2014 - 2020 INTERREG V-A Belgium - Germany - The Netherlands Euregio Meuse-Rhin / Euregio Maas-Rijn / Euregio Maas-Rhein

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Fundamental information

Programme website

Projects in keep.eu / partners on map

EU funding (sum of EU funding of projects in keep.eu)

Excluding technical assistance

EUR 89 240 250.00 (99 975 610.44)

Total budget

Excluding technical assistance

EUR 128 914 645.00

Funding instrument(s)


Eligible geographical area

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Objectives, priorities and indicators

Specific objective : Decrease border hindrance effects for residents and institutions

Thematic objective and investment priority

  • (11) enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration through actions to strengthen the institutional capacity and the efficiency of public administrations and public services related to the implementation of the ERDF, and in support of actions under the ESF to strengthen the institutional capacity and the efficiency of public administration.
    • (11 ETC) ETC specific, for cross-border cooperation: enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration by promoting legal and administrative cooperation and cooperation between citizens and institutions

Result indicator (measurement unit)

  • Percentage cross-border commuters (Percentage)

Output indicator (measurement unit)

  • O1: Number of projects focussed on reducing the mismatch between knowledge institutes and enterprises and/or government (Number)
  • O2: Number of project focussed on improving the cross-border cooperation concerning health (Number)
  • O3: Number of project focussed on improving the cross-border cooperation concerning safety (Number)
  • O4: Number of cross-border cooperation between public authorities (Number)
  • O5: Number of meeting-projects between residents of the EMR (Number)
  • O6: Number of projects on sustainable and smart mobility and/or on alternative means of transport (Number)
  • O7: Number of projects focussed on strengthening the quality of cultural activities by cooperation between cultural organisations (Number)

Common output indicator (measurement unit)

  • CO1: Increase in expected number of visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attractions (Visits/year)
  • CO2: Population covered by improved health services (Persons)
  • CO3: Number of participants in cross-border mobility initiatives (Persons)
Specific objective : Improve the connection of the cross-border educational system to the labour market

Thematic objective and investment priority

  • (10) investing in education, training and vocational training for skills and lifelong learning by developing education and training infrastructure
    • (10 ETC) ETC specific, for cross-border cooperation: investing in education, training and vocational training for skills and lifelong learning by developing and implementing joint education, vocational training and training schemes

Result indicator (measurement unit)

  • Share of early school-leavers (N/A)

Output indicator (measurement unit)

  • O1: Labour Market and Training: Number of participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training (Number)
  • O2: Labour Market and Training: Number of participants in joint education and training schemes to support youth employment, educational opportunities and higher and vocational education across borders (Number)
Specific objective : Increase connections and synergies between enterprises, R&D centres and higher education

Thematic objective and investment priority

  • (01) strengthening research, technological development and innovation by:
    • (01b) promoting business investment in R&I, developing links and synergies between enterprises, research and development centres and the higher education sector, in particular promoting investment in product and service development, technology transfer, social innovation, eco-innovation, public service applications, demand stimulation, networking, clusters and open innovation through smart specialisation, and supporting technological and applied research, pilot lines, early product validation actions, advanced manufacturing capabilities and first production, in particular in key enabling technologies and diffusion of general purpose technologies

Result indicator (measurement unit)

  • Proportion of innovative enterprises that cooperates with enterprises and knowledge institutions (N/A)

Output indicator (measurement unit)

  • O1: Number of supported innovation-oriented cooperation projects between enterprises and knowledge institutes (Number)
  • O2: Number of supported innovation-oriented cooperation projects between enterprises (Number)

Common output indicator (measurement unit)

  • CO1: Number of enterprises receiving support (Enterprises)
  • CO2: Number of enterprises receiving grants (Enterprises)
  • CO3: Number of enterprises receiving non-financial support (Enterprises)
  • CO4: Private investment matching public support to enterprises (grants) (EUR)
  • CO5: Number of enterprises cooperating with research institutions (Enterprises)
  • CO6: Private investment matching public support in innovation or R&D projects (EUR)
  • CO7: Number of enterprises supported to introduce new to the market products (Enterprises)
  • CO8: Number of enterprises supported to introduce new to the firm products (Enterprises)
  • CO9: Number of enterprises participating in cross-border, transnational or interregional research projects (Enterprises)
  • CO10: Number of research institutions participating in cross-border, transnational or interregional research projects (Organisations)
Specific objective : Increase social integration of vulnerable groups

