2014 - 2020 Mediterranean Sea Basin ENI CBC
Fundamental information
Programme website
Programme's page at the European Commission
Projects in keep.eu / partners on map
EU funding (sum of EU funding of projects in keep.eu)
Excluding technical assistanceEUR 188 152 030.80 (188 048 059.43)
Total budget
Excluding technical assistanceEUR 209 057 812.00
Total budget
Including technical assistanceEUR 234 549 558.00
Funding instrument(s)
Eligible geographical area
Open map- EGY Egypt / Egypt (Dumyat, البحيرة (Al Buhayrah), الدقهلية (Ad Daqahliyah), محافظة الإسكندرية (Al Iskandariyah), محافظة الإسماعيلية (Al Isma`iliyah), محافظة السويس (As Suways), محافظة الشرقية (Ash Sharqiyah), محافظة الغربية (Al Gharbiyah), محافظة القليوبية (Al Qalyubiyah), محافظة المنوفية (Al Minufiyah), محافظة بورسعيد (Bur Sa`id), محافظة كفر الشيخ (Kafr ash Shaykh), محافظة مطروح (Matrouh))
- ES Spain / España (Andalucía, Aragón, Castilla-La Mancha, Cataluña, Ceuta, Comunitat Valenciana, Extremadura, Illes Balears, Melilla, Murcia)
- FR France / France (Auvergne, Corse, Languedoc-Roussillon, Midi-Pyrénées, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Rhône-Alpes)
- GIB Gibraltar / Gibraltar
- ISR Israel / Israel
- IT Italy / Italia (Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Emilia-Romagna, Lazio, Liguria, Marche, Molise, Piemonte, Puglia, Sardegna, Sicilia, Toscana, Umbria)
- JOR Jordan / Jordan (Ajlun, Al-Balqa, Amman, Aqaba, Irbid, Jarash, Karak, Ma'an, Madaba, Mafraq, Tafilah, Zarqa)
- LBN Lebanon / Lebanon
- MT Malta / Malta
- PSE Palestine / Palestina
- PT Portugal / Portugal (Alentejo, Algarve, Área Metropolitana de Lisboa)
- TUN Tunisia / Tunisia (Ariana, Ben Arous (Tunis Sud), Bizerte, Béja, Gabès, Gafsa, Jendouba, Kairouan, Kebili, Le Kef, Mahdia, Manouba, Manubah, Monastir, Médenine, Nabeul, Sfax, Sidi Bou Zid, Siliana, Sousse, Tataouine, Tunis, Zaghouan)
- EL Greece / Ελλάδα (Aνατολική Μακεδονία, Θράκη, Aττική, Ήπειρος, Βόρειο Αιγαίο, Δυτική Ελλάδα, Δυτική Μακεδονία, Θεσσαλία, Ιόνια Νησιά, Κεντρική Μακεδονία, Κρήτη, Νότιο Αιγαίο, Πελοπόννησος, Στερεά Ελλάδα)
- CY Cyprus / Κύπρος
Objectives, priorities and indicators
- Thematic objective : Business and SME development
Programme priority
- 1.1 Support innovative start-up and recently established enterprises with a particular focus on young and women entrepreneurs and facilitate the protection of their Intellectual Property Rights and commercialization where applicable
- 1.2 Strengthen and support euro-Mediterranean networks, clusters, consortia and value-chains in traditional (agro-food, tourism, textile/clothing, etc.) and non-traditional sectors (innovative ideas solutions for urban development, eco-housing, sustainable water-related and other clean technologies, renewable energy, creative industries, etc.)
