, programming period, number of projects, and web address (URL) (2000-2006 and 2007-2013 periods), plus, in the case with 2014-2020 and 2021-2027 programmes, many more fields in connection with the programmes goals, achievements, and indicators. Specific programme data is in Search for programmes (one page per programme).
  • Projects (approved and contracted projects within the scope of the above programmes).
  • Partners rolling out the above-mentioned projects.
  • Calls that set the stage for the above-mentioned projects.

To make it possible to easily look for information in keep.eu, a remarkable effort of data standardization is in place. For example, to search for a project that started in 2001 the date format needs to be uniform throughout the database – and there needs to be a specific field for project start date! It is thus important to clearly define the structure of the database (fields, critical fields, and relationships among them), and its data formats, before starting to fill it out, and before creating the tools on the website to allow for searches that are important for keep.eu users.

The tables below show the data contained in each of the keep.eu database tables 2021-2027 Projects, 2021-2027 Partners, and 2021-2027 Calls. This structure was agreed upon in the keep.eu 3.0 Group between 2021 and 2022. The keep.eu 3.0 Group is a group voluntarily participated by representatives of Interreg programmes, European Union member States and the European Commission. You can also refer to the page containing the keep.eu 2014-2020 project-partner-call data fields. (Periods prior to 2014-2020 feature in keep.eu fewer fields per project and partner and no information regarding calls.)

2021-2027 project fields

Programme name

This is considered a critical field (project information can only be published in keep.eu if this field is filled out)

Description: Identification of the programme submitting the data to keep.eu.


Description: This is not a critical field because it can be easily extracted by keep.eu from the programme name. It however needs to be filled out, either by the programmes submitting the data or by keep.eu, because the data is also organised by programming period

Project ID

This is considered a critical field (project information can only be published in keep.eu if this field is filled out)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table A.1 Project identification, field Project ID (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII (‘Data to be recorded and stored electronically on each operation – point (e) of Article 72(1)’) of Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 of the Europen Parliament and the Council (‘CPR Regulation’), of 24 June 2021, field 9.

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Operation ID

Project name in English OR in languages 1 to N

This is considered a critical field (project information can only be published in keep.eu if this field is filled out)

Description (useful links): IT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table A.1 Project identification, field Project title (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 9.

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Operation name

Project summary (project description) in English OR in languages 1 to N

This is considered a critical field (project information can only be published in keep.eu if this field is filled out)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table A.2 Project summary, field described as ‘In programme language – if English is not a programme language [2000 characters]’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 9.10.

Note: If content not supplied in English, Interact translates it from any of the languages in which it is supplied into English

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Operation summary

Expected achievements in English OR in languages 1 to N

This is considered a critical field, to be filled out with expected or actual achievements depending on where the project is in its life cycle

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), tables C.4, fields Project specific objective (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package)

Note 1: If content not supplied in English, Interact translates it from any of the languages in which it is supplied into English

Note 2: If field ‘Actual achievements’ is filled out for any given project, the corresponding field ‘Expected achievements’ or its content (in the case of exports to spreadsheets) is hidden

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Expected and actual achievements

Actual achievements in English OR in languages 1 to N

This is considered a critical field, to be filled out with expected or actual achievements depending on where the project is in its life cycle

Description (useful links): HIT Project progress report (Final version 1.2 – September 2022), table A.2 Highlights of main achievements (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Reporting Package)

Note 1: If content not supplied in English, Interact translates it from any of the languages in which it is supplied into English

Note 2: If field ‘Actual achievements’ is filled out for any given project, the corresponding field ‘Expected achievements’ or its content (in the case of exports to spreadsheets) is hidden

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Expected and actual achievements

Project start

This is considered a critical field (project information can only be published in keep.eu if this field is filled out)

Description (useful links): HIT Supplementary information section (Final version 1.0 – September 2021), table Project information, field Project start date (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 15.

