Programme 2014 - 2020 INTERREG VB Central Europe
Date of latest update: 2023-11-15


Description (EN): Read more
Achievements (EN): Read more
Website: https://programme2014-20.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/home.html
Expected Results (EN): R 3.3 Status of integrated environmental managment capacities of the public sector and related entities in functional urban areas achieved through transnational cooperation for making them more liveable places.
Expected Outputs (EN): Read more

Thematic information

Specific Objective: To improve environmental management of functional urban areas to make them more liveable places
Thematic Objective: (06) preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency by:
Investment Priority: (06e) taking action to improve the urban environment, to revitalise cities, regenerate and decontaminate brownfield sites (including conversion areas), reduce air pollution and promote noise-reduction measures

Partners (11)

Lead Partner: Vysoká škola báňská – Technická univerzita Ostrava

Address: 17. listopadu 15/2172, 70800 Ostrava, Czech Republic

Legal status: public

Website: http://www.vsb.cz

Total budget: EUR 968 678.60

ERDF budget: EUR 823 376.81

Europejskie Ugrupowanie Współpracy Terytorialnej TRITIA z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością

Name: Europejskie Ugrupowanie Współpracy Terytorialnej TRITIA z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością

Address: Zamkowa 3A, 43400 Cieszyn, Poland

Legal status: public

Website: http://www.egtctritia.eu

Total budget: EUR 54 861.60

ERDF budget: EUR 46 632.36

ACCENDO - Centrum pro vědu a výzkum, z.ú.

Name: ACCENDO - Centrum pro vědu a výzkum, z.ú.

Address: Moravská 758/95, 70030 Ostrava-Hrabůvka, Czech Republic

Legal status: private

Website: http://accendo.cz

Total budget: EUR 503 882.52

ERDF budget: EUR 428 300.14

Žilinská univerzita v Žiline

Name: Žilinská univerzita v Žiline

Department: Research centre

Address: Univerzitná 8215/1, 01026 Žilina, Slovakia

Legal status: public

Website: https://www.uniza.sk/menu/inc.php?ver=en

Total budget: EUR 389 214.33

ERDF budget: EUR 330 832.18

Mesto Žilina

Name: Mesto Žilina

Department: Department of transport

Address: Námestie obetí komunizmu 1, 011 31 Zilina, Slovakia

Legal status: public

Website: http://www.zilina.sk

Total budget: EUR 28 590.00

ERDF budget: EUR 24 301.50

Główny Instytut Górnictwa

Name: Główny Instytut Górnictwa

Department: Silesian Centre for Environmental Radioactivity

Address: Plac Gwarków 1, 40-166 Katowice, Poland

Legal status: public

Website: http://www.gig.eu

Total budget: EUR 258 120.54

ERDF budget: EUR 219 402.46

Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy

Name: Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy

Address: Podleśna 61, 01-673 Warszawa, Poland

Legal status: public

Website: http://www.imgw.pl

Total budget: EUR 222 179.97

ERDF budget: EUR 188 852.97

Statutární město Ostrava

Name: Statutární město Ostrava

Address: Prokešovo náměstí 8, 729 30 Ostrava, Czech Republic

Legal status: public

Website: https://www.ostrava.cz/en

Total budget: EUR 19 782.00

ERDF budget: EUR 16 814.70

Miasto Opole

Name: Miasto Opole

Address: Rynek-Ratusz -, 45-015 Opole, Poland

Legal status: public

Website: http://www.opole.pl

Total budget: EUR 19 026.58

ERDF budget: EUR 16 172.59

Statutární město Opava

Name: Statutární město Opava

Address: Horní náměstí 69, 746 01 Opava, Czech Republic

Legal status: public

Website: http://www.opava-city.cz

Total budget: EUR 18 131.00

ERDF budget: EUR 15 411.35

Miasto Rybnik

Name: Miasto Rybnik

Department: Municipal Office of Rybnik

Address: UL. BOLESŁAWA CHROBREGO 2, 44-200 Rybnik, Poland

Legal status: public

Website: http://www.rybnik.eu

Total budget: EUR 10 202.00

ERDF budget: EUR 8 671.70

Partners map

Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - NationalResearch Institute


Lead partner marker

Lead partner

Project partner marker

Project partner



Project acronym: AIR TRITIA

Project start date: 2017-06-01

Project end date: 2020-11-30

Project status: closed

Total budget/expenditure: EUR 2 492 669.14

Total EU funding (amount): EUR 2 118 768.77

Total EU funding (co-financing rate): 82.50%

Co-financing sources:

  • ERDF: Amount, EUR 2 118 768.77.


Documents on this project are listed below, and organised by category. Please note field "Data source", attached to each document. Keep.eu users are free to use these documents as long as they mention the data source and keep.eu.

D.t1.1.1: Report on Review of Existing Studies on the Causes of Air Pollution

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Report

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2017-11-30

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

D.t1.1.2: Report on the State of Current National Legislation and Policies to Improve the Air Quality

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Report

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2018-05-31

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

D.t1.1.3: Report on Past and Current Relevant EU-funded Projects

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Report

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2017-11-30

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

Studies / surveys
Socio-economic Study of the Area of Interest

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Study / survey

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2018-05-31

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

Epidemiological Study of the Area of Interest

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Study / survey

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2018-11-22

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

Zarządzanie jakością powietrza

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Book

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2020-12-31

Languages: pl, en

Attachment file: Download

Riadenie kvality ovzdušia

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Book

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2020-12-31

Languages: sk, en

Attachment file: Download

Brochures / magazines / manuals
Strategia Zarządzania Jakością Powietrza Dla Europejskiego Ugrupowania Współpracy Terytorialnej Tritia Na Okres 2020 – 2040 (cz/pl)

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Brochure / magazine / manual

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2020-08-07

Languages: pl, cs

Attachment file: Download

Strategia Zarządzania Jakością Powietