Reducing nitrogen loss from livestock production by promoting the use of slurry acidification techniques in the Baltic Sea Region
Programme 2014 - 2020 INTERREG VB Baltic SeaDescription
Thematic information
Partners (17)
Lead Partner: RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB
Department: Agrifood and Bioscience
Address: Box 7033, 75007 Uppsala, Sweden
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 1 096 150.01
ERDF budget: EUR 822 112.50
- Eesti Taimekasvatuse Instituut
Name: Eesti Taimekasvatuse Instituut
Department: Agrotechnology Department
Address: J.Aamisepa 1, 48309 Jõgeva, Estonia
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 474 000.00
ERDF budget: EUR 402 900.00
- Elävä Itämeri säätiö (Baltic Sea Action Group)
Name: Elävä Itämeri säätiö (Baltic Sea Action Group)
Address: Yrjönkatu 23 a 7, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
Legal status: private
Total budget: EUR 334 312.50
ERDF budget: EUR 250 734.37
- SIA Latvijas Lauku konsultāciju un izglītības centrs
Name: SIA Latvijas Lauku konsultāciju un izglītības centrs
Address: Rīgas iela 34, Ozolnieku novads, Ozolnieku pagasts, LV 3018 Ozolnieki, Latvia
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 111 990.00
ERDF budget: EUR 95 191.50
- VšĮ Lietuvos žemės ūkio konsultavimo tarnyba
Name: VšĮ Lietuvos žemės ūkio konsultavimo tarnyba
Address: Stoties g. 5, 58343 Akademija, Kėdainiai district, Lithuania
Legal status: private
Total budget: EUR 134 196.00
ERDF budget: EUR 114 066.60
- Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
Name: Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
Address: Al. Hrabska 3, Falenty, 05090 Raszyn, Poland
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 436 200.00
ERDF budget: EUR 370 770.00
- Centrum Doradztwa Rolniczego w Brwinowie Oddziałw Radomiu
Name: Centrum Doradztwa Rolniczego w Brwinowie Oddziałw Radomiu
Address: Chorzowska 16/18, 26-600 Radom, Poland
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 156 250.00
ERDF budget: EUR 132 812.50
- Landesamt für Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und ländliche Räume des Landes Schleswig-Holstein
Name: Landesamt für Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und ländliche Räume des Landes Schleswig-Holstein
Department: Ground water hydrology, Ground water protection
Address: Hamburger Chaussee 25, 24220 Flintbek, Germany
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 300 750.00
ERDF budget: EUR 225 562.50
- Blunk GmbH
Name: Blunk GmbH
Address: Dorfstraße 1, 24919 Rendswühren, Germany
Legal status: private
Total budget: EUR 556 833.00
ERDF budget: EUR 417 624.75
- Biedriba "Zemnieku saeima"
Name: Biedriba "Zemnieku saeima"
Address: Republikas laukums 2-916, LV1010 Riga, Latvia
Legal status: private
Total budget: EUR 114 040.00
ERDF budget: EUR 96 934.00
- ProAgria Keskusten Liitto
Name: ProAgria Keskusten Liitto
Address: Urheilutie 6, 01301 Vantaa, Finland
Legal status: private
Total budget: EUR 204 884.00
ERDF budget: EUR 153 663.00
- HS Konsult AB
Name: HS Konsult AB
Address: Box 412, 75106 Uppsala, Sweden
Legal status: private
Total budget: EUR 100 000.00
ERDF budget: EUR 75 000.00
- Br Göransson AB
Name: Br Göransson AB
Address: Snickarehusvägen 69, 26572 Kvidinge, Sweden
Legal status: private
Total budget: EUR 390 416.00
ERDF budget: EUR 292 812.00
- Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetas
Name: Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetas
Department: Animal Science Institute of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Address: A. Mickevičiaus g. 9, 44307 Kaunas, Lithuania
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 266 742.50
ERDF budget: EUR 226 731.12
- SIA Vecsiljāņi
Name: SIA Vecsiljāņi
Address: Vecsiljāņi, LV5135 Bebru pagasts, Kokneses novads, Latvia
Legal status: private
Total budget: EUR 10 611.80
ERDF budget: EUR 9 020.03
- Organe Institute Aps
Name: Organe Institute Aps
Address: Skejbytoften 87, 8200 Århus N, Denmark
Legal status: private
Total budget: EUR 150 000.00
ERDF budget: EUR 112 500.00
- SIA Lauku Agro
Name: SIA Lauku Agro
Address: "Oslejas", Jaunberze parish, Dobele district, LV-3717 Dobeles, Latvia
Legal status: private
Total budget: EUR 238 728.20
ERDF budget: EUR 187 218.97
Partners map

Lead partner

Project partner
Project acronym: Baltic Slurry Acidification
Project start date: 2016-03-01
Project end date: 2019-02-28
Project status: closed
Total budget/expenditure: EUR 5 076 104.01
Total EU funding (amount): EUR 3 985 653.84
Total EU funding (co-financing rate): 78.50%
Co-financing sources:
- ERDF: Amount, EUR 3 985 653.84.
