2021 - 2027 Interreg VI-A Sweden-Denmark-Norway (Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak)
Fundamental information
Programme's character code identifier (CCI)
Programme website
Projects in keep.eu / partners on map
Total Budget
Including technical assistanceEUR 235 500 000.00
EU Funding
Including technical assistanceEUR 141 300 000.00
Link to programme's document pages
Eligible geographical area
Open map- DK Denmark / Danmark (Bornholm, Byen København, Københavns omegn, Nordjylland, Nordsjælland, Vest- og Sydsjælland, Vestjylland, Østjylland, Østsjælland)
- NO Norway / Norge (Agder, Oslo, Vestfold og Telemark, Viken)
- SE Sweden / Sverige (Hallands län, Skåne län, Västra Götalands län)
Notes on this programme's information
Important note regarding the information featured on this page about the Programme's eligible geographic area: NUTS3 Viken no longer exists in the 2024 version of the NUTS system. In this version, the NUTS3 regions covered by this programme are Akershus, Buskerud och Østfold. Keep.eu will shift its geographic information to the NUTS 2024 version in the coming months. The Programme validated the information in this table (Fundamental information) and below (table Priorities, specific objectives and indicators).
Priorities, specific objectives and indicators
(VI-A_S-D-N_1) Innovative region for smart and highly sustainable economic transformation
Specific objective: RSO1.1. Developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies -
Types of intervention
- 010 Research and innovation activities in SMEs, including networking
- 012 Research and innovation activities in public research centres, higher education and centres of competence including networking (industrial research, experimental development, feasibility studies)
- 021 SME business development and internationalisation, including productive investments
- 027 Innovation processes in SMEs (process, organisational, marketing, co-creation, user and demand driven innovation)
- 028 Technology transfer and cooperation between enterprises, research centres and higher education sector
- 029 Research and innovation processes, technology transfer and cooperation between enterprises, research centres and universities, focusing on the low carbon economy, resilience and adaptation to climate change
- 030 Research and innovation processes, technology transfer and cooperation between enterprises, focusing on circular economy
Policy objective
- PO1 A more competitive and smarter Europe by promoting innovative and smart economic transformation and regional ICT connectivity
Common Output indicator
- RCO 001 - Enterprises supported (of which: micro, small, medium, large)
- Measurement unit: enterprises
- RCO 002 - Enterprises supported by grants
- Measurement unit: enterprises
- RCO 004 - Enterprises with non-financial support
- Measurement unit: enterprises
- RCO 010 - Enterprises cooperating with research organisations
- Measurement unit: enterprises
- RCO 083 - Strategies and action plans jointly developed
- Measurement unit: strategy/action plan
- RCO 087 - Organisations cooperating across borders
- Measurement unit: organisations
Common Result indicator
- RCR 003 - Small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) introducing product or process innovation
- Measurement unit: enterprises
- RCR 079 - Joint strategies and action plans taken up by organisations
- Measurement unit: joint strategy/action plan
Result indicator
- PSI01 - Development and implementation of products, processes, and solutions
- Measurement unit: products, processes, and solutions
- PSI02 - Users of conditions and support structures for research and innovation
- Measurement unit: users
Priority fund
(VI-A_S-D-N_1) Innovative region for smart and highly sustainable economic transformation
Specific objective: RSO1.4. Developing skills for smart specialisation, industrial transition and entrepreneurship -
Types of intervention
- 023 Skills development for smart specialisation, industrial transition, entrepreneurship and adaptability of enterprises to change
Policy objective
- PO1 A more competitive and smarter Europe by promoting innovative and smart economic transformation and regional ICT connectivity
Common Output indicator
- RCO 001 - Enterprises supported (of which: micro, small, medium, large)
- Measurement unit: enterprises
- RCO 002 - Enterprises supported by grants
- Measurement unit: enterprises
- RCO 004 - Enterprises with non-financial support
- Measurement unit: enterprises
- RCO 083 - Strategies and action plans jointly developed
- Measurement unit: strategy/action plan
- RCO 087 - Organisations cooperating across borders
- Measurement unit: organisations
Common Result indicator
- RCR 003 - Small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) introducing product or process innovation
- Measurement unit: enterprises
- RCR 079 - Joint strategies and action plans taken up by organisations
- Measurement unit: joint strategy/action plan
Result indicator
- PSI01 - Development and implementation of products, processes, and solutions
- Measurement unit: products, processes, and solutions
- PSI02 - Users of conditions and support structures for research and innovation
- Measurement unit: users
- PSI03 - Number of employees trained in skills related to smart specialization
- Measurement unit: employees
Priority fund
(VI-A_S-D-N_2) Sustainable, circular and climate-smart region
