2014 - 2020 INTERREG V-A Greece - Bulgaria
Fundamental information
Programme website
Programme's page at the European Commission
Projects in keep.eu / partners on map
EU funding (sum of EU funding of projects in keep.eu)
Excluding technical assistanceEUR 104 973 408.00 (127 555 634.31)
Total budget
Excluding technical assistanceEUR 123 498 129.00
Funding instrument(s)
Eligible geographical area
Open map- EL Greece / Ελλάδα (Έβρος, Δράμα, Θάσος, Καβάλα, Θεσσαλονίκη, Ξάνθη, Ροδόπη, Σέρρες)
- BG Bulgaria / България (Благоевград, Кърджали, Смолян, Хасково)
Objectives, priorities and indicators
- Specific objective : Improve cross-border accessibility
Thematic objective and investment priority
- (07) promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures by:
- (07b) enhancing regional mobility by connecting secondary and tertiary nodes to TEN-T infrastructure, including multimodal nodes
Result indicator (measurement unit)
- Number of operating border crossings (number)
Common output indicator (measurement unit)
- CO1: Total length of newly built roads (Km)
- Specific objective : To Improve entrepreneurship SME support systems
Thematic objective and investment priority
- (03) enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs by:
- (03a) promoting entrepreneurship, in particular by facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas and fostering the creation of new firms, including through business incubators
Result indicator (measurement unit)
- Entrepreneurial business support environment (entrepreneurship barometer –composite index in 1-10 scale)
Common output indicator (measurement unit)
- CO1: Number of enterprises receiving support (Enterprises)
- CO5: Number of new enterprises supported (Enterprises)
- Specific objective : To enhance the effectiveness of biodiversity protection activities
Thematic objective and investment priority
- (06) preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency by:
- (06d) Protecting and restoring biodiversity and soil and promoting ecosystem services, including through Natura 2000, and green infrastructure
Result indicator (measurement unit)
- % of Natura areas reporting excellent or good degree of conservation (%)
Common output indicator (measurement unit)
- CO23: Surface area of habitats supported in order to attain a better conservation status (Hectares)
- Specific objective : To enhance water management
Thematic objective and investment priority
- (06) preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency by:
- (06f) promoting innovative technologies to improve environmental protection and resource efficiency in the waste sector, water sector and with regard to soil, or to reduce air pollution
Result indicator (measurement unit)
- % of characterized surface water bodies in GES (%)
Output indicator (measurement unit)
- O0203: Surface water resources under joint monitoring (hm3)
- Specific objective : To expand social entrepreneurship in the CB area
Thematic objective and investment priority
- (09) promoting social inclusion, combating poverty and any discrimination, by:
- (09c) providing support for social enterprises
Result indicator (measurement unit)
- Social enterprise employees in the CB area (employees)
Output indicator (measurement unit)
- O0206: Number of participants in social entrepreneurship projects promoting gender equality, equal opportunities and social inclusion across borders (number)
- Specific objective : To improve CB cooperation on flood risk management plans at river basin level
Thematic objective and investment priority
- (05) promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management by:
- (05b) promoting investment to address specific risks, ensuring disaster resilience and developing disaster management systems
Result indicator (measurement unit)
- Number of international river basin districts with jointly coordinated flood risks management plans in compliance with Directive 2007/60/EC (number)
Common output indicator (measurement unit)
- CO20: Population benefiting from flood protection measures (Persons)
- Specific objective : To improve SME capacity to expand beyond local markets
Thematic objective and investment priority
- (03) enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs by:
- (03d) supporting the capacity of SMEs to grow in regional, national and international markets, and to engage in innovation processes
Result indicator (measurement unit)
- Total Value of Annual CB Area Exports (meuros)
Output indicator (measurement unit)
- 0O1: Number of clusters and other collaborative schemes composed of stakeholders/enterprises from both sides of border (collaborative schemes)
Common output indicator (measurement unit)
- CO1: Number of enterprises receiving support (Enterprises)
- CO2: Number of enterprises receiving non-financial support (Enterprises)
- Specific objective : To improve access to primary and emergency health care (at isolated and deprived communities) in the CB area
Thematic objective and investment priority
- (09) promoting social inclusion, combating poverty and any discrimination, by:
- (09a) investing in health and social infrastructure which contributes to national, regional and local development, reducing inequalities in terms of health status, promoting social inclusion through improved access to social, cultural and recreational services and the transition from institutional to community-based services
Result indicator (measurement unit)
- R1: Annual visits to primary healthcare (visits)
- R2: Annual visits to secondary/tertiary healthcare (visits)
Output indicator (measurement unit)
- O0204: Number of health care institutions reorganized, modernized or reequipped (Number)
- O0205: Number of health ICT systems developed (Number)
Common output indicator (measurement unit)
- CO36: Population covered by improved health services (Persons)
- Specific objective : To valorise CB area cultural and natural heritage for tourist purposes
Thematic objective and investment priority
- (06) preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency by:
- (06c) Conserving, protecting, promoting and developing natural and cultural heritage
Result indicator (measurement unit)
- Annual tourist overnight stays at accommodation establishments (Millions)
Output indicator (measurement unit)
- O0202: Number of cultural and/or natural assets rehabilitated/protected (Number)
Common output indicator (measurement unit)
- CO9: Increase in expected number of visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attractions (Visits/year)
Information on this programme's project and partner data in keep.eu
Latest month of project-partner-call data publication
Fields missing in data supplied by this programme
Language of the data in keep.eu
No. of projects in keep.eu / Total no. of projects (% of projects in keep.eu)
132 / 132 (100%)
No. of project partners in keep.eu / Total no. of project partners (% of project partners in keep.eu)
489 / 489 (100%)
Notes on the data
Information provided by the Programme. Achievements were retrieved by Interact from the Programme website (https://old-2014-2020.greece-bulgaria.eu/), or a website directly linked from it, on 2024-03-11.
The financial data featured in keep.eu for this programme, it's projects and its partners is not exact and should be taken as a reference only.