Cruise and passenger ship Air quality Impact Mitigation ActioNs

Programme 2007 - 2013 Programme MED
Date of latest update: 2021-12-25


Description (EN): Read more
Expected Results (EN): Read more

Partners (1)

Lead Partner: ARPAV - Regional Agency for Environmental Protection and Prevention of the Veneto

Address: via Matteotti 27, 35137 Padova, Italy

Legal status: n/a

Partners map

Partners and Projects info
ARPAV - Regional Agency for Environmental Protection and Prevention of the Veneto

Cruise and passenger ship Air quality Impact Mitigation ActioNs

Lead partner marker

Lead partner

Project partner marker

Project partner


Project name (EN): Cruise and passenger ship Air quality Impact Mitigation ActioNs

Project acronym: CAIMANs

Project start date: 2014-07-01

Project end date: 2015-06-30

Project status: closed

Total budget/expenditure: EUR 711 000.00

Information regarding the data in on the programme financing this project

Financing programme

2007 - 2013 Programme MED

Last month that data in was retrieved from the Programme's website or received from the Programme


No. of projects in / Total no. of projects (% of projects in

159 / 159 (100%)

No. of project partnerships in / Total no. of project partnerships (% of project partnerships in

1 395 / 1 395 (100%)

Notes on the data

Information provided by the programme and collected from programme's website