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Start date

Project end

This is considered a critical field (project information can only be published in keep.eu if this field is filled out)

Description (useful links): HIT Supplementary information section (Final version 1.0 – September 2021), table Project information, field Project end date (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 16.

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: End date

Total eligible budget/expense

This is considered a critical field

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table A.4 Project budget overview, cell ‘Total project budget’ x ‘TOTAL ELIGIBLE BUDGET’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 56.

NOTE: In keep.eu all financial figures are in Euro (EUR)

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Total eligible cost

Contributing EU funds

This is considered a critical field

Description (useful links): ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 30.

NOTE 1: The possible value scope is ERDF, IPA III, NDICI, OCT

NOTE 2: If not filled out, keep.eu looks up which fields are filled out, from the field set of contributions by each of the funds to the project at hand, below, and adds the corresponding fund to this field.

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Contributing EU funds

Programme specific objective in English

This is considered a critical field (project information can only be published in keep.eu if this field is filled out)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table A.1 Project identification, field Programme priority specific objective (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package)

Note: If content not supplied in English, Interact translates it from any of the languages in which it is supplied into English, and guarantees that it matches the corresponding full text of the programme’s specific objective.

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Programme specific objective

Total EU funding (amount)

This is considered a critical field

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table A.4 Project budget overview, cell ‘Total EU Funds’ x ‘TOTAL ELIGIBLE BUDGET’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 58.

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Total EU funding (amount)

NOTE: In keep.eu all financial figures are in Euro (EUR)

Total EU funding (co-financing rate)

This is considered a critical field

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table A.4 Project budget overview, cell ‘Total EU Funds’ x ‘Co-financing rate (%)’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package)

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Total EU funding (co-financing rate)

Investment (infrastructure) area

This is considered a critical field, albeit not mandatory (since only projects with investment in infrastructure need to feature this field)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table C.4 Project work plan, area ‘Investment’, field ‘Location of the investment’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package).

This field is meant only for projects that include actual investment in the creation or of, or work on fixed assets. The preferred format is the longitude+latitude of the infrastructure worked on, or the street name and number plus town and country. If none of these are possible, then the NUTS region, preferably NUTS3, is a viable alternative. Additionally, according to the ‘CPR Regulation’, Article 49, paragraph 3, item (m), ‘for mobile operations or operations covering several locations the location of the beneficiary where the beneficiary is a legal entity’

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Investment (infrastructure) area

Project deliverables (other than infrastructural investment), area focus

This is considered a critical field, albeit not mandatory (since only projects with deliverables other than infrastructure need to feature this field)

Description: This field is meant to fulfill text of Article 49, paragraph 3, item (l) of the ‘CPR Regulation’: To provide ‘a location indicator or geolocation for the operation and country concerned’, then longitude+latitude of the deliverable, or the street name and number plus town and country. If none of these are possible, then the NUTS region, preferably NUTS3. Additionally, according to the ‘CPR Regulation’, Article 49, paragraph 3, item (m), ‘for mobile operations or operations covering several locations the location of the beneficiary where the beneficiary is a legal entity’.

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Operation deliverables (other than infrastructural investment) area focus

Type of intervention in English

This is considered a critical field

Description (useful links): HIT Supplementary information section (Final version 1.0 – September 2021), table Project information, field Codes of intervention (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 46.

Note: If content not supplied in English, Interact translates it from any of the languages in which it is supplied into English, and guarantees that it matches the corresponding full text of the programme’s type of intervention.

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Type of intervention

Programme priority in English

This is considered a critical field even though the programmes are not required to fill it out (it is filled out by keep.eu itself)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table A.1 Project identification, field ‘Programme priority’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 29.

Note: This field is filled out by keep.eu itself, based on the value of field ‘Programme specific objective’, above.

