Fundamental information

Programme website

Projects in / partners on map

EU funding (sum of EU funding of projects in

Excluding technical assistance

EUR 69 843 795.00 (44 105 096.62)

Total budget

Excluding technical assistance

EUR 88 218 883.00

Funding instrument(s)


Eligible geographical area

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Objectives, priorities and indicators

Specific objective : To ensure that practitioners and decision-makers at all levels (EU, national, regional and local) have increased access to URBACT thematic knowledge and share know-how on all aspects of sustainable urban development in order to improve urban policies

Thematic objective and investment priority

  • (11) enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration through actions to strengthen the institutional capacity and the efficiency of public administrations and public services related to the implementation of the ERDF, and in support of actions under the ESF to strengthen the institutional capacity and the efficiency of public administration.
    • (11 ETC) ETC specific for interregional cooperation: enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration by enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration by disseminating good practices and expertise and capitalising on the results of the exchange of experience in relation to sustainable urban development, including urban-rural linkages pursuant to point (3)(b) of Article 2 (exchange of experience concerning the identification, transfer and dissemination of good practices in relation to sustainable urban development, including urban-rural linkages)

Result indicator (measurement unit)

  • Number of decision-makers and practitioners at all levels (EU, national, regional and local) who have used URBACT thematic knowledge about sustainable urban development in their work (Number of decisionmakers and practitioners)

Output indicator (measurement unit)

  • O1: Total number of networks completed (Number)
  • O2: Number of integrated action plans developed (Number)
  • O3: Number of cities receiving funding under ERDF Article 7 or Article 8 involved in networks (Number)
  • O4: Number of Cities having reused a good practice (Number)
  • O5: Number of local stakeholders involved in URBACT network activities at local level (URBACT Local Support Groups members) (Number)
  • O6: Number of stakeholders participating in capacity building activities (Number)
  • O7: Number of programme level and thematic events organised (Number)
  • O8: Number of National Points created (Number)
Specific objective : To improve the capacity of cities to manage sustainable urban policies and practices in an integrated and participative way

Thematic objective and investment priority

  • (11) enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration through actions to strengthen the institutional capacity and the efficiency of public administrations and public services related to the implementation of the ERDF, and in support of actions under the ESF to strengthen the institutional capacity and the efficiency of public administration.
    • (11 ETC) ETC specific for interregional cooperation: enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration by enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration by disseminating good practices and expertise and capitalising on the results of the exchange of experience in relation to sustainable urban development, including urban-rural linkages pursuant to point (3)(b) of Article 2 (exchange of experience concerning the identification, transfer and dissemination of good practices in relation to sustainable urban development, including urban-rural linkages)

Result indicator (measurement unit)

  • Participants in URBACT capacitybuilding activities with knowledge and capacity in the field of sustainable urban development, in relation to: - integrated approach, -participatory actionplanning, -working across departments and with relevant stakeholders, -project management (Percentage of participants in URBACT capacitybuilding activities with knowledge and capacityin the field of sustainable urban development)) (N/A)

Output indicator (measurement unit)

  • O1: Total number of networks completed (Number)
  • O2: Number of integrated action plans developed (Number)
  • O3: Number of cities receiving funding under ERDF Article 7 or Article 8 involved in networks (Number)
  • O4: Number of Cities having reused a good practice (Number)
  • O5: Number of local stakeholders involved in URBACT network activities at local level (URBACT Local Support Groups members) (Number)
  • O6: Number of stakeholders participating in capacity building activities (Number)
  • O7: Number of programme level and thematic events organised (Number)
  • O8: Number of National Points created (Number)
Specific objective : To improve the design of sustainable urban strategies and action plans in cities

Thematic objective and investment priority

  • (11) enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration through actions to strengthen the institutional capacity and the efficiency of public administrations and public services related to the implementation of the ERDF, and in support of actions under the ESF to strengthen the institutional capacity and the efficiency of public administration.
    • (11 ETC) ETC specific for interregional cooperation: enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration by enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration by disseminating good practices and expertise and capitalising on the results of the exchange of experience in relation to sustainable urban development, including urban-rural linkages pursuant to point (3)(b) of Article 2 (exchange of experience concerning the identification, transfer and dissemination of good practices in relation to sustainable urban development, including urban-rural linkages)

Result indicator (measurement unit)

  • Percentage of cities within URBACT Action Planning Networks having produced integrated strategies and action plans with the URBACT method26. (Percentage of cities within URBACT Action Planning Networks having produced integrated strategies and action plans with the URBACT method)

Output indicator (measurement unit)

  • O1: Total number of networks completed (Number)
  • O2: Number of integrated action plans developed (Number)
  • O3: Number of cities receiving funding under ERDF Article 7 or Article 8 involved in networks (Number)
  • O4: Number of Cities having reused a good practice (Number)
  • O5: Number of local stakeholders involved in URBACT network activities at local level (URBACT Local Support Groups members) (Number)
  • O6: Number of stakeholders participating in capacity building activities (Number)
  • O7: Number of programme level and thematic events organised (Number)
  • O8: Number of National Points created (Number)
Specific objective : To improve the implementation of integrated plans for sustainable urban development

Thematic objective and investment priority

  • (11) enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration through actions to strengthen the institutional capacity and the efficiency of public administrations and public services related to the implementation of the ERDF, and in support of actions under the ESF to strengthen the institutional capacity and the efficiency of public administration.
    • (11 ETC) ETC specific for interregional cooperation: enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration by enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration by disseminating good practices and expertise and capitalising on the results of the exchange of experience in relation to sustainable urban development, including urban-rural linkages pursuant to point (3)(b) of Article 2 (exchange of experience concerning the identification, transfer and dissemination of good practices in relation to sustainable urban development, including urban-rural linkages)

Result indicator (measurement unit)

  • Percentage of cities within URBACT Implementation Networks having demonstrated high performance in regard to implementation of integrated strategies/ action plans for urban development, along 3 key dimensions: -Integration, -Participation, -Project management(timeliness, etc.) (Percentage of cities within URBACT Implementation Networks having demonstrated high performance in regard to implementation of integrated strategies/ action plans)

Output indicator (measurement unit)

  • O1: Total number of networks completed (Number)
  • O2: Number of integrated action plans developed (Number)
  • O3: Number of cities receiving funding under ERDF Article 7 or Article 8 involved in networks (Number)
  • O4: Number of Cities having reused a good practice (Number)
  • O5: Number of local stakeholders involved in URBACT network activities at local level (URBACT Local Support Groups members) (Number)
  • O6: Number of stakeholders participating in capacity building activities (Number)
  • O7: Number of programme level and thematic events organised (Number)
  • O8: Number of National Points created (Number)

Information on this programme's project and partner data in

Latest month of project-partner-call data publication


Language of the data in

No. of projects in / Total no. of projects (% of projects in

88 / 88 (100%)

No. of project partners in / Total no. of project partners (% of project partners in

716 / 716 (100%)

Notes on the data

Information provided by the Programme. Achievements were retrieved by Interact from the Programme website (, or a website directly linked from it, on 2021-12-13, 2023-01-03 and 2024-02-01.