- 1.3 Encourage sustainable tourism initiatives and actions aimed at diversifying into new segments and niches
Strategic Objective
- Promote economic and social development in regions on both sides of common borders
Result indicator (measurement unit)
- RI1.2a Increased number of MSMEs participating in Euro-Mediterranean enterprise alliances (MSMEs)
- RI1.2b Number of new products and services sold on domestic and foreign markets (new products)
- RI1.2c Number of created public-private partnerships promoting demand-driven innovation in the public and private sector and implementing new medium-long term investments (Partnerships)
- RI1.2d Additional public and private resources invested by created PPPs as co-financing of project activities (in euro) (resources)
- RI1.3a Increased domestic and international tourist flows visiting the targeted area (tourist flows)
- RI1.3b Number of new sustainable touristic products in off season periods created in specific niches with a cross-border dimension (i.e. eco-tourism, adventure tourism, medical tourism, wine and food tourism, historic, cultural and religious tourism etc.) and co- designed with local communities (bottom up approach) (products)
- RI1.3c Number of persons actively and directly involved in project implementation having gained improved tourism management skills / profiles (particularly those in the area of Eco-tourism, Destination Management, Marketing, etc.) (persons)
- RI 1.1a Number of new jobs (contracts) created in knowledge intensive MSMEs for young people and women in the traditional and non- traditional economic sectors where innovative start-ups have entered (job contracts)
- RI 1.1b Value of sales in existing and new markets of new youths/women led innovative start-up enterprises that are legally established, and continuously involving at least two Mediterrenean countries that have a cross-border dimension (value of sales)
- RI 1.1c Enterprises with youth/women staff in managerial positions, that have signed commercial contracts (domestic and for export) for the first time (Percentage out of the total number of the enterprises supported)- (entreprises)
- RI 1.1d Number of new products and services sold on domestic and foreign markets (Number)
- RI 1.1e Number of public authority staff actively and directly involved in IPR and commercial cross-border projects (staff)
- RI 1.1f Number of products registered and protected under IPR Laws and regulations (Number)
- RI 1.1g IPR Laws and regulations reviewed and developed to reflect international best practices (IPR reviews)
Output indicator (measurement unit)
- OI1.1a Number of trainings provided to youths graduates or equivalent (24-35 years old) and/or women (all ages)- (trainings)
- OI1.1b Number of entrepreneurial ideas identified in the scouting stage and supported (ideas)
- OI1.1c Volume of risk capital (in euro) raised by hubs and start ups accelerators (Volume)
- OI1.1d Number of entrepreneurs that successfully launched new ventures/projects in a creative sector (entrepreneurs)
- OI1.1e Number of youths and women participating in training activities and business meetings (youths and women)
- OI1.1f Number of launched/developed and operational business websites and/or operational online platforms (websites)
- OI1.1g Number of bilingual (Arabic/English) and (Arabic/French) guide books acquired by public authority staff and entrepreneurs (guides)
- OI1.1h Number of trainings for public authorities and brokers (e.g. technology transfer offices located at Universities) that are aimed at the development of new services (e.g. Support for Proof of concept projects)- (trainings)
- OI1.2a Number of enterprises involved in CBC-MED projects that share common knowledge on specific items (i.e. food security, sustainable tourism, eco-innovation, green and sustainable water technologies, internationalisation processes etc.)- (enterprises)
- OI1.2b Number of public tenders awarded as results of joint collaborations and additional resources allocated (public tenders)
- OI1.2c Number of public and private stakeholders involved in training events and joint pilots that have made written commitments to engage in PPP undertakings (stakeholders)
- OI1.2d Number of campaigns (e.g. global forums, seminars, platforms etc.) where public sector and PPP practitioners exchange knowledge to support value chains and their economic activity (campaigns)
- OI1.3a Number of visibility/marketing initiatives to attract tourists in the targeted area (initiatives)
- OI1.3b Number of private actors substantially and actively involved in new touristic initiatives (initiatives)
- OI1.3c Number of action plans adopted by local authorities based on participatory activities (Plans)
- OI1.3d Number of cross-border agreements signed by competent bodies to promote low season networks of destinations and / or number of low-season initiatives offered in the participating countries (agreements)
- OI1.3e Number of enterprises and local community entities participating in training and awareness raising events (enteprises/entities)
Common output indicator (measurement unit)
- COI1- Number of business development organisations receiving support for coaching and acceleration programmes (organisations)
- COI2- Number of enterprises substantially and actively involved in CBC-MED projects satisfied with consultancy services and making requests for follow-up (entrepises)
- COI3- Number of enterprises participating in crossborder business events (Enterprises)
- COI7- Number of improved cultural and historical sites as a direct consequence of programme support (number)
- Thematic objective : Environmental protection, climate change mitigation and adaptation
Programme priority
- 4.1 Support sustainable initiatives targeting innovative and technological solutions to increase water efficiency and encourage use of non -conventional water supply
- 4.2 Reduce municipal waste generation, promote source separated collection and its optimal exploitation in particular its or ganic component
- 4.3 Renewable energy and energy efficiency - Support cost-effective and innovative energy rehabilitations relevant to building types and climatic zones, with a focus on public buildings