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Programme priority

Relevant precedent project 1 to N

This is considered a critical field, albeit not mandatory since a project may not have any clear relationship with other, precedent, projects

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table C.2.6, field ‘Project or initiative’(link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package)

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Relevant precedent operation

Relevant subsequent project 1 to N

This is considered a critical field, albeit not mandatory since a project may not have any clear relationship with other, subsequent, projects

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table C.2.6, field ‘Project or initiative’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package)

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Relevant subsequent operation

Project hierarchy

This is considered a critical field, albeit not mandatory since a project may not be part of a set of interrelated projects

Description: If the project is a sub-project, this field is meant to specify and link it to the overall project

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Operation hierarchy

Project of strategic importance or project above EUR 5 million

This is considered a critical field, albeit not mandatory since only projects satisfying the condition need to be marked

Description (useful links): ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 12.

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Operation of strategic importance or operation above EUR 5 million

Policy objective

This is considered a critical field even though the programmes are not required to fill it out (it is filled out by keep.eu itself)

Description (useful links): Assigned automatically by keep.eu based on the programme priority. Article 5 (‘Policy objectives’) of Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 of the Europen Parliament and the Council (‘CPR Regulation’). Description and/or code from 01 to 05 and TA for Technical Assistance

Note: This field is filled out by keep.eu itself, based on the value of field ‘Programme specific objective’, above.

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Policy Objective


This is considered a critical field even though the programmes are not required to fill it out (it is filled out by Interact)

Description: This field is filled out by Interact, who classifies each and every project delivered for importing into the database by one, two, or three themes, out of 42 themes.

Number of partners

This is considered a critical field even though the programmes are not required to fill it out (it is filled out by keep.eu itself)

Description (useful links): Reckoned by keep.eu based on simple partner count from the data supplied by the programme or inserted manually in case of any difficulty with the data supplied by the programme. HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table A.3 Project partner overview, field ‘Partner number’, highest record (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package)

Note: This field is filled out by keep.eu itself, based on the number of partner records for the project at hand.

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Number of partners

Project acronym

This field makes it possible for programmes wishing to use the concept of project acronym to further identify their projects (as in previous programming periods) to keep on using it.

Project’s ERDF contribution (amount)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table A.4 Project budget overview, cell ‘Total eligible to ERDF’ x ‘TOTAL ELIGIBLE BUDGET’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 59.(b)

Project’s ERDF contribution (co-financing rate)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table A.4 Project budget overview, cell ‘Total eligible to ERDF’ x ‘Co-financing rate (%)’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package)

Project’s IPA III contribution (amount)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table A.4 Project budget overview, cell ‘Total eligible to IPA III’ x ‘TOTAL ELIGIBLE BUDGET’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 59.(b)

Project’s IPA III contribution (co-financing rate)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table A.4 Project budget overview, cell ‘Total eligible to IPA III’ x ‘Co-financing rate (%)’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package)

Project’s NDICI contribution (amount)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table A.4 Project budget overview, cell ‘Total eligible to NDICI’ x ‘TOTAL ELIGIBLE BUDGET’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 59.(b)

Project’s NDICI contribution (co-financing rate)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table A.4 Project budget overview, cell ‘Total eligible to NDICI’ x ‘Co-financing rate (%)’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package)

Project’s OCT contribution (amount)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table A.4 Project budget overview, cell ‘Total eligible to OCT’ x ‘TOTAL ELIGIBLE BUDGET’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 59.(b)

Project’s OCT contribution (co-financing rate)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table A.4 Project budget overview, cell ‘Total eligible to OCT’ x ‘Co-financing rate (%)’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package)

Project’s ERDF equivalent 1 to N (amount)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table A.4 Project budget overview, cell ‘Total eligible to ERDF equivalent 1’ to ‘Total eligible to ERDF equivalent 2’ x ‘TOTAL ELIGIBLE BUDGET’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package)

Project’s ERDF equivalent 1 to N (co-financing rate)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table A.4 Project budget overview, cell ‘Total eligible to ERDF equivalent 1’ to ‘Total eligible to ERDF equivalent 2’ x ‘Co-financing rate (%)’

Project’s source of ERDF equivalent per origin 1 to N (countries)

Description (useful links): Name of country of origin of the ERDF equivalent contribution, ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 31.

