2014 - 2020 INTERREG V-A Estonia - Latvia
Fundamental information
Programme website
Programme's page at the European Commission
Projects in keep.eu / partners on map
EU funding (sum of EU funding of projects in keep.eu)
Excluding technical assistanceEUR 36 272 356.00 (36 659 129.64)
Total budget
Excluding technical assistanceEUR 42 673 363.00
Funding instrument(s)
Eligible geographical area
Open map- EE Estonia / Eesti (Lääne-Eesti, Lõuna-Eesti)
- LV Latvia / Latvija (Kurzeme, Pierīga, Rīga, Vidzeme)
Objectives, priorities and indicators
- Specific objective : An improved network of small harbours with good levels of service
Thematic objective and investment priority
- (07) promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures by:
- (07c) developing and improving environmentally-friendly (including low-noise) and low-carbon transport systems, including inland waterways and maritime transport, ports, multimodal links and airport infrastructure, in order to promote sustainable regional and local mobility
Result indicator (measurement unit)
- The number of visiting vessels at small harbours. (Number of vessels)
Output indicator (measurement unit)
- O1: Small harbours with improved services (Number)
- Specific objective : Improved conditions for accessing jobs across the border
Thematic objective and investment priority
- (08) promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility by:
- (08 ETC) ETC specific, for cross-border cooperation: promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility by integrating cross-border labour markets, including cross-border mobility, joint local employment initiatives, information and advisory services and joint training
Result indicator (measurement unit)
- Work commuters crossing the border (Number of persons)
Output indicator (measurement unit)
- O1: New and/or improved services for job seekers and/or job providers (Number)
- O2: Participants in cross-border mobility initiatives (Number)
- Specific objective : Increased awareness of energy saving, sorting waste and re-use, and the more efficient management of common water resources
Thematic objective and investment priority
- (06) preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency by:
- (06f) promoting innovative technologies to improve environmental protection and resource efficiency in the waste sector, water sector and with regard to soil, or to reduce air pollution
Result indicator (measurement unit)
- R1: Awareness of people in terms of resource efficiency (% of persons who are very familiar with the targeted topics)
- R2: Cooperation intensity between institutions in the management of water bodies and coastal areas (% of respective institutions that are carrying out regular co-op. activities)
Output indicator (measurement unit)
- O1: Participants at project events, except management meetings (Number)
- O2: Public campaigns that are targeted at environmentally-friendlier behaviour (Number)
- O3: Joint management initiatives for water or coastal areas (Number)
- O4: Small-scale investments (Number)
- Specific objective : Increased entrepreneurial cross-border cooperation in the programme area
Thematic objective and investment priority
- (03) enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs by:
- (03a) promoting entrepreneurship, in particular by facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas and fostering the creation of new firms, including through business incubators
Result indicator (measurement unit)
- The share of entrepreneurs and new businesses in the region which are ready for cross-border cooperation (%)
Output indicator (measurement unit)
- O1: Participants at project events, except management meetings (Number)
- O2: Jointly organised events, except management meetings (Number)
Common output indicator (measurement unit)
- CO1: Number of enterprises receiving non-financial support (Enterprises)
- Specific objective : More diversified and sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage
Thematic objective and investment priority
- (06) preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency by:
- (06c) Conserving, protecting, promoting and developing natural and cultural heritage
Result indicator (measurement unit)
- The number of visitors at cultural and natural heritage sites (Number of visistors)
Output indicator (measurement unit)
- O1: Improved natural or cultural heritage sites (Number)
- O2: (Sets of) products or services that are created based on cultural or natural heritage (Number)
- O3: Cross-border networks that are established or which are strengthened in order to manage and promote the sites (Number)
- Specific objective : More harmonized geodetic reference systems
Thematic objective and investment priority
- (06) preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency by:
- (06c) Conserving, protecting, promoting and developing natural and cultural heritage
Result indicator (measurement unit)
- The use of a harmonized geodetic reference system in Estonian-Latvian cross-border projects (number)
Output indicator (measurement unit)
- Harmonized geodetic reference systems (number)
- Specific objective : More integrated Valga-Valka central urban area
Thematic objective and investment priority
- (06) preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency by:
- (06e) taking action to improve the urban environment, to revitalise cities, regenerate and decontaminate brownfield sites (including conversion areas), reduce air pollution and promote noise-reduction measures
Result indicator (measurement unit)
- The share of inhabitants of Valga and Valka recognising Valga-Valka as a joint town. (%)
Output indicator (measurement unit)
- O1: Improved and revitalised cross-border joint urban area (Square meter)
- Specific objective : More jointly-developed products and services in the programme area
Thematic objective and investment priority
- (03) enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs by:
- (03d) supporting the capacity of SMEs to grow in regional, national and international markets, and to engage in innovation processes
Result indicator (measurement unit)
- The share of entrepreneurs carrying out joint product or service development (%)
Output indicator (measurement unit)
- O1: Joint products and services developed in cooperation (Number)
- O2: Joint marketing activities (Number)
Common output indicator (measurement unit)
- CO1: Number of enterprises receiving support (Enterprises)
- CO2: Number of enterprises receiving non-financial support (Enterprises)
- CO3: Employment increase in supported enterprises (Full time equivalent)
Information on this programme's project and partner data in keep.eu
Last month that keep.eu received data from the Programme or retrieved it from the Programme's website
Fields missing in data supplied by this programme
Language of the data in keep.eu
No. of projects in keep.eu / Total no. of projects (% of projects in keep.eu)
55 / 55 (100%)
No. of project partners in keep.eu / Total no. of project partners (% of project partners in keep.eu)
329 / 329 (100%)
Notes on the data
Information provided by the Programme. Achievements were retrieved by Interact from the Programme website (http://www.estlat.eu/), or a website directly linked from it, on 2021-11-08 and 2024-03-08.
The financial data featured in keep.eu for this programme, it's projects and its partners is not exact and should be taken as a reference only.