Strategic Objective
- Address common challenges in environment, public health, safety and security
Result indicator (measurement unit)
- RI4.1a Surface in ha. of land irrigated with treated wastewater or equipped with modern and efficient irrigation systems (hectars)
- RI4.1b Number of measures and initiatives to showcase, exchange, test and transfer water management solutions to end-users in the agricultural sector in view of improving water use efficiency and quality and use of non-conventional water resources (NCWR) in agricultural practices (measures and initiatives)
- RI4.1c Investments in up-scaling of replicable technologies to increase water efficiency and use of non-conventional water supply systems for irrigation purposes (value)
- RI4.1d Number of technologies applied for the use of non-conventional water resources for domestic purposes (number of technologies)
- RI4.2a Number of local authorities adopting and implementing new solid waste management plans (i.e. system of separate collection of municipal waste)- (plans)
- RI4.2b Number of enterprises involved in waste reuse and recycling (enterprises)
- RI4.2c Number of new waste management technologies adopted (technologies)
- RI4.3a Number of public authorities that adopted energy mix efficiency plans/strategies (plans)
- RI4.3b Number of public institutions cooperating towards strengthened multi-level governance (linking up local, regional and national levels) for delivering integrated sustainable energy action planning and measures (institutions)
- RI4.3c Estimated annual decrease of greenhouse gases as a result of renewable energy and energy efficiency measures implemented in public buildings (volume of gas)
- RI4.3d Total kWh generated using renewable energy applied to public buildings (kWh)
- RI4.3e Total kWh saved using renewable energy applied to public buildings (kWh)
- RI4.4a Newly adopted integrated strategies and tools for sustainable management of coastal areas, etc. that include appropriate reflection of the ecosystem approach and that have been developed through a participatory exercise (strategies)
- RI4.4b Number of coastal cities, relevant public authorities and other key stakeholders adopting new ICZM plans / guidelines for the sustainable management and use of coastal areas (coastal cities, relevant public authorities and other key stakeholders)
Output indicator (measurement unit)
- OI4.1a Number of new or enhanced ICT solutions for water resources management in agriculture (ICT solutions)
- OI4.1b Number of public / private actor alliances engaged in non-conventional and efficient water management plans (institutions/entities)
- OI4.1c Number of local authorities applying integrated approaches for water cycle management in agriculture (institutions/entities)
- OI4.1d Number of staff of different stakeholders trained that are involved in CBC-MED projects (staff)
- OI4.1e Number of replicable technologies for water efficient use and use of non-conventional water resources (technologies)
- OI4.1f Number of organizations involved in WRM applying sustainable innovative water efficiency and non-conventional water technologies within local water governance frameworks (N/A)
- OI4.1g Number of staff of different stakeholders trained that are involved in CBC-MED projects (N/A)
- OI4.1h Number of local authorities applying integrated approaches for water cycle management in domestic water supply (N/A)
- OI4.1i Number of new or enhanced ICT solutions for water supply and demand management in urban areas (N/A)
- OI4.2a Number of staff of public administrations and other stakeholders trained in integrated municipal waste management (staff)
- OI4.2b Number of integrated municipal solid waste management plans (plans)
- OI4.2d Biodegradable municipal waste reused as fertilizers (m³/tons)
- OI4.2e Amount of energy produced based on waste conversion (kWh)
- OI4.2f Number of actions and common approaches to reduce food waste and municipal waste and packaging materials generated at relevant stages of the food system (actions)
- OI4.2g Number of supported awareness raising initiatives (events, meetings, campaigns, spots broadcasted on TV/radio/internet etc.) promoting efficient waste collection (initiatives)
- OI4.3a Number of new or revised procedures (legal, regulatory, economical, etc.) initiated as a result of a transfer of good practices (procedures)
- OI4.3b Number of energy mix efficiency plans/strategies approved (plans)
- OI4.3c Number of innovative and affordable renovation solutions and technologies for public buildings that can deliver significant improvements in energy performance while ensuring indoor comfort requirements, and being non-invasive, and reversible (technologies)
- OI4.3d Number of tools for planning and implementing the renovation of public buildings (tools)
- OI4.3e Number of cost-effective technologies for energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions implemented on a pilot basis (technologies)
- OI4.3f Number of energy audits carried out on public buildings (energy audits)
- OI4.3g Number of public buildings and/or facilities benefiting from Renewable Energies & Energy Efficiency (REEE) measures (buildings)
- OI4.4a Number of replicable or transferable actions to improve or restore the targeted ecosystem (actions)
- OI4.4b Number of organizations and their staff participating in workshops/trainings (organizations)
- OI4.4c Number of measures adopted to prevent the negative impacts of coastal hazards (measures)
- OI4.4d Number of systemic tools available to strengthen planning, monitoring and management of coastal areas (tools)
- OI4.4e Number of communication awareness raising events (events)
- OI4.4f Number of studies, based on data collection activities, studying interlinkages between human activities and the environment studies (studies)
Common output indicator (measurement unit)
- COI14- Number of participating organizations that cooperate for improved local governance in coastal zones (N/A)
- COI15- Surface area of coastal ecosystems supported in order to attain a better conservation status (N/A)
- COI18- Additional waste recycling capacity (N/A)