Documents on this project are listed below, and organised by category. Please note field "Data source", attached to each document. users are free to use these documents as long as they mention the data source and
- Brochures / magazines / manuals
- Final Brochure
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Brochure / magazine / manual
Data source:
Publication date: 2020-09-23
Document date: 2019-02-28
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Media releases / articles
- Jak zatrzymać azot w gnojowicy?
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Media release / article
Data source:
Publication date: 2020-09-23
Document date: 2017-03-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- An alternative to sulfuric acid for acidification of slurry to reduce ammonia emissions - A literature review
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Media release / article
Data source:
Publication date: 2020-09-23
Document date: 2018-10-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Experten diskutierten Potenziale und Risiken in Kiel
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Media release / article
Data source:
Publication date: 2020-09-23
Document date: 2018-11-03
Languages: de
Attachment file: Download
- Status for air quality in the Baltic Sea Region with respect to ammonia
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Media release / article
Data source:
Publication date: 2020-09-23
Document date: 2019-02-28
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Policy brief - Slurry acidification has wide benefits
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Media release / article
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-27
Document date: 2019-04-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Lietelannan happokäsittely – tehokas täsmämenetelmä maatilan keinovalikoimaan ammoniakkihukan vähentämiseksi
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Media release / article
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-27
Document date: 2019-04-30
Languages: fi
Attachment file: Download
- Presentations
- Decreasing nitrogen loss from agriculture with slurry acidification techniques
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2020-09-30
Document date: 2019-02-12
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Feasibility studies
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2020-09-30
Document date: 2019-02-12
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Slurry acidification effect on soil
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2020-09-30
Document date: 2019-02-12
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2020-09-30
Document date: 2019-02-12
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Final conclusions and recommendations of slurry acidification techniques (SAT) in field
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-01-14
Document date: 2019-02-12
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- EU air quality and ammonia emissions - Policy, legislation and implementation
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-07-31
Document date: 2019-11-26
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Legislative bottlenecks
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-29
Document date: 2019-02-12
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Economic impacts of slurry acidification
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-29
Document date: 2019-02-12
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-29
Document date: 2019-12-02
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Policy Recommendations
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-29
Document date: 2019-02-12
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Ammonia emissions and measures for reduction in Estonia
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-29
Document date: 2019-02-13
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Ammonia emission reduction in Latvia. Policy framework
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-29
Document date: 2019-02-13
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Agricultural ammonia emissions in France
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-29
Document date: 2019-02-13
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- How policy can be used in Lithuania to promote sustainable agriculture
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-29
Document date: 2019-02-13
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Cleaner air and better fertilizer value evidence and experiences from Denmark
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-29
Document date: 2018-11-26
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- An introduction to slurry acidification techniques to reduce nitrogen loss from agriculture
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-30
Document date: 2018-11-26
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- The policy framework and potential to implement slurry acidification in Europe - conclusions from the Baltic Slurry Acidification project
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-30
Document date: 2018-11-26
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Acidification of animal slurry
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-10-01
Document date: 2018-09-27
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Mitigation of ammonia emissions by acidification of organic fertilizers - First results of field trials in Germany
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-10-01
Document date: 2018-09-27
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Upcoming Project: GuelleBest - Mitigation of ammonia and greenhouse gas emission and improving nitrogen use efficiency by innovative slurry and digestate application techniques for growing crops
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-10-04
Document date: 2018-09-27
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Policy recommendations for supporting slurry acidification technology
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-10-04
Document date: 2018-09-27
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Slurry Acidification - Activities in Mecklenburg-Vorpo
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-10-04
Document date: 2018-09-27
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Abating ammonia emissions in agriculture - Positioning and activities of the Chamber of Agriculture in Schleswig-Holstein
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-10-04
Document date: 2018-09-27
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Assessing the potential for voluntary adoption of SATs: insights from a choice experiment with German farmers
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-10-04
Document date: 2018-09-27
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Introduction to slurry acidification
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-10-04
Document date: 2017-10-11
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Slurry Acidification Market Potential
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-10-04
Document date: 2017-10-11
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Implementation of SATs on national level
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-10-04
Document date: 2017-10-11
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Health and safety issues
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-10-04
Document date: 2017-10-11
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Brief overview of other related activities
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-10-04
Document date: 2017-11-10
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Overview of the Field Trial Activities
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-10-04
Document date: 2017-10-11
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Field trials in Germany
