Oversize Baltic
Programme 2007 - 2013 South Baltic (PL-SE-DK-LT-DE)Description
Thematic information
Partners (9)
Lead Partner: Klaipeda Science and Technology Park
Address: Herkaus Manto str. 84, LT-92294 Klaipeda, Lithuania
Legal status: n/a
- Bundesverband Mittelständische Wirtschaft (BVMW), Geschäftsstele Rostock
Name: Bundesverband Mittelständische Wirtschaft (BVMW), Geschäftsstele Rostock
Address: Leipziger Platz 15, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Legal status: n/a
- Hochschule Wismar, University of Technology, Business and Design
Name: Hochschule Wismar, University of Technology, Business and Design
Address: Philipp-Müller Straße 14, 23966 Wismar, Germany
Legal status: n/a
- Klaipėdos jūrų uosto direkcija
Name: Klaipėdos jūrų uosto direkcija
Address: J.Janonio str. 24, LT-92251 Klaipėda, Lithuania
Legal status: n/a
- Akademia Morska w Szczecinie
Name: Akademia Morska w Szczecinie
Address: ul. Wały Chrobrego 1-2, 70-500 Szczecin, Poland
Legal status: n/a
- Trafikverket
Name: Trafikverket
Address: Kaserngata 10, 551 91 Jönköping, Sweden
Legal status: n/a
- VšĮ Klaipėdos laivybos tyrimų centras
Name: VšĮ Klaipėdos laivybos tyrimų centras
Address: Įgulos str. 18A-5, LT-92294 Klaipėda, Lithuania
Legal status: n/a
- Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (BTH)
Name: Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (BTH)
Address: Biblioteksgatan 4, S-37424 Karlshamn, Sweden
Legal status: n/a
- Karlshamns Hamn
Name: Karlshamns Hamn
Address: Box 8, 374 21 Karlshamn, Sweden
Legal status: n/a
Partners map

Lead partner

Project partner
Project acronym: Oversize
Project start date: 2009-07-01
Project end date: 2011-06-30
Project status: closed
Total budget/expenditure: EUR 773 810.00
Total EU funding (amount): EUR 633 568.50
Co-financing sources:
Information regarding the data in keep.eu on the programme financing this project
Financing programme
2007 - 2013 South Baltic (PL-SE-DK-LT-DE)
Last month that data in keep.eu was retrieved from the Programme's website or received from the Programme
No. of projects in keep.eu / Total no. of projects (% of projects in keep.eu)
87 / 88 (98.86%)
No. of project partnerships in keep.eu / Total no. of project partnerships (% of project partnerships in keep.eu)
510 / 510 (100%)
Notes on the data
Information provided by the Programme and collected from programme website