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Text search in Projects and documents. What is it? How does it work?

Keep.eu users looking for projects and/or documents can use free text in their searches. All they need to do is enter a phrase in the text bar that keep.eu is to look for in its database.

When looking for a phrase in the free text bar, keep.eu will perform an exact-match search. This means that it will search the database for the exact words, in their exact order. However, users can opt for two different approaches:

  • They can use the boolean operator AND, in this way: One AND Two. Keep.eu will look in the database for the fields which records contain both One and Two, regardless of their order and their position in any sentence.
  • They can use the boolean operator OR, in this way: One OR Two. In this case, keep.eu will search the database for fields that contain either the word One or the word Two. It will retrieve all the fields with one of these words or with both.

Users should prefer phrases or complex words over simple words in their text searches. This because keep.eu will look for the sequence of letters indicated by the users, even if they are inside other words. For example, if users enter the word sea they will for sure retrieve all projects or documents in the database containing the word sea, but also those containing words search and research.