2014 - 2020 INTERREG V-A Sweden - Denmark - Norway (Öresund - Kattegat - Skagerrak)

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EU funding (sum of EU funding of projects in keep.eu)

Excluding technical assistance

EUR 127 546 965.00 (135 087 659.00)

Total budget

Excluding technical assistance

EUR 255 093 931.00

Funding instrument(s)


Eligible geographical area

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Objectives, priorities and indicators

Specific objective : Improve the accessibility to and through the ÖKS (Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak) area

Thematic objective and investment priority

  • (07) promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures by:
    • (07a) supporting a multimodal Single European Transport Area by investing in the TEN-T

Result indicator (measurement unit)

  • Rail transport time between TEN-T nodes in relation to road transport (Travel time by train in relation to the travel time by car in percentage)

Output indicator (measurement unit)

  • O1:Partnerships, networks, agreements, plans, strategies (Number (partnerships, networks, agreements, plans, strategies)) (N/A)
Specific objective : Increase the applied research and innovation oriented activity in the ÖKS (Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak) area

Thematic objective and investment priority

  • (01) strengthening research, technological development and innovation by:
    • (01b) promoting business investment in R&I, developing links and synergies between enterprises, research and development centres and the higher education sector, in particular promoting investment in product and service development, technology transfer, social innovation, eco-innovation, public service applications, demand stimulation, networking, clusters and open innovation through smart specialisation, and supporting technological and applied research, pilot lines, early product validation actions, advanced manufacturing capabilities and first production, in particular in key enabling technologies and diffusion of general purpose technologies

Result indicator (measurement unit)

  • Percentage of R&D expenditure in % of the regional GDP (%)

Output indicator (measurement unit)

  • O1: Number of organizations involved in cross border innovation oriented activities (Number of organisations)

Common output indicator (measurement unit)

  • CO1: Number of enterprises supported to introduce new to the market products (Enterprises)
  • CO2: Number of enterprises supported to introduce new to the firm products (Enterprises)
  • CO3: Number of enterprises receiving support (Enterprises)
  • CO4: Number of enterprises participating in cross-border, transnational or interregional research projects (Enterprises)
Specific objective : Increase the environmentally friendly transport in selected corridors, including the core TEN-T network as well as around urban areas

Thematic objective and investment priority

  • (07) promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures by:
    • (07c) developing and improving environmentally-friendly (including low-noise) and low-carbon transport systems, including inland waterways and maritime transport, ports, multimodal links and airport infrastructure, in order to promote sustainable regional and local mobility

Result indicator (measurement unit)

  • The transport sector's energy consumption in relation to GDP (Tonnes (tonnes oil equivalent) per million of regional GDP) (N/A)

Output indicator (measurement unit)

  • O1:Partnerships, networks, agreements, plans, strategies (Number (partnerships, networks, agreements, plans, strategies)) (N/A)
Specific objective : Increase the number of cross border commuters

Thematic objective and investment priority

  • (08) promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility by:
    • (08 ETC) ETC specific, for cross-border cooperation: promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility by integrating cross-border labour markets, including cross-border mobility, joint local employment initiatives, information and advisory services and joint training

Result indicator (measurement unit)

  • Number cross border commuters in the ÖKS (Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak) area (Number of people)

Output indicator (measurement unit)

  • O1: Number of partnerships, plans and networks (Number)

Common output indicator (measurement unit)

  • CO1: Number of participants in cross-border mobility initiatives (Persons)
Specific objective : Increase the number of researchers active cross border/ internationally, cooperating with the industry and working in ÖKS (Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak) areas of strength

Thematic objective and investment priority

  • (01) strengthening research, technological development and innovation by:
    • (01a) enhancing research and innovation (R&I) infrastructure and capacities to develop R&I excellence, and promoting centres of competence, in particular those of European interest

Result indicator (measurement unit)

  • Researchers in R&D (Number of people)

Common output indicator (measurement unit)

  • CO1: Number of research institutions participating in cross-border, transnational or interregional research projects (Organisations)
  • CO2: Number of new researchers in supported entities (Full time equivalent)
Specific objective : Increase the share of renewable energy use (in relation to total energy consumption)

Thematic objective and investment priority

  • (04) supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors by:
    • (04a) promoting the production and distribution of energy derived from renewable sources