Thematic objective and investment priority

  • (09) promoting social inclusion, combating poverty and any discrimination, by:
    • (09a) investing in health and social infrastructure which contributes to national, regional and local development, reducing inequalities in terms of health status, promoting social inclusion through improved access to social, cultural and recreational services and the transition from institutional to community-based services

Result indicator (measurement unit)

  • Percentage people at risk of poverty or social exclusion (percentage)

Output indicator (measurement unit)

  • O1:Number of projects focussed on disadvantaged youth, elderly and vulnerable population (Number)
  • O2:Number of people that make use of cross-border social services (Number)
  • O3: Number of supported projects focussed on strengthening the connection between education and labour market (Number)
  • O4: Number of organisations that participate in supported cooperation focussed on cross-border functioning of the labour market (Number)

Common output indicator (measurement unit)

  • CO1: Number of participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training (Persons)
  • CO2: Number of participants in projects promoting gender equality, equal opportunities and social inclusion across borders (Persons)
  • CO3: Number of participants in joint education and training schemes to support youth employment, educational opportunities and higher and vocational education across borders (Persons)
Specific objective : Increase the number of visitors and tourists in the EMR and increase the duration of stay

Thematic objective and investment priority

  • (11) enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration through actions to strengthen the institutional capacity and the efficiency of public administrations and public services related to the implementation of the ERDF, and in support of actions under the ESF to strengthen the institutional capacity and the efficiency of public administration.
    • (11 ETC) ETC specific, for cross-border cooperation: enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration by promoting legal and administrative cooperation and cooperation between citizens and institutions

Result indicator (measurement unit)

  • Number of nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments (Number)

Output indicator (measurement unit)

  • O1: Number of projects focussed on reducing the mismatch between knowledge institutes and enterprises and/or government (Number)
  • O2: Number of project focussed on improving the cross-border cooperation concerning health (Number)
  • O3: Number of project focussed on improving the cross-border cooperation concerning safety (Number)
  • O4: Number of cross-border cooperation between public authorities (Number)
  • O5: Number of meeting-projects between residents of the EMR (Number)
  • O6: Number of projects on sustainable and smart mobility and/or on alternative means of transport (Number)
  • O7: Number of projects focussed on strengthening the quality of cultural activities by cooperation between cultural organisations (Number)

Common output indicator (measurement unit)

  • CO1: Increase in expected number of visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attractions (Visits/year)
  • CO2: Population covered by improved health services (Persons)
  • CO3: Number of participants in cross-border mobility initiatives (Persons)
Specific objective : Increase the percentage of SMEs that introduces innovations

Thematic objective and investment priority

  • (01) strengthening research, technological development and innovation by:
    • (01b) promoting business investment in R&I, developing links and synergies between enterprises, research and development centres and the higher education sector, in particular promoting investment in product and service development, technology transfer, social innovation, eco-innovation, public service applications, demand stimulation, networking, clusters and open innovation through smart specialisation, and supporting technological and applied research, pilot lines, early product validation actions, advanced manufacturing capabilities and first production, in particular in key enabling technologies and diffusion of general purpose technologies

Result indicator (measurement unit)

  • Increase the percentage SMEs that introduces product or process innovations (percentage)

Output indicator (measurement unit)

  • O1: Number of supported innovation-oriented cooperation projects between enterprises and knowledge institutes (Number)
  • O2: Number of supported innovation-oriented cooperation projects between enterprises (Number)

Common output indicator (measurement unit)