Project’s other funding (amount)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table A.4 Project budget overview, cell ‘Total other funding’ x ‘TOTAL ELIGIBLE BUDGET’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, fields 59.(a) and 60.

Programme output indicator (code)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table C.4 Project work plan, field ‘Output Nr.’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 49.

Programme output indicator (name)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table C.4 Project work plan, fiels ‘Programme output indicator’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 49.

Measurement unit per output indicator in English

Description (useful links): Automatically filled out by keep.eu based on the programme output indicator number and title. HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table C.4 Project work plan, field ‘Measurement unit’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 50.(a).

Output title in English

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table C.4 Project work plan, field ‘Output title’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package)

Delivered output indicator (delivered figure per output indicator)

Description (useful links): HIT Project progress report (Final version 1.2 – September 2022), table A.3 Overview of the outputs and results achievement, field Programme output indicators / Total so far (sum of values from previous and from this reporting period) (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Reporting Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 50.(c)

Programme result indicator (code)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table C.5 Project results, fields ‘Programme result indicator’ and ‘Result Nr.’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 52.

Programme result indicator (name)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table C.5 Project results, fields ‘Programme result indicator’ and ‘Result Nr.’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 52.

Measurement unit per result indicator in English

Description (useful links): Automatically filled out by keep.eu based on the programme result indicator number and title. HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table C.5 Project results, field ‘Measurement unit’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 54.

Delivered result indicator (delivered figure per result indicator)

Description (useful links): HIT Project progress report (Final version 1.2 – September 2022), table A.3 Overview of the outputs and results achievement, field Programme result indicators / Total so far (sum of values from previous and from this reporting period) (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Reporting Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 55.

Project’s contribution to wider strategies and policies

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table C.2.5 How does the project contribute to wider strategies and policies? (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package)

European Union MRSs to which the project contributes

Description (useful links): The possibilities are ‘EUSAIR’ (European Union Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region), EUSALP (European Union Strategy for the Alpine Region), ‘EUSBSR’ (European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region), ‘EUSDR’ (European Union Strategy for the Danube Region).

HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table C.2.5 (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package).

Project’s investment (infrastructure) number

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table C.4 Project work plan, area ‘Investment’ (‘Fields with questions about the investment’), field ‘Investment number’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package)

Project’s investment (infrastructure) name

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table C.4 Project work plan, area ‘Investment’ (‘Fields with questions about the investment’), field ‘Investment title’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package)

Project’s investment (infrastructure) cost (per number/title)

Description (useful links): HIT AF budget_Final.xlsx (Version: October 2021), table D.2 Project budget – overview per partner / per cost category, cell H64 (‘Total’ x ‘Infrastructure and works’) (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package)

Project deliverables

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table C.4 Project work plan, area ‘Activities’ (2nd table), field ‘Deliverable’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package)

Project’s website

Description (useful links): HIT Supplementary information section (Final version 1.0 – September 2021), table Project information, field Project website (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package)

Project’s linked project 1 to N

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table C.2.6, field ‘Project or initiative’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package)

Project’s call serial number

Description: Number of the call according to the programme’s internal numbering system. If no call (e.g., direct award) or no reference, field remains blank

Project’s relevant mentions and prizes

Description: List of all the mentions to the project and prizes awarded to the project

Project is Technical Assistance

Description (useful links): This field is set to ‘No’ by default. This means that every project that is featured in keep.eu is considered not Technical Assistance unless the programme submitting its data selects this field. For the concept of Technical Assistance, refer to Article 36 and following ones of the ‘CPR Regulation’

Project is Small Project

Description (useful links): This field is set to ‘No’ by default. This means that every project featured in keep.eu is considered as not a Small Project unless the programme submitting its data selects this field. For the concept of Small Project, refer to Article 25 of Regulation (EU) 2021/1059 of the Europen Parliament and the Council, of 24 June 2021

2021-2027 partner fields

Name of partner organisation in English OR in languages 1 to N

This is considered a critical field, albeit only one field in English or another language is mandatory (i.e. either one or the other needs to be included in every project featured in keep.eu, as a minimum) (project information can only be published in keep.eu if this field is filled out)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table B.1 Partner identity, fields Name of organisation in original language and Name of organisation in English (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII (‘Data to be recorded and stored electronically on each operation – point (e) of Article 72(1)’) of Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 of the Europen Parliament and the Council (‘CPR Regulation’), of 24 June 2021, field 1.

