2014 - 2020 INTERREG V-A Germany / Brandenburg - Poland

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Fundamental information

Programme website

Projects in keep.eu / partners on map

EU funding (sum of EU funding of projects in keep.eu)

Excluding technical assistance

EUR 94 143 425.00 (90 695 815.25)

Total budget

Excluding technical assistance

EUR 110 756 972.00

Funding instrument(s)


Eligible geographical area

Open map
  • DE Germany / Deutschland (Cottbus, Kreisfreie Stadt, Frankfurt (Oder), Kreisfreie Stadt, Märkisch-Oderland, Oder-Spree, Spree-Neiße)
  • PL Poland / Polska (Gorzowski, Zielonogórski)

Objectives, priorities and indicators

Specific objective : Expansion joint educational and training opportunities for lifelong learning

Thematic objective and investment priority

  • (10) investing in education, training and vocational training for skills and lifelong learning by developing education and training infrastructure
    • (10 ETC) ETC specific, for cross-border cooperation: investing in education, training and vocational training for skills and lifelong learning by developing and implementing joint education, vocational training and training schemes

Result indicator (measurement unit)

  • Participants of the German-Polish education opportunities (Persons / year)

Common output indicator (measurement unit)

  • CO1: Capacity of supported childcare or education infrastructure (Persons)
  • CO2: Number of participants in joint education and training schemes to support youth employment, educational opportunities and higher and vocational education across borders (Persons)
Specific objective : Improving cross-border eco-friendly mobility

Thematic objective and investment priority

  • (07) promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures by:
    • (07c) developing and improving environmentally-friendly (including low-noise) and low-carbon transport systems, including inland waterways and maritime transport, ports, multimodal links and airport infrastructure, in order to promote sustainable regional and local mobility

Result indicator (measurement unit)

  • Travelers in cross-border public transport (Passengers / day)

Output indicator (measurement unit)

  • O1: Number of public transport services with passengers benefit for the cross-border traffic (Quantity)
Specific objective : Improving road infrastructure in order to increase the cross-border accessibility

Thematic objective and investment priority

  • (07) promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures by:
    • (07b) enhancing regional mobility by connecting secondary and tertiary nodes to TEN-T infrastructure, including multimodal nodes

Result indicator (measurement unit)

  • Surface of the conveyor area, which is reachable within 30 minutes by car border crossing points (%)

Common output indicator (measurement unit)

  • CO1: Total length of reconstructed or upgraded roads (Km)
Specific objective : Increase the perceptibility of cross-border joint natural and cultural heritage

Thematic objective and investment priority

  • (06) preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency by:
    • (06c) Conserving, protecting, promoting and developing natural and cultural heritage

Result indicator (measurement unit)

  • Visitor numbers in the eligible area (people)

Output indicator (measurement unit)

  • O1: Supported devices (Quantity)
  • O2: Total length of new or redeveloped tourist routes, including signage (km)

Common output indicator (measurement unit)

  • CO1: Increase in expected number of visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attractions (Visits/year)
Specific objective : Joint stabilization and improvement of natural resources

Thematic objective and investment priority

  • (06) preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency by:
    • (06d) Protecting and restoring biodiversity and soil and promoting ecosystem services, including through Natura 2000, and green infrastructure

Result indicator (measurement unit)

  • Proportion of protected areas in the total area of eligible area (%)

Common output indicator (measurement unit)

  • CO1: Surface area of habitats supported in order to attain a better conservation status (Hectares)
Specific objective : Strengthening cross-border co-operation between institutions and citizens in all aspects of public life

Thematic objective and investment priority

  • (11) enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration through actions to strengthen the institutional capacity and the efficiency of public administrations and public services related to the implementation of the ERDF, and in support of actions under the ESF to strengthen the institutional capacity and the efficiency of public administration.
    • (11 ETC) ETC specific, for cross-border cooperation: enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration by promoting legal and administrative cooperation and cooperation between citizens and institutions

Result indicator (measurement unit)

  • Sentiment index of the dedicated to the German-Polish cross-border cooperation institutions (Scale from 1 (min.) to 6 (max.)) (N/A)

Output indicator (measurement unit)

  • O1: Participants in the head projects (Male / Female) (people)
  • O2: Cooperating institutions / organizations (headless) (Quantity)

Information on this programme's project and partner data in keep.eu

Latest month of project-partner-call data publication


Language of the data in keep.eu

No. of projects in keep.eu / Total no. of projects (% of projects in keep.eu)

72 / 72 (100%)

No. of project partners in keep.eu / Total no. of project partners (% of project partners in keep.eu)

72 / 210 (34.29%)

Notes on the data

Data was retrieved by Interact from the programme´s website on the 2019-09-26, 2020-05-05, 2020-11-06 and 2022-03-15. Specific objectives were derived from Intervention category. Regarding partners only data of main partners is available. Achievements were retrieved by Interact from the Programme website ( http://interregva-bb-pl.eu/), or a website directly linked from it, on 2021-11-29, 2023-01-18 and 2024 03 11. Fields project name and achievements (from 65 projects) translated from German into English using the European Commission's eTranslation machine translation service.

The projects which fields do not include an eTranslation English text are the ones with the following acronyms: Der UNESCO Global Geopark Muskauer Faltenbogen - eine Chance für die Entwicklung der Region / Światowy Geopark UNESCO Łuk Mużakowa szansą na rozwój region, DIALOG, Grenzenloses Bauen / Budujemy bez granic, Grenzübergreifende medizinische Versorgung / Transgraniczna opieka medyczna, Grenzüberschreitende Akademie der Bildung für Gesundheitsprävention und Rehabilitation / Transgraniczna Akademia Edukacji Prewencji Zdrowotnej i Rehabilitacji, Język sąsiada w Dwumieście / Nachbarsprache in der Doppelstadt, "Modellhafte Unterstützung von Menschen mit Behinderungen und Senioren / Modelowe wsparcie osόb niepełnosprawnych i seniorόw, Netzwerk der Zusammenarbeit der NGO im deutsch-polnischen Grenzraum für Klimaschutz / Sieć współpracy NGO pogranicza polsko-niemieckiego na rzecz ochrony klimatu", Netzwerk der Zusammenarbeit der NGO im deutsch-polnischen Grenzraum für Klimaschutz / Sieć współpracy NGO pogranicza polsko-niemieckiego na rzecz ochrony klimatu, ODRA VELO – ODER VELO, SmartRiver, Touristische Inwertsetzung der Geschichte des Johanniterordens im polnisch-deutschen Grenzraum / Turystyczna waloryzacja historii Zakonu Joannitów na polsko-niemieckim pograniczu, Umbau und Erweiter. des Woldenberg Museums zur Entwicklu der grenzüberschr. Tourismuskooper / Przebud i rozbud. Muzeum Woldenberczyków na rzecz rozwoju transgr. współpr. Turyst and Zwei Rathäuser - eine Eurostadt. II Etappe / Dwa ratusze - jedno Euromiasto. II etap.