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-10-04
Document date: 2017-10-09
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Swedish Field Trials 2016 & 2017, preliminary results
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-10-04
Document date: 2017-10-11
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Practical case study of the economy of SATs
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-10-04
Document date: 2017-10-11
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Baltic Slurry Acidification, Pilot investments
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Publication date: 2021-10-05
Document date: 2017-10-11
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Br. Göransson investment in Sweden
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-10-05
Document date: 2017-10-11
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Projectpartner Blunk GmbH
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-10-05
Document date: 2017-10-11
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Reports
- Feasibility studies for pilot installations
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-08-31
Document date: 2017-08-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Procurement process of pilot installations
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-08-31
Document date: 2018-08-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Initial experiences in using SATs in the BSR
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-08-31
Document date: 2019-02-28
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Methodology, results collection and Partners practical experiences 2016-2018
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-08-31
Document date: 2019-01-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Guidelines and recommendations of slurry acidification techniques (SAT) in field
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-08-31
Document date: 2019-02-28
Attachment file: Download
- Policy recommendations for supporting SAT implementation
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-08
Document date: 2019-02-28
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Economic analysis of using of slurry acidification technologies in the BSR region
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-21
Document date: 2019-12-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Environmental assessment of slurry acidification technologies
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-21
Document date: 2019-02-28
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Market potential analysis - Slurry acidification technologies in the Baltic Sea Region
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-21
Document date: 2017-08-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Legal framework analysis
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-21
Document date: 2019-01-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Possibilities and bottlenecks for implementing slurry acidification techniques in the Baltic Sea Region
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-27
Document date: 2018-05-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Titration, buffer capacity and acid consumption of animal slurries in Baltic Sea Region countries
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-27
Document date: 2018-12-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- The effect of acidified slurry on soil based on leaching test data (2017–2018)
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-27
Document date: 2019-01-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Working environment and safety
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-27
Document date: 2018-02-28
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Ammonia emissions from storage
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-27
Document date: 2019-02-28
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Slurry acidification - Micro-structural analysis of concrete after exposure to acidified and non-acidified slurry
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-27
Document date: 2019-02-28
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Equipment quality evaluations
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-27
Document date: 2019-04-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Animal slurry acidification: effects of slurry characteristics, use of different acids, slurry pH buffering
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-27
Document date: 2018-01-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Arbetsmiljö och säkerhet vid surgörning av flytgödsel
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-27
Document date: 2017-11-30
Languages: sv
Attachment file: Download
- Main environmental considerations of slurry acidification
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-27
Document date: 2018-12-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Scenarie for forsuring af halvdelen af gyllen i Danmark (report in Danish “Scenario of acidification of half of the slurry in Denmark”)
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-27
Document date: 2017-10-31
Languages: da
Attachment file: Download
- Videos / films
- The project ""Baltic Slurry Acidification"" has reached the finish line
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Video / film
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-28
Document date: 2019-02-26
Languages: en
- Srutų rūgštinimas domina ir Estijos mokslininkus, ir praktikus
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Video / film
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-28
Document date: 2019-01-04
Languages: en, lt
- Slurry acidification reduces ammonia emissions from agriculture
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Video / film
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-28
Document date: 2018-11-29
Languages: en
- In-house acidification at Grønlund pig breeding farm
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Video / film
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-29
Document date: 2018-11-29
Languages: en
- Acidification of slurry - a snapshot of the three technologies (SATs) (in Swedish)
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Video / film
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-29
Document date: 2017-11-27
Languages: en
- Išsaugoti dirvožemį – vienas aktualiausių nūdienos agronominių iššūkių
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Video / film
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-29
Document date: 2018-04-12
Languages: en, lt
- Inovacijos: išbandomos srutų rūgštinimo technologijos
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Video / film
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-29
Document date: 2017-11-21
Languages: en, lt
- Kūtsmēslu skābināšanas projekts (Baltic Slurry Acidi).
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Video / film
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-29
Document date: 2018-07-24
Languages: lv
- Slurry Acidification Technologies
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Video / film
Data source:
Publication date: 2021-09-29
Document date: 2019-02-07
Languages: pl
Information regarding the data in on the programme financing this project
Financing programme
2014 - 2020 INTERREG VB Baltic Sea
Last month that data in was retrieved from the Programme's website or received from the Programme
No. of projects in / Total no. of projects (% of projects in
200 / 200 (100%)
No. of project partnerships in / Total no. of project partnerships (% of project partnerships in
2 025 / 2 025 (100%)
Notes on the data
Information provided by the Programme. Achievements were retrieved by Interact from the Programme website (, or a website directly linked from it, on 2021-11-30.
The financial data featured in for this programme, it's projects and its partners is not exact and should be taken as a reference only.