2014 - 2020 South-East Finland - Russia ENI CBC

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Fundamental information

Programme website

Projects in keep.eu / partners on map

EU funding (sum of EU funding of projects in keep.eu)

Excluding technical assistance

EUR 32 532 104.00 (32 531 683.00)

Total budget

Excluding technical assistance

EUR 70 280 608.00

Total budget

Including technical assistance

EUR 77 509 964.00

Funding instrument(s)


Eligible geographical area

Open map
  • RUS Russia (Ленинградская область (Leningrad Region), Республика Карелия (Republic of Karelia), Санкт-Петербург (Saint Petersburg))
  • FI Finland / Suomi/Finland (Etelä-Karjala, Etelä-Savo, Helsinki-Uusimaa, Kymenlaakso, Pohjois-Karjala, Pohjois-Savo, Päijät-Häme)

Objectives, priorities and indicators

Thematic objective : Business and SME development

Programme priority

  • 1.1 Lively, active and competitive economy

Strategic Objective

  • Promote economic and social development in regions on both sides of common borders

Result indicator (measurement unit)

  • RI1.1 Increase in the number of SMEs operating cross-border and number of new business investments (Statistics)

Output indicator (measurement unit)

  • OI1.1a Number of business organisations receiving support (Information from the projects)
  • OI1.1b Number of created structures (Information fromthe projects)
  • OI1.1c Number of new cross-border economic clusters (information from the projects)

Common output indicator (measurement unit)

  • COI3- Number of enterprises participating in crossborder business events (Enterprises)
Thematic objective : Environmental protection, climate change mitigation and adaptation

Programme priority

  • 3.1 Attractive, clean environment and region

Strategic Objective

  • Address common challenges in environment, public health, safety and security

Result indicator (measurement unit)

  • RI3.1a Number of project proposals to be financed on "improved systems on water and waste management" (Information from the PROMAS)
  • RI3.1b Number of project proposals to be financed on "reduction of environmental load and risks" (Information from the PROMAS)

Output indicator (measurement unit)

  • OI3.1a Number of project proposals to be financed (Information from the PROMAS)
  • OI3.1b Number of project proposals to be financed (Information from the PROMAS)

Common output indicator (measurement unit)

  • COI17- Number of persons participating in awareness raising activities (Persons)
Thematic objective : Promotion of border management and border security, mobility and migration management

Programme priority

  • 4.1 Well-connected region

Strategic Objective

  • Promotion of better conditions and modalities for ensuring the mobility of persons, goods and capital

Result indicator (measurement unit)

  • RI4.1 Reduced waiting time on border crossing points (Statistics, surveys, interviews)

Output indicator (measurement unit)

  • OI4.1a Number of accidents (Statistics)
  • OI4.1b Number of improved border crossing points (Information from projects)

Common output indicator (measurement unit)

  • COI27- Total length of reconstructed or upgraded roads (Kilometres)
Thematic objective : Support to education, research, technological development and innovation

Programme priority

  • 2.1 Innovative, skilled and well-educated area

Strategic Objective

  • Promote economic and social development in regions on both sides of common borders

Result indicator (measurement unit)

  • RI2.1 Increase in knowledge intensive educational level (Statistics)

Output indicator (measurement unit)

  • OI2.1a Number of <24 years and >45 years participating to educational events (Information from the projects)
  • OI2.1b Number of curricula created (Information from the projects)

Common output indicator (measurement unit)

  • COI5- Number of enterprises using programme support for cooperating with research institutions (Enterprises)

Information on this programme's project and partner data in keep.eu

Last month that keep.eu received data from the Programme or retrieved it from the Programme's website


Language of the data in keep.eu

English, Finnish, Russian

(see challenge of language detection)

No. of projects in keep.eu / Total no. of projects (% of projects in keep.eu)

71 / 71 (100%)

No. of project partners in keep.eu / Total no. of project partners (% of project partners in keep.eu)

320 / 320 (100%)

Notes on the data

Information provided by the Programme.

The financial data featured in keep.eu for this programme, it's projects and its partners is not exact and should be taken as a reference only.