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Partner name

Contractor’s name

This is considered a critical field, albeit not mandatory because there may be no contractors (to be used in case of public procurement)

Description (useful links): ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 23.

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Contractor’s name

Contractor’s VAT registration or tax identification number

This is considered a critical field, albeit not mandatory because there may be no contractors (to be used in case of public procurement)

Description (useful links): ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 23.

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Contractor’s VAT registration or tax identification number

Sub-contractor’s name

This is considered a critical field, albeit not mandatory because there may be no contractors (to be used in case of public procurement)

Description (useful links): ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 24.

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Sub-contractor’s name

Sub-contractor’s VAT registration or tax identification number

This is considered a critical field, albeit not mandatory because there may be no contractors (to be used in case of public procurement)

Description (useful links): ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 24.

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Sub-contractor’s VAT registration or tax identification number

Town of partner (main address)

This is considered a critical field (project information can only be published in keep.eu if this field is filled out)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table B.1.2 Partner main address, field City (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 7.

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Town (main address)

Country of partner (main address)

This is considered a critical field (project information can only be published in keep.eu if this field is filled out)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table B.1.2 Partner main address, field Country (Nuts 0) (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field field 7.

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Country (main address)

Town of partner (department, if not main address)

This is considered a critical field, albeit not mandatory since partners taking part in a project from the main address need not fill out this field

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table B.1.2 Address of department / unit / division (if applicable), field City (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 7.

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Town (department)

Country of partner (department, if not main address)

This is considered a critical field, albeit not mandatory since partners taking part in a project from the main address need not fill out this field

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table B.1.2 Address of department / unit / division (if applicable), field Country (Nuts 0) (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 7.

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Country (department)

Partner type

This is considered a critical field (project information can only be published in keep.eu if this field is filled out)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table B.1.1 Partner identity, field ‘Partner role in the project’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package)

NOTE: Keep.eu admits values other than lead partner and project partner starting in 2021-2027, namely associated partner and assimilated partner.

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Partner type

PIC (Participant Identification Code)

This is considered a critical field, mandatory only in case the programme can send the partner’s PIC

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table B.1.1 Partner identity, field ‘Partner ID’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 1.

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: PIC (Participant Identification Code)

Partner’s ID if not PIC

This is considered a critical field, mandatory only in case the programme does not send the partner’s PIC, or the partner has no PIC

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table B.1.1 Partner identity, field ‘Partner ID’ (any unique identification of the beneficiary, such as a VAT number, registry number, etc.) (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 2.

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Partner’s ID if not PIC

Type of organisation

This is considered a critical field (project information can only be published in keep.eu if this field is filled out)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table B.1.3 Legal and financial information, field ‘Type of partner’, and Annex 1 (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package)

NOTE: The possible value scope is:
• Local public authority
• Regional public authority
• National public authority
• Sectoral agency
• Infrastructure and (public) service provider
• Interest groups including NGOs
• Higher education and research organisations
• Education/training centre and school
• Enterprise, except SME
• Business support organisation
• International organisation, EEIG
• Hospitals and medical centres
• Cross-border legal body
• Other

Name of field in programmes’ lists of operations: Type of organisation

Partner’s street (main address)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table B.1.2 Partner main address, field ‘Street’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 7.

Partner’s postal code (main address)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table B.1.2 Partner main address, field ‘Street’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 7.