- COI22- Additional capacity of renewable energy production (N/A)
- Thematic objective : Promotion of social inclusion and fight against poverty
Programme priority
- 3.1 Provide young people, especially those belonging to the NEETS, and women with marketable skills
- 3.2 Support social and solidarity economic actors, also in terms of improving capacities and co-operation with public administrations for services’ provision
Strategic Objective
- Promote economic and social development in regions on both sides of common borders
Result indicator (measurement unit)
- RI3.1 Number of new employments created for young people (18-24 year old), NEETS and women (job contracts)
- RI3.2 Number of agreements between public administrations and relevant stakeholders for coordinated planning and implementation of social services (agreements)
Output indicator (measurement unit)
- OI3.2a Number of cross-border events on social services supported by CBC-MED projects (events)
- OI3.2b Number of new social enterprises established and strengthened (entreprises)
- OI3.2c Number of public institutions involved in social inclusion actions as part of the CBC MED projects (institutions)
- OI3.2d Number of Action plans to coordinate social services provision (action plans)
- OI 3.1a Number of socio or sector professional representatives involved in social inclusion actions and networks (organizations)
- OI 3.1b Number of new curricula proposing skills required by the labour market (new professions)- (Curricula materials)
- OI 3.1c Number of training courses designed and targeted to young people (18-24 year old) (especially those belonging to the NEETS and women)- (training days)
- OI 3.1d Number of youth, NEETS and women trained (persons)
- OI 3.1e Number of social media specifically targeting learning for unemployed youth and women (social media)
- OI 3.1f Number of associations (civic, arts, sports, performing arts) launched by young people, NEETS and women (associations)
- OI 3.1g Number of agreements between TVET institutions and the business sector (agreements)
- OI 3.1h Number of public institutions engaged (i.e. through charters, protocols, Memoranda of Understanding) in employment schemes to foster employability of young people and women (institutions)
Common output indicator (measurement unit)
- COI9- Population covered by improved social services as a direct consequence of programme support (Persons)
- COI13- Number of social service professionals participating in cross border exchanges or activities (social services)
- Thematic objective : Support to education, research, technological development and innovation
Programme priority
- 2.1 Support technological transfer and commercialisation of research results, strengthening the linkages between research, industry as well as private sector actors
- 2.2 Support SMEs in accessing research and innovation also through clustering
Strategic Objective
- Promote economic and social development in regions on both sides of common borders
Result indicator (measurement unit)
- RI2.1a Number of demand driven Cross Border Living Labs created for R&D and technological transfer among research, industry and SMEs (Living labs)
- RI2.1b Nr. of spin-offs established as new enterprises and operating across borders, able to sell their products or services (spin-offs)
- RI2.1c Forecasted value of sales of newly identified innovative products/services (value of sales)
- RI2.1d Number of co-patents registered (co-patents)
- RI2.2a Number of innovative products/services created by clustered SMEs across or within borders (products)
- RI2.2b Investments (in euro) in targeted SMEs for new equipment (hardware and software) and joint R&D and innovation activities (investements)
- RI2.2c New (foreign) investments (in euro) in targeted SMEs (investements)
Output indicator (measurement unit)
- OI2.1a Number and type (bilateral, consortium, etc.) of industry-academia research agreements before, during and after intervention (contracts/agreements)
- OI2.1b Number of industries and SME researchers trained to initiate/create enterprises (reserachers)
- OI2.1c Number of researchers and specialized staff in public authorities involved/contracted in joint activities with industries and SMEs (researchers/staff)
- OI2.1d Number and field of co-publications (publications)
- OI2.1e Number of new products/services developed (products)
- OI2.1f Number of platforms allowing a pre-competitive analysis of promising products and services put in place and effective (platforms)
- OI2.1g Number of brokerage events for scientist /researchers and entrepreneurs-organisations (events)
- OI2.1h Number of Technology transfer support and new intellectual property brokering services delivered (services)
- OI2.2a Number of SMEs using programme support for cooperating with Research Institutions (SMEs)
- OI2.2b Number of SMEs receiving grants for operational instruments (equipment) to favor their innovation (SMEs)
Common output indicator (measurement unit)
- COI2- Number of SMEs substantially and actively involved in projects as final beneficiaries (SMEs)
- COI4- Number of institutions using programme support for cooperation in education, R&D and innovation (nstitutions)
- COI5- Number of Enterprises cooperating with research institutions (entreprises)
Information on this programme's project and partner data in keep.eu
Latest month of project-partner-call data publication
Fields missing in data supplied by this programme
Language of the data in keep.eu
No. of projects in keep.eu / Total no. of projects (% of projects in keep.eu)
80 / 80 (100%)
No. of project partners in keep.eu / Total no. of project partners (% of project partners in keep.eu)
610 / 610 (100%)
Notes on the data
Information provided by the Programme. Achievements were retrieved by Interact from the Programme website (http://www.enicbcmed.eu), or a website directly linked from it, on 2024-02-28.
Fields project name (from 3 projects) translated from French into English using the European Commission's eTranslation machine translation service.
The projects which fields include an eTranslation English text are the ones with the following acronyms: RESMYLE, OENOMED and RE-MED.