Description (LT): Projektā tiks izveidota jaunā pieeja apmācībai:LJK studenti varēs izmantot ierīkoto LAJM Ostas operācijas simulātoru apmācībām tiešsaistē.Cits jauns risinājums–izmēģinājums savienot divus trenažieru kompleksus LJK un LAJM.Bendras projekto siekis sumažinti kvalifikuotos darbo jėgos trukumą Latvijos ir Lietuvos respublikose: kelti darbo jėgos kvalifikaciją, didinant specialistų judumo ir įsidarbinimo galimybės jūriniame sektoriuje. 2 aukštojo mokslo institucijos: Liepojos jūreivystės koledžas (LMC) ir Lietuvos aukštoji jūreivystės mokykla (LMA) sujungė savo pastangas, siekdamos prisidėti prie žmogiškųjų resursų mažėjimo problemos sprendimo, institucijos rengia jūrininkus ir uosto veiklos specialistus jūriniam sektoriui.
Liepoja ir Klaipėda turi jūrinius uostus, todėl kvalifikuotų jūrininkų ir uosto veiklos specialistų paklausa yra didelė. Pagrindinis projekto tikslas yra jūrininkų ir uosto veiklos specialistų konkurencingumo didinimas, gerinant studijų ir kvalifikacijos kėlimo kurso kokybę. Projekto metu bus atnaujinti studijų programų dalykai, parengti kvalifikacijos kėlimo kursai uosto veiklos specialistams, LMC įrengta Navigacijos, manevravimo ir laivų energetinių įrenginių valdymo laboratorija, LMA – unikalus Uosto operacijų treniruoklis. Dėstytojams planuojami 3 kvalifikacijos kėlimo mokymo vizitai-kursai, patirties pasidalijimo seminarai ir vizitai į įmones; bus parengti 5 metodinės medžiagos bendram naudojimui; organizuoti 2 bendri mokymai studentams. Projekto naujumas – LMC turės prieigą prie Uosto operacijų treniruoklio per e-platformą; bus atliktas bandymas sujungti LMC Navigacijos, manevravimo ir laivų energetinių įrenginių valdymo laboratoriją ir LMA virtualų laivą bendrėms mokymams.
Read more Description (LV): Projekta kopējais teritoriālais uzdevums ir apmierināt darba tirgus pieprasījumu pēc kvalificēto darbaspēku, samazināt darbaspēka neatbilstību tirgus prasībām un palielināt cilvēku skaitu ar pilnveidotam prasmes, kas atbilst darba tirgum, palielināt mobilitāti un nodarbinātību Latvijas un Lietuvas teritorijās.Divas izglītības iestādes Liepājas Jūrniecības koledža(LJK)un Lietuvas Jūras akadēmija(LAJM) apvienojas, lai kopīgiem spēkiem atrisināt cilvēkresursu problēmu, abas iestādes nodrošina augstāko izglītību un kvalifikācijas celšanas iespējas jūras transporta nozares speciālistiem, atrodas jūras ostu pilsētas-Liepājas un Klaipēda-kur ir tiešais pieprasījums pēc kvalificētiem jūras transporta nozares speciālistiem.
Galvenais projekta mērķis ir uzlabot konkurētspēju jūrniekiem un loģistikas speciālistiem ostās uzlabojot izglītības kvalitāti. Priekšmeti mācību programmās tiks atjaunināti, jauns īss apmācības kurss loģistikas ostu speciālistiem tiks izstrādāts LJK,un moderniem trenažieri:Navigācijas, manevrēšanas un Dzinēju kontroles laboratorija tiks uzstādīta LJK un Ostas operāciju simulators-LAJM. Abas iestādes akadēmiskajam personālam uzlabos profesionālās kompetences, piedaloties 3 apmācības kursos un 2 vizītēs, izveidos 5 mācību materiālus kopīgai lietošanai.Divas pilot grupas izies apmācību LJK un LAJM.
Read more Description (EN): The project common territorial challenge is to fulfil the demand to reduce workforce mismatch and increased the number of people receiving upgraded skills matching labour market, increase mobility and employability in territory of Latvia and Lithuania.2 educational institutions Liepaja Marine College(LMC)and Lithuanian Maritime Academy(LMA) has joined their efforts to solve human resource problem, both institutions provides high education and trainings in maritime transport sector, located in cities having sea ports–Liepaja and Klaipeda-cities have direct territorial demand for qualified maritime transport sector specialists.
