Description (LV): Demogrāfiskās prognozes Lietuvā un Latvijā liecina, ka straujā sabiedrības novecošanās īsā laika posmā novedīs pie liela pieprasījuma pēc uzlabotiem un jauniem veselības aprūpes pakalpojumiem. Lai samazinātu sociālo atstumtību vecāka gadagājuma cilvēkiem un iedrošinātu viņus būt sabiedriski aktīvākiem, nepieciešams uzlabot šo cilvēku fizisko aktivitāti un citus labsajūtas faktorus, ieviešot jaunus elektroniskos aprūpes pakalpojumus Lietuvas un Latvijas sociālās aprūpes namos un uzlabojot šo pakalpojumu pieejamību sabiedrībai.Projekta mērķis ir attīstīt vecāka gadagājuma cilvēku aprūpes pakalpojumus, stiprinot slimību profilakses pasākumus, un izveidot jaunus, publiski pieejamus pakalpojumus cilvēkiem ar īpašām vajadzībām, attīstīt e- veselības aprūpes pakalpojumu pārklājumu. Šī projekta laikā sadarbosies sociālās aprūpes institūcijas un informācijas un komunikācijas tehnoloģiju speciālisti no Lietuvas un Latvijas, lai radītu reālā laika cilvēka fizioloģisko parametru novērošanas pakalpojumus, kas ļaus speciālistiem identificēt un novērtēt veselības problēmas, izveidot individuālu fizisko aktivitāšu un atpūtas plānu ar mērķi uzlabot dzīves kvalitāti, paildzināt neatkarību un veicināt to integrāciju sabiedrībā. Projektā radītie jaunās paaudzes sociālie pakalpojumi – uzlabota un jaunizveidota smart (gudrā) sociālo pakalpojumu infrastruktūra, radīs iespēju risināt Latvijas un Lietuvas programmas definētos izaicinājumus ilgtspējīgai attīstībai. Iztrādātie risinājumi ļaus sekmīgi sasniegt 3 programmas direktorijas, kas iekļautas Interreg V-A LATLIT specifiskajā mērķī 3.1. Lai izveidotu un attīstītu jaunos sociālos pakalpojumus, projetā tiks izveidots kopīgs kompetences centrs ar mērķi sekmēt veco cilvēku aprūpes sociālo pakalpojumu attīstību. Tiks apveinoti latviešu un lietuviešu sociālās aprūpes darbinieki, zinātnes un izglītības kopienas biedri, kas ļaus apmainīties ar esošajām zināšanām un kompetencēm.
Read more Description (LT): Lietuvos ir Latvijos demografinės prognozės rodo, jog abiejų šalių senstančios visuomenės lems spartų sveikatos priežiūros esamų ir naujų paslaugų paklausos didėjimą ir kokybinius pokyčius. Mažinant senyvo amžiaus žmonių socialinę atskirtį ir įtraukti juos į visuomeninę veiklą, reikalinga gerinti jų fizinį aktyvumą ir kitus sveikatinimo aspektus, diegiant naujas senyvo amžiaus žmonių priežiūros elektronines paslaugas Lietuvos ir Latvijos globos namuose, bei didinant šių paslaugų prieinamumą visuomenei. Projektu siekiama vystyti vyresnio amžiaus žmonių sveikatos priežiūrą ir rūpybą, stiprinant ligų prevencijos priemones, bei kurti naujas viešai prieinamas paslaugas žmonėms, turintiems specialiųjų poreikių, vystant e-sveikatos paslaugas. Susikooperavę Latvijos ir Lietuvos socialinės rūpybos, informacinių ir komunikacinių technologijų specialistai sukurs realaus laiko žmogaus fiziologinių parametrų stebėjimo paslaugą, leidžiančią identifikuoti ir įvertinti sveikatos problemas, sudaryti individualias fizinio aktyvumo programas, siekiant pagyvenusiems žmonėms pagerinti jų gyvenimo kokybę, ilgiau išlikti savarankiškiems ir padidinti jų integraciją į visuomenę. Teikiamas projektas deklaruoja, kad sukurtas pavyzdinis naujos kartos socialinių paslaugų teikimas per pagerintą ir naujai sukurtą bendrų sumaniųjų socialinių paslaugų infrastruktūrą programos regione, sudarys geresnes galimybes Latvijos ir Lietuvos programos darnaus vystymosi iššūkiams spręsti. Šie sprendimai leis sėkmingai pasiekti Interreg V-A LATLIT programos 3 prioriteto iškeltą specifinį 3.1 tikslą. Šioms naujoms socialinėms paslaugoms kurti ir plėtoti projektas įkurs bendrą jungtinį kompetencijų centrą išmaniosioms socialinėms rūpybos paslaugų senyviems žmonėms teikti, apjungiantį Latvijos bei Lietuvos socialinės rūpybos, mokslo ir studijų bendruomenės narius ir leidžiantį keistis turimomis žiniomis bei kompetencijomis.
Read more Description (EN): Demographic projections of Lithuania and Latvia show that an aging society of both countries will lead in the short term to a rapid increase in demand and qualitative change for existing and new health care services. In order to reduce the social exclusion of elderly people and encourage them into active contribution to society there is a need to improve their physical activity and other wellness aspects, by introducing new elderly care electronic services in Lithuania and Latvia social care homes, and improving accessibility of social services to the public.