Partner’s department

Description (useful links): Identification of the department responsible for the project, should it be singled out from the rest of the organisation. To fill out only in case fields ‘Town (department, if not main address)’ and ‘Country (department, if not main address)’ are filled out. ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 7.

Partner’s website

Description (useful links): The website of the partner. ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 7.

Partner’s legal status (public / private)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table B.1.3 Legal and financial information, field ‘Legal status’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 2.

Partner’s contact email 1 to n per project

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table B.1.5 Contact person, field ‘E-mail address’ and possibly table B.1.8 Associated organisation (OPTIONAL), field ‘E-mail address’ (to be hidden and give access to partner’s own area in keep.eu) (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 7.

Important note: Email addresses never feature in keep.eu. Interact never shows them or uses them other than to route the messages that registered users send to potential project partners by using the appropriate contact form in keep.eu.

Partner’s street (department, if not main address)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table B.1.2 Address of department / unit / division (if applicable), field ‘Street’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 7.

Partner’s postal code (department, if not main address)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table B.1.2 Address of department / unit / division (if applicable), field ‘Postal code’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package) AND ANNEX XVII of the ‘CPR Regulation’, field 7.

Partner’s programme co-financing (%)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table B.1.7 Partner budget, cell ‘Programme co-financing’ x ‘Co-financing rate’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package)

Partner’s programme co-financing (EUR)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table B.1.7 Partner budget, cell ‘Programme co-financing’ x ‘Amount’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package)

Partner contribution (EUR)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table B.1.7 Partner budget, cell ‘Partner contribution’ x ‘Amount’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package)

Partner total eligible budget / expenditure (total budget)

Description (useful links): HIT Application form (Final version 1.1 – November 2021), table B.1.7 Partner budget, cell ‘PARTNER TOTAL ELIGIBLE BUDGET’ x ‘Amount’ (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package)

GBER schemes / de minimis

Description (useful links): HIT Application form – State aid ‘plug-in’ (Final version 1.0 – September 2021), State aid section after section C.4., field ‘GBER schemes / de minimis’ (drop down list GBER article and scheme number, programme specific / de minimis – matched with the table E.1 co- financing partner budget – in AF part E) (link to download HIT 2021-2027 Selection Package)

Country code (main address)

Description: Automatically assigned by keep.eu based on the town and country of the partner

NUTS1 (or equivalent) (main address)

Description: Automatically assigned by keep.eu based on the town and country of the partner

NUTS2 (or equivalent) (main address)

Description: Automatically assigned by keep.eu based on the town and country of the partner

NUTS3 (or equivalent) (main address)

Description: Automatically assigned by keep.eu based on the town and country of the partner

Latitude & longitude (main address)

Description: Automatically assigned by keep.eu based on the town and country of the partner

Country code (department)

Description: Automatically assigned by keep.eu based on the town and country of the partner

NUTS1 (or equivalent) (department)

Description: Automatically assigned by keep.eu based on the town and country of the partner

NUTS2 (or equivalent) (department)

Description: Automatically assigned by keep.eu based on the town and country of the partner

NUTS3 (or equivalent) (department)

Description: Automatically assigned by keep.eu based on the town and country of the partner

Latitude & longitude (department)

Description: Automatically assigned by keep.eu based on the town and country of the partner

2021-2027 call fields

Project’s call serial number

Description: Number of the call according to the programme’s internal numbering system. If no call (e.g., direct award) or no reference, field remains blank

Call start date

Description: Date field, start of call for proposals

Call end date

Description: Date field, end of call for proposals

Budget of call

Description: Budget in EUR.

Additional fields to be filled up by partners as a means to improve their profiles in keep.eu

Interest in contacts from potential partners?

Describe experience in Interreg

Select experience in cooperation (programme)

Role in cooperation, per programme

Describe geographic areas of interest

Select programme types or programmes of interest

Describe interest in specific role (only lead partner, only project partner, or both)

Describe what kind of project partner your organization is looking for (experience in Interreg; expertise in cooperation)