Home / FAQ / Text search in Projects and documents. What fields does it include? (FAQ)

Text search in Projects and documents. What fields does it include?

The text search on the Projects and documents page applies to the following fields:

  • Project name
  • Project acronym
  • Description
  • Expected results
  • Achievements
  • Expected outputs
  • Delivered outputs
  • Partner name
  • Partner name (English)

Check the definitions of each of those fields.

Keep.eu users may limit the fields where keep.eu is to look for the phrase that they entered in the text bar. They can either choose, from the mentioned fields, in which fields they want keep.eu to look for it, or they can choose only to look for fields written in specific languages. Or both.

Limitations of language criteria

In the cases of fields with only a few words, it is extremely difficult for the software to distinguish languages, and is therefore prone to error. For example, if a project is named keep.eu, what is the language of this name? Please use language selection only as a means to find the projects that you need. These filters do not make way for any extrapolation on the use of languages in the database.