The project aims to develop elderly care services by strengthening disease prevention measures and the creation new publicly available services for people with special needs by development of e-health services . Therefore cooperated social care and information and communication technology specialists from Lithuania and Latvia in this project will create a real-time human physiological parameters monitoring service that allows professionals to identify and assess health problems, to create individual physical activity programs in order to improve their quality of life, prolong their independence and increase their integration into society.
The project declares that created pilot new generation social services through improved and newly created joint smart social services infrastructure, will create better opportunities to address Latvian and Lithuanian program challenges for sustainable development in Programme region. These solutions will enable the successful achievement of the Interreg V-A LatLit specific objective 3.1 of 3 program priority. To create and develop new social services the project will establish common Joint Competence Center for smart elderly care social services development, bringing together Latvian and Lithuanian social care, science and education community members enabling to exchange existing knowledge and competence. A pilot methodology and tools will be implemented in care homes in Latvia and Lithuania.
Read more Achievements (EN): Project partners working together successfully have finished all the Project activities and achieved all the planned Project outputs and goals and fully implemented the project. Together it was organized common working meetings, intensive new Smart Social Services Development, common training courses, project dissemination and other activities. The most important of them:
1) LP_1, PP_2, PP_3 and PP_4 institutions administrative staff was employed and have organized the Project work.
2) All partners institutions staff have worked together and have carried out the Project activities.
3) All the progress reports has been prepared and approved by JTS and MA.
4) The target groups for the 3 training courses has been formed from the Klaipeda University students and staff members, Ventspils social care home staff, Klaipeda City Care Home staff, Ventspils Digital Center staff.
5) 3 training courses have been organized in Klaipeda and Ventspils. During the training courses members of the target groups has been trained and received practical skills and theoretical knowledge.
6) The agreement between project partners on establishment Joint Competence Center has been signed.
7)During the Project it was purchased a necessary equipment sets for all the partners and the equipment installation. This enabled achievement of project overall objective: enabling to develop and implement new smart social eldercare services. During the Project it was purchased a necessary equipment sets for all the partners and the equipment installation. This enables achievement of project overall objective enabling to develop and implement new smart social eldercare services.
8) All the partners cooperating has prepared the common needs and feasibility study on social services and infrastructure.
9) All the partners cooperating has prepared the common the report on investigation of institutional partners’ capacities and cooperation possibilities to develop strengthened and efficient public elderly care social services.
10) Partners working together has started preparation of the common requirements for the new smart social e-services ICT system for elderly care in cooperating partners’ network.
11) The LP involving all the partners has coordinated preparation of the Strategy for cooperation and center development if the future.
12) The LP involving all the partners has coordinated Development of the business plan for the created centre development in the cross-border region.
13) The report on pilot implementation of new smart eldercare social services has been prepared.
14) LP_1, PP_2, PP_3 and PP_4 has organized and implemented public procurement procedures and purchased the planned equipment.
15) Partners together have continued disseminating information to the public by all available means of communication including press, web and Facebook.
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Expected Results (LV): Personu skaits, kas iegūs pieejamākus un efektīvākus sociālās integrācijas un sociālos pakalpojumus
Expected Results (EN): Number of people benefiting from more accessible, efficient social inclusion measures and social services
Expected Outputs (EN): Project addresses the Programme objectives as it is focused on joint partners activities and operates within the eligible area that encourage the social inclusion as a precondition of territorial development in the regional centers Ventspils and Klaipeda.
It will strengthen cross border area economic and social base development increasing the competitiveness by establishing at regional level currently missing primary structures and capacities.
The main project result is the development of new generation social services which will be provided to the broader audience with higher efficiency improving the access to health care, education and partly participation in the labour market in the Programme area. The center will help to improve accessibility and efficiency of social services as it coordinates development of the new generation smart social services.
It will also have a positive impact promoting a knowledge-driven economy development in the cooperation region by establishing the new Joint competence center for smart elderly care social services development.
Such center will be attractive not only to the specialists working in the health care and social services areas but it also will let cooperate between young generation and elderly in both cross-border countries as it will include and disseminate usage of innovative technologies.
The project will also promote qualification improvement and further research in project related fields at Klaipeda University that is in line with their mission (See:
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Thematic information
Specific Objective:
Improved accessibility and efficiency of social services
Thematic Objective:
(09) promoting social inclusion, combating poverty and any discrimination, by:
Investment Priority:
(09a) investing in health and social infrastructure which contributes to national, regional and local development, reducing inequalities in terms of health status, promoting social inclusion through improved access to social, cultural and recreational services and the transition from institutional to community-based services
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Partners (4)
Lead Partner:
Klaipeda University
H. Manto 84, LT-92294 Klaipeda, Lithuania
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 143 372.20
ERDF budget:
EUR 121 866.37
Klaipėdos miesto globos namai
Klaipėdos miesto globos namai
Žalgirio 3a, LT-93248 Klaipeda, Lithuania
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 98 012.00
ERDF budget:
EUR 83 310.20
Pašvaldības iestāde “Ventspils Digitālais centrs”
Pašvaldības iestāde “Ventspils Digitālais centrs”
Akmeņu 3, LV - 3601 Ventspils, Latvia
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 268 023.37
ERDF budget:
EUR 227 819.86
Pašvaldības iestāde “Ventspils pilsētas sociālais dienests”
Pašvaldības iestāde “Ventspils pilsētas sociālais dienests”
Raiņa 10, LV - 3601 Ventspils, Latvia
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 97 799.02
ERDF budget:
EUR 83 129.17