Home / FAQ / Documents: What is a document for keep.eu, how can an exact document be found in keep.eu?

Documents: What is a document for keep.eu, how can an exact document be found in keep.eu?

The types of project documents that make up the full system of document classification (typology) of keep.eu, all 15 are shown as follows.

Besides information about the projects themselves, keep. eu also contains project documents, i.e., documents produced about projects, either by the partners working on these projects or by the programmes financing them.

The keep.eu team began document collection in 2018, and the first time a document search function came about in keep.eu was in 2020.

Project documents in keep.eu are collected after projects’ end. Interact collects these documents from the websites of the programmes financing the projects, or from the project websites themselves. Programmes can also send to keep.eu documents regarding their projects.

How to search for documents in keep.eu

Document search starts with project search. Because each document is listed under one or more projects, users can search project documents by filtering the projects according to their needs.

Additionally, documents are classified – and searchable – by language and by type.

Once all the filters are in place, users can click Search and switch to document view.

The number of listed languages increases with the diversity of document languages stored in the database.

What types of project output documents are there in keep.eu

The types of project documents that make up the full system of document classification (typology) of keep.eu are shown below:

  • Brochure / magazine
  • Flyer (document of one or two pages, more of a promotional than informative nature)
  • Media release / article (this category includes newsletters)
  • Report
  • Project’s final report
  • Study / survey
  • Presentation (this category includes academic posters, and reports in presentation formats)
  • Inventory
  • Database
  • Map
  • Catalogue
  • Video / film
  • Audio material / podcast
  • Website / webtool / webforum / cooperative platform

What is the process leading to project output documents being featured in keep.eu

Following are the steps leading to the selection, collection, classification and publication of project documents in keep.eu:

  1. The process starts with an email from the keep.eu team in Interact to each programme featured in keep.eu announcing that Interact will start collecting data from the projects financed by said programme.
  2. In quite a few cases, the contacted programmes actively help the keep.eu team by announcing the publication of new documents by their project teams or by telling us how to more easily retrieve the documents.
  3. The keep.eu teams collects documents per programme, in rounds. Once the projects from all the programmes have been covered, a new round starts. Collection of documents is made, as much as possible, only six months after each project ended.

Important notes regarding the selection of documents for collection and publication in keep.eu:

  • The keep.eu team only collects documents from project websites mentioned either in keep.eu or in the respective programme website (the keep.eu team does not look for project websites in order to collect output documents). Similarly, the keep.eu team only collects publicly accessible documents (i.e., those that do not require any credentials to access or to open).
  • Output documents excluded from the collection: Leaflets containing the same information as in keep.eu’s project data, posters, plans, agendas, invitations, announcements, emails, project-management documents (including videos on methodology and similar), links to social media, documents published page by page (each of which is a file), documents from entities other than the projects in hand (e.g. documents that served as inspiration or starting points to the project on hand). The exception is project final reports (in the administrative sense), which began being collected in 2022, or if there is only a draft or latest version of a relevant output document (not “final”).
  • Video collection: Only videos on Youtube or Vimeo are embedded in keep.eu. Neither video nor audio files are to be collected.
  • Same document in different language editions: in these cases, if we’re dealing with a project from a transnational (VB) programme, only the English version is collected (if not in English, then in French or German).
  • Same documents in different formats: Whenever there are documents in both PDF and eBook formats, only PDF documents are collected.

How to guarantee a coherent treatment of tens of thousands of documents

The keep.eu team consulted with several stakeholders before starting document collection. This was, as far as we know, a pioneering process.

The whole team involved in document collection, processing, and uploading has an active voice in defining the basic guidelines of this process.

How representative are the documents in keep.eu versus all the documents produced by the projects?

To see how representative the set of documents featured in keep.eu is versus all the documents produced by the projects, please visit the Representativeness area of this website.

How to collect project documents in keep.eu?

Project documents can be searched in keep.eu in the Projects and documents area of the website. Users can use all the filters that they use to cluster projects also for documents. For a list of the project documents that correspond to the search results on hand, they can click the top button ‘Switch to document view’ and export the list to Excel. This export will contain all the details of each document, including the link to their location in keep.eu.