Result indicator (measurement unit)

  • Share of renewable energy in relation to total energy consumption (%)

Output indicator (measurement unit)

  • O1: Number of partnerships, tools, pilots and tests (Number)

Common output indicator (measurement unit)

  • CO1: Number of research institutions participating in cross-border, transnational or interregional research projects (Organisations)
Specific objective : Increased number of cooperations for the development of new technologies, new control instruments and methods to promote an increased production of renewable energy

Thematic objective and investment priority

  • (04) supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors by:
    • (04a) promoting the production and distribution of energy derived from renewable sources

Result indicator (measurement unit)

  • Production of renewable energy (Tonnes (tonnes oil equivalent)) (N/A)

Output indicator (measurement unit)

  • O1: Number of partnerships, tools, pilots and tests (Number)

Common output indicator (measurement unit)

  • CO1: Number of research institutions participating in cross-border, transnational or interregional research projects (Organisations)
Specific objective : Promoting an increased employment in self-employed businesses, micro enterprises and start-ups

Thematic objective and investment priority

  • (08) promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility by:
    • (08a) supporting the development of business incubators and investment support for self-employment, micro- enterprises and business creation

Result indicator (measurement unit)

  • Number of employees in enterprises with 1-9 employees (Number of employees)

Output indicator (measurement unit)

  • O1: Number of partnerships, plans and networks (Number)
  • O2: Number of participating enterprises (Number)

Common output indicator (measurement unit)

  • CO1: Number of new enterprises supported (Enterprises)
  • CO2: Number of enterprises receiving support (Enterprises)
  • CO3: Employment increase in supported enterprises (Full time equivalent)
Specific objective : Reduce the transport time with environmentally friendly forms of transport for people and goods to the nearest TEN-T node

Thematic objective and investment priority

  • (07) promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures by:
    • (07b) enhancing regional mobility by connecting secondary and tertiary nodes to TEN-T infrastructure, including multimodal nodes

Result indicator (measurement unit)

  • Rail transport time between TEN-T nodes in relation to road transport (Travel time by train in relation to the travel time by car in percentage)
Specific objective : Reduce the transport time with environmentally friendly forms of transport for people and goods to the nearest TEN-T node

Thematic objective and investment priority

  • (07) promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures by:
    • (07b) enhancing regional mobility by connecting secondary and tertiary nodes to TEN-T infrastructure, including multimodal nodes

Output indicator (measurement unit)

  • O1:Partnerships, networks, agreements, plans, strategies (Number (partnerships, networks, agreements, plans, strategies)) (N/A)
Specific objective : Reduced energy consumption in the public sector

Thematic objective and investment priority

  • (04) supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors by:
    • (04c) supporting energy efficiency, smart energy management and renewable energy use in public infrastructure, including in public buildings, and in the housing sector

Result indicator (measurement unit)

  • Energy consumption in public buildings (kWh/ m²)

Output indicator (measurement unit)

  • O1: Energy consumption in the public sector (% reduction in kWh / year)
  • O2: Number of capacity building measures for reducing the energy consumption in public infrastructures (measures)
  • O3: Number of participating organizations for the buildig of skills (Organisations)

Information on this programme's project and partner data in keep.eu

Latest month of project-partner-call data publication


Language of the data in keep.eu

Danish, English, Norwegian, Swedish

(see challenge of language detection)

No. of projects in keep.eu / Total no. of projects (% of projects in keep.eu)

88 / 88 (100%)

No. of project partners in keep.eu / Total no. of project partners (% of project partners in keep.eu)

88 / 325 (27.08%)

Notes on the data

Part of the data was provided by the programme in 2017-02-14, part of the data was retrieved by Interact from the programme´s website on the 2019-09-26, 2020-04-18, 2020-11-09, 2021-03-08 and 2021-11-11. With regard to the collected data from the programme´s website the Specific objectives were derived from Thematic objectives. Regarding partners only data only main partners is available. Achievements were retrieved by Interact from the Programme website (http://www.interreg-oks.eu/), or a website directly linked from it, on 2021-11-30. Fields project name and description (from 88 projects) translated from Danish, Swedishand Norwegian into English using the European Commission's eTranslation machine translation service.

The financial data featured in keep.eu for this programme, it's projects and its partners is not exact and should be taken as a reference only.