Specific objective: RSO2.2. Promoting renewable energy in accordance with Directive (EU) 2018/2001, including the sustainability criteria set out therein -
Types of intervention
- 038 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and supporting measures
- 044 Energy efficiency renovation or energy efficiency measures regarding public infrastructure, demonstration projects and supporting measures
- 046 Support to entities that provide services contributing to the low carbon economy and to resilience to climate change, including awareness-raising measures
- 047 Renewable energy: wind
- 048 Renewable energy: solar
- 049 Renewable energy: biomass
- 051 Renewable energy: marine
- 052 Other renewable energy (including geothermal energy)
- 053 Smart Energy Systems (including smart grids and ICT systems) and related storage
Policy objective
- PO2 A greener, low-carbon transitioning towards a net zero carbon economy and resilient Europe by promoting clean and fair energy transition, green and blue investment, the circular economy, climate change mitigation and adaptation, risk prevention and management, and sustainable urban mobility
Common Output indicator
- RCO 001 - Enterprises supported (of which: micro, small, medium, large)
- Measurement unit: enterprises
- RCO 002 - Enterprises supported by grants
- Measurement unit: enterprises
- RCO 004 - Enterprises with non-financial support
- Measurement unit: enterprises
- RCO 083 - Strategies and action plans jointly developed
- Measurement unit: strategy/action plan
- RCO 087 - Organisations cooperating across borders
- Measurement unit: organisations
Common Result indicator
- RCR 079 - Joint strategies and action plans taken up by organisations
- Measurement unit: joint strategy/action plan
Result indicator
- PSI04 - Development and implementation of products, processes and solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Measurement unit: Products, processes and solutions
Priority fund
(VI-A_S-D-N_2) Sustainable, circular and climate-smart region
Specific objective: RSO2.4. Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention and resilience, taking into account eco-system based approaches -
Types of intervention
- 046 Support to entities that provide services contributing to the low carbon economy and to resilience to climate change, including awareness-raising measures
- 058 Adaptation to climate change measures and prevention and management of climate related risks: floods and landslides (including awareness raising, civil protection and disaster management systems, infrastructures and ecosystem based approaches)
- 059 Adaptation to climate change measures and prevention and management of climate related risks: fires (including awareness raising, civil protection and disaster management systems, infrastructures and ecosystem based approaches)
- 060 Adaptation to climate change measures and prevention and management of climate related risks: others, e.g. storms and drought (including awareness raising, civil protection and disaster management systems, infrastructures and ecosystem based approaches)
Policy objective
- PO2 A greener, low-carbon transitioning towards a net zero carbon economy and resilient Europe by promoting clean and fair energy transition, green and blue investment, the circular economy, climate change mitigation and adaptation, risk prevention and management, and sustainable urban mobility
Common Output indicator
- RCO 001 - Enterprises supported (of which: micro, small, medium, large)
- Measurement unit: enterprises
- RCO 002 - Enterprises supported by grants
- Measurement unit: enterprises
- RCO 004 - Enterprises with non-financial support
- Measurement unit: enterprises
- RCO 083 - Strategies and action plans jointly developed
- Measurement unit: strategy/action plan
- RCO 087 - Organisations cooperating across borders
- Measurement unit: organisations
Common Result indicator
- RCR 079 - Joint strategies and action plans taken up by organisations
- Measurement unit: joint strategy/action plan
Result indicator
- PSI05 - Development and implementation of products, processes and solutions for better climate adaptation
- Measurement unit: Products, processes and solutions
Priority fund
(VI-A_S-D-N_2) Sustainable, circular and climate-smart region
Specific objective: RSO2.6. Promoting the transition to a circular and resource efficient economy -
Types of intervention
- 030 Research and innovation processes, technology transfer and cooperation between enterprises, focusing on circular economy
- 046 Support to entities that provide services contributing to the low carbon economy and to resilience to climate change, including awareness-raising measures
- 075 Support to environmentally-friendly production processes and resource efficiency in SMEs
Policy objective
- PO2 A greener, low-carbon transitioning towards a net zero carbon economy and resilient Europe by promoting clean and fair energy transition, green and blue investment, the circular economy, climate change mitigation and adaptation, risk prevention and management, and sustainable urban mobility
Common Output indicator
- RCO 001 - Enterprises supported (of which: micro, small, medium, large)
- Measurement unit: enterprises
- RCO 002 - Enterprises supported by grants
- Measurement unit: enterprises
- RCO 004 - Enterprises with non-financial support
- Measurement unit: enterprises
