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Data on programmes. What is featured in keep.eu?

Keep.eu featured a very minimum set of programme data for the periods up to 2013 (besides their project and partners, there is information on the countries that they covered). This changed in 2014-2020, with the introduction of new fields that provide context for the intervention logic that shaped the regulatory context of projects in this programming period, and also in 2021-2027. Another novelty introduced with the 2014-2020 period was the precise information of the areas covered by all Interreg programmes down to NUTS3 areas or equivalent (and, in some cases, even down to municipality).

The below list of programme fields in keep.eu covers all of these periods and is divided according to the four main programme information tables: Upcoming or current calls for projects; Fundamental information; Objectives, priorities and indicators; and Information on programmes’ project and partner data in keep.eu. This data can be accessed in the Programme area of keep.eu.

Information on calls for projects (2021-2027)

  • Call start date (name of field in the database: open_call_start_date)
  • Call end date (open_call_end_date)
  • Name of call(s)
  • Link to call (open_call_link)
  • Geographic scope of call
  • Specific objectives of call
  • Eligible type of organisation

Fundamental information (2014-2020, 2021-2027)

  • Programme (all periods) (Id and title)
  • Period (all periods) (period)
  • Type of programme (this field is exclusive for keep.eu’s back-office and for keep.eu’s API, it is not visible on the keep.eu website) (type)
  • Projects in keep.eu / partners on map (all periods)
  • Programme’s character code identifier (CCI) (2021-2027) (CCI)
  • Website (2014-2020, 2021-2027) (website)
  • Programme’s webpage at the European Commission (2014-2020) (website_ec)
  • Total budget excluding technical assistance (2014-2020) (total_budget)
  • Total Budget Including technical assistance (2021-2027) (total_budget_includingTA)
  • EU funding excluding technical assistance (2014-2020) (eu_funding)
  • EU funding Including technical assistance (2021-2027) (eu_funding_includingTA)
  • Funding instrument(s) (2014-2020) (co_financing_sources)
  • Link to programme’s document pages (2021-2027) (cooperation_programme)
  • List of covered countries (2000-2006, 2007-2013)
  • Eligible geographical area (2014-2020, 2021-2027) (countries) (eligible_geographical_area \ nuts_id; eligible_geographical_area \ name; eligible_geographical_area \ name_en) and Eligible geographical area (2014-2020, 2021-2027) (regions) (eligible_geographical_area \ regions \ nuts_id; eligible_geographical_area \ regions \ name)

Objectives, priorities and indicators (2014-2020)

  • Specific objectives (Interreg-IPA CBC) (specific_objectives \ content)
  • Thematic objectives (ENI CBC) (thematic_objectives_eni \ objective)
  • Thematic priorities (Interreg-IPA CBC) (specific_objectives \ thematic_priority)
  • Thematic objectives (Interreg) (specific_objectives \ thematic_objective)
  • Investment priorities (Interreg) (specific_objectives \ investment_priority)
  • Programme priorities (ENI CBC) (thematic_objectives_eni \ programme_priorities)
  • Strategic objectives (ENI CBC) (thematic_objectives_eni \ strategic_objectives)
  • Result indicators (Interreg and Interreg-IPA CBC) (specific_objectives \ result_indicators \ content)
  • Measurement units of result indicators (Interreg and Interreg-IPA CBC) (specific_objectives \ result_indicators \ measurement_unit)
  • Output Indicators (Interreg and Interreg-IPA CBC) (specific_objectives \ output_indicators \ content)
  • Measurement units of output indicators (Interreg and Interreg-IPA CBC) (specific_objectives \ output_indicators \ measurement_unit)
  • Result indicators (ENI CBC) (thematic_objectives_eni \ result_indicators \ content)
  • Measurement units of result indicators (ENI CBC) (thematic_objectives_eni \ result_indicators \ measurement_unit)
  • Output Indicators (ENI CBC) (thematic_objectives_eni \ output_indicators \ content)
  • Measurement units of output indicators (ENI CBC) (thematic_objectives_eni \ output_indicators \ measurement_unit)
  • Common output indicators (Interreg and Interreg-IPA CBC) (specific_objectives \ common_output_indicators \ content)
  • Measurement units of common output indicators (Interreg and Interreg-IPA CBC) (specific_objectives \ common_output_indicators \ measurement_unit)
  • Common output indicators (ENI CBC) (thematic_objectives_eni \ common output_indicators \ content)
  • Measurement units of common output indicators (ENI CBC) (thematic_objectives_eni \ common output_indicators \ measurement_unit)

Objectives, priorities and indicators (2021-2027)

  • Specific objective in priority (this field is exclusive for keep.eu’s back-office and for keep.eu’s API, it is not visible on the keep.eu website) (specific_objective_in_priority \ priority_specific_objects)
  • Priorities (specific_objective_in_priority \ priority \ content)
  • Specific Objectives (specific_objective_in_priority \ priority \ specific_objective)
  • Types of Intervention (specific_objective_in_priority \ intervention_type)
  • Policy objectives (Interreg Specific Objectives) (specific_objective_in_priority \ priority \ policy_objective)
  • Funds per priority and specific objective (specific_objective_in_priority \ priority \ fund and specific_objective_in_priority \ priority \ secondary_fund)
  • Common output indicators (common_output_indicator_20212027 \ content)
  • Measurement units of common output indicators (common_output_indicator_20212027 \ measurement_unit)
  • Actual figures of common output indicators (2029) reached (upcoming)
  • Common result indicators (common_result_indicator_20212027 \ content)
  • Measurement units of common result indicators (common_result_indicator_20212027 \ measurement_unit)
  • Baselines of common result indicators (upcoming)
  • Actual figures of common result indicators (2029) reached (upcoming)
  • Output indicators (programme_output_indicator_20212027 \ content)
  • Measurement units of output indicators (programme_output_indicator_20212027 \ measurement_unit)
  • Actual figures of output indicators (2029) reached (upcoming)
  • Result indicators (programme_result_indicator_20212027 \ content)
  • Measurement units of result indicators (programme_result_indicator_20212027 \ measurement_unit)
  • Baselines of result indicators (upcoming)
  • Actual figures of result indicators (2029) reached (upcoming)

Information on programmes’ project and partner data in keep.eu (all periods)

  • No. of projects in keep.eu / Total no. of projects (% of projects in keep.eu) (projects_in_keep; total_no_of_projects)
  • No. of project partnerships in keep.eu / Total no. of project partnerships (% of project partnerships in keep.eu) (partnerships_in_keep; total_no_of_partnerships)
  • Last month that data in keep.eu was retrieved from the Programme’s website or received from the Programme (data_received_date)
  • Foreseen date of new project-partner-call data importing (ongoing programming period only) (date_of_data_import)
  • Fields missing in data supplied by this programme
  • Language of the data in keep.eu (languages_of_the_data)
  • Notes on the data (data_notes)
  • Source of data (data_source)