The main objective of the project is to improve the competitiveness of seafarers and logistic specialists in ports by improving education quality.Subjects in training programmes will be updated, new short training course for logistic port operation specialist will be developed in LMC,and modern training facilities: Navigation, manoeuvring and Engine control Laboratory will be installed in LMC and Port operation simulator in LMA.Teaching staff of both institutions will upgrade their qualification by participating in 3 training courses, experience exchange and field trips, create 5 learning materials for joint use.2 joint pilot groups will be organized.New approach of the project is, that LMC will use online connection to the system of Port operation simulator, installed in LMA. Another new solution–trial connection of simulator complexes in LMC and LMA.
Read more Achievements (EN): Liepaja Marine College (LMC) acted as the lead partner of the project Nr.LLI-42 “Improvement of workforce mobility and skills in Latvian-Lithuanian maritime transport sector “(LatLitNaviPort).
Main LMC project activities implemented:
Improved study programme courses;
Developed 2 teaching/learning materials in Latvian and English languages:
“Joint operation management between bridge and engine control room in Laboratory”;
“Learning materials for Navigation and manoeuvring action in Laboratory”;
Established and installed Navigation, Maneuvering and Engine Control Laboratory, personnel trained to use installed equipment; loft space repaired and adjusted for the Laboratory needs;
Personnel qualification enhanced in several training events – experience exchange visits to Sweden, trainings courses and field trips in Belgium, two structural specific courses in Latvia;
Organized two pilot training events for students and working specialists.
Lithuanian Maritime Academy (LMA) acted as the partner of the project Nr.LLI-42 “Improvement of workforce mobility and skills in Latvian-Lithuanian maritime transport sector “(LatLitNaviPort).
Main LMA project activities implemented:
Improved existing study programme courses;
Developed 3 teaching/learning materials in Lithuanian and English languages:
“Economics of seaport terminal operation”;
“Management of seaport terminal operation”;
“Technologies of seaport terminal operation”;
Purchased and installed Port Operation Simulator, personnel trained to use installed equipment;
Personnel qualification enhanced in several training events – experience exchange visits to Sweden, trainings courses and field trips in Belgium, one structural specific course in Latvia;
Organized two pilot training events for students and working specialists.
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Expected Results (LV): Personu skaits, kas gada laikā iegūst darba tirgus vajadzībām atbilstošas prasmes
Expected Results (EN): Number of people receiving upgraded skills matching labour market needs per year
Expected Outputs (EN): The main project result corresponds to the Programme result indicator: “Number of people receiving upgraded skills matching labour market needs per year” - is improvement of the workforce mobility and skills in Latvian-Lithuanian Maritime Transport Sector for 480 person/ specialists per year.
It is expected that, annually in LMC in 7 education programme (1 secondary vocational, 3 full time and 3 part time) graduates about 230 students and about 120 working specialists upgrading their qualification by attending short courses and professional development courses in LMC Lifelearning department. So in LMC about 350 persons will be related with the project by directly using upgraded infrastructure.
Annually about 130 full-time and part-time students of LMA Port Economics and Management Department will have trainings at Port Operation Simulator. According to the persons, who directly will use upgraded infrastructure and all project activities results/outputs is 480 person per year, thus receiving upgraded skills matching labour market needs.
It is expected that around 1500 students, personnel and working specialists - seafarers in LMC and 4200 students, working specialists, seafarers and personnel in LMA will use KEC platform and will have access to the learning materials, not only will be part of dissemination activities, but also will be directly and indirectly use some of project outputs.
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Thematic information
Specific Objective:
Increased job opportunities by improving mobility and skills of workforce
Thematic Objective:
(08) promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility by:
Investment Priority:
(08 ETC) ETC specific, for cross-border cooperation: promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility by integrating cross-border labour markets, including cross-border mobility, joint local employment initiatives, information and advisory services and joint training
Partners (2)
Lead Partner:
Liepājas Jūrniecības koledža
Uliha street 5, LV-3401 Liepaja, Latvia
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 605 997.08
ERDF budget:
EUR 515 097.52
Lietuvos aukštoji jūreivystės mokykla
Lietuvos aukštoji jūreivystės mokykla
I.Kanto 7, LT-92123 Klaipeda, Lithuania
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 294 289.26
ERDF budget:
EUR 250 145.87