  • CO1: Number of enterprises receiving support (Enterprises)
  • CO2: Number of enterprises receiving grants (Enterprises)
  • CO3: Number of enterprises receiving non-financial support (Enterprises)
  • CO4: Private investment matching public support to enterprises (grants) (EUR)
  • CO5: Number of enterprises cooperating with research institutions (Enterprises)
  • CO6: Private investment matching public support in innovation or R&D projects (EUR)
  • CO7: Number of enterprises supported to introduce new to the market products (Enterprises)
  • CO8: Number of enterprises supported to introduce new to the firm products (Enterprises)
  • CO9: Number of enterprises participating in cross-border, transnational or interregional research projects (Enterprises)
  • CO10: Number of research institutions participating in cross-border, transnational or interregional research projects (Organisations)
Specific objective : Increased resource efficiency of SMEs

Thematic objective and investment priority

  • (03) enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs by:
    • (03a) promoting entrepreneurship, in particular by facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas and fostering the creation of new firms, including through business incubators

Result indicator (measurement unit)

  • Resource productivity (N/A)

Output indicator (measurement unit)

  • O1: Number organised activities focussed on stimulating entrepreneurship (Number)
  • O2: Number of developed business cases (Number)
  • O3: Number of SMEs receiving support (Number)
  • O4: Number of SMEs receiving grants (Number)
  • O5: Increase in employment at SMEs which receive support (Number)
  • O6: Number of supported projects focussed on efficient use of natural and material resources in (SME) enterprises (Number)
  • O7: Number of projects supported in order to increase energetic autonomy at SMEs (Number)

Common output indicator (measurement unit)

  • CO1: Number of enterprises receiving support (Enterprises)
  • CO2: Number of enterprises receiving grants (Enterprises)
  • CO3: Number of enterprises receiving non-financial support (Enterprises)
  • CO4: Number of new enterprises supported (Enterprises)
  • CO5: Employment increase in supported enterprises (Full time equivalent)
Specific objective : Strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs

Thematic objective and investment priority

  • (03) enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs by:
    • (03a) promoting entrepreneurship, in particular by facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas and fostering the creation of new firms, including through business incubators

Result indicator (measurement unit)

  • Percentage starting enterprises relative to total amount of enterprises (percentage)

Output indicator (measurement unit)

  • O1: Number organised activities focussed on stimulating entrepreneurship (Number)
  • O2: Number of developed business cases (Number)
  • O3: Number of SMEs receiving support (Number)
  • O4: Number of SMEs receiving grants (Number)
  • O5: Increase in employment at SMEs which receive support (Number)
  • O6: Number of supported projects focussed on efficient use of natural and material resources in (SME) enterprises (Number)
  • O7: Number of projects supported in order to increase energetic autonomy at SMEs (Number)

Common output indicator (measurement unit)

  • CO1: Number of enterprises receiving support (Enterprises)
  • CO2: Number of enterprises receiving grants (Enterprises)
  • CO3: Number of enterprises receiving non-financial support (Enterprises)
  • CO4: Number of new enterprises supported (Enterprises)
  • CO5: Employment increase in supported enterprises (Full time equivalent)

Information on this programme's project and partner data in keep.eu

Latest month of project-partner-call data publication


Language of the data in keep.eu

Dutch, English, French, German

(see challenge of language detection)

No. of projects in keep.eu / Total no. of projects (% of projects in keep.eu)

65 / 65 (100%)

No. of project partners in keep.eu / Total no. of project partners (% of project partners in keep.eu)

500 / 514 (97.28%)

Notes on the data

Information provided by the Programme. Data of two projects (EMfloodResilience and MARHETAK) was retrieved by Interact from the programme´s website on the 2024-02-28. Regarding partners only data only main partners is available. Achievements were retrieved by Interact from the Programme website (http://www.interregemr.eu/), or a website directly linked from it, on 2021-11-04, 2023-01-10 and 2024-03-07. Fields project name (from 14 projects) translated from French, German, and Dutch into English using the European Commission's eTranslation machine translation service.

The projects which fields include an eTranslation English text are the ones with the following acronyms: EMRLingua, EMRWINE, euPrevent SNA, euPrevent-SFC, FUNFORLAB, GAR 4.0, GYM-Generate Your Muscle, Healthy Aging, i2-CoRT, IDZ-UDZ, MOBI, RANDO-M, Terra Mosana and Wohnmonitor EMR.

The financial data featured in keep.eu for this programme, it's projects and its partners is not exact and should be taken as a reference only.