- RCO 083 - Strategies and action plans jointly developed
- Measurement unit: strategy/action plan
- RCO 087 - Organisations cooperating across borders
- Measurement unit: organisations
Common Result indicator
- RCR 079 - Joint strategies and action plans taken up by organisations
- Measurement unit: joint strategy/action plan
Result indicator
- PSI06 - Companies and organizations that use a circular business model or circular systems
- Measurement unit: Companies and organizations
- PSI07 - Development and implementation of circular products, processes and solutions
- Measurement unit: Products, processes and solutions
Priority fund
(VI-A_S-D-N_3) Interlinked region with sustainable mobility
Specific objective: RSO3.2. Developing and enhancing sustainable, climate resilient, intelligent and intermodal national, regional and local mobility, including improved access to TEN-T and cross-border mobility -
Types of intervention
- 081 Clean urban transport infrastructure
- 085 Digitalisation of transport when dedicated in part to greenhouse gas emissions reduction: urban transport
- 094 Digitalisation of transport: road
- 104 Digitalisation of transport: rail
- 108 Multimodal transport (TEN-T)
- 109 Multimodal transport (not urban)
- 110 Seaports (TEN-T)
- 112 Other seaports
- 120 Digitising transport when dedicated in part to greenhouse gas emissions reduction: other transport modes
Policy objective
- PO3 A more connected Europe by enhancing mobility
Common Output indicator
- RCO 001 - Enterprises supported (of which: micro, small, medium, large)
- Measurement unit: enterprises
- RCO 002 - Enterprises supported by grants
- Measurement unit: enterprises
- RCO 004 - Enterprises with non-financial support
- Measurement unit: enterprises
- RCO 083 - Strategies and action plans jointly developed
- Measurement unit: strategy/action plan
- RCO 087 - Organisations cooperating across borders
- Measurement unit: organisations
- RCO 117 - Solutions for legal or administrative obstacles across border identified
- Measurement unit: solutions
Common Result indicator
- RCR 079 - Joint strategies and action plans taken up by organisations
- Measurement unit: joint strategy/action plan
- RCR 082 - Legal or administrative obstacles across borders alleviated or resolved
- Measurement unit: legal or administrative obstacles
Result indicator
- PSI08 - Development and roll out of products, processes and solutions for sustainable, smart and efficient transport
- Measurement unit: products, processes, and solutions
Priority fund
(VI-A_S-D-N_4) Borderless labor market region
Specific objective: RSO4.1. Enhancing the effectiveness and inclusiveness of labour markets and access to quality employment through developing social infrastructure and promoting social economy -
Types of intervention
- 134 Measures to improve access to employment
- 139 Measures to modernise and strengthen labour market institutions and services to assess and anticipate skills needs and to ensure timely and tailor-made assistance
- 140 Support for labour market matching and transitions
- 141 Support for labour mobility
Policy objective
- PO4 A more social and inclusive Europe implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights
Common Output indicator
- RCO 001 - Enterprises supported (of which: micro, small, medium, large)
- Measurement unit: enterprises
- RCO 002 - Enterprises supported by grants
- Measurement unit: enterprises
- RCO 004 - Enterprises with non-financial support
- Measurement unit: enterprises
- RCO 081 - Participations in joint actions across borders
- Measurement unit: participations
- RCO 083 - Strategies and action plans jointly developed
- Measurement unit: strategy/action plan
- RCO 087 - Organisations cooperating across borders
- Measurement unit: organisations
- RCO 117 - Solutions for legal or administrative obstacles across border identified
- Measurement unit: solutions
Common Result indicator
- RCR 079 - Joint strategies and action plans taken up by organisations
- Measurement unit: joint strategy/action plan
- RCR 082 - Legal or administrative obstacles across borders alleviated or resolved
- Measurement unit: legal or administrative obstacles
Result indicator
- PSI09 - Development and implementation of products, processes, and solutions for a better functioning cross-border labour market
- Measurement unit: products, processes, and solutions
Priority fund
Information on this programme's project and partner data in keep.eu
Latest month of project-partner-call data publication
Foreseen date of new project-partner-call data importing
Fields missing in data supplied by this programme
Language of the data in keep.eu
No. of projects in keep.eu / Total no. of projects (% of projects in keep.eu)
39 / 47 (82.98%)
No. of project partners in keep.eu / Total no. of project partners (% of project partners in keep.eu)
39 / 182 (21.43%)
Notes on the data
Data was retrieved by Interact from the programme´s website on the 2023-02-28, 2023-05-10, 2023-06-29 and 2023-07-30. Regarding partners only data only main partners is available. Fields project name and description (from 39 projects) translated from Swedish and Danish into English using the European Commission's eTranslation machine translation service. Method for estimating the number of partners as of 2024-12-03: Average partners per project based on the average of the previous period.Programme's page last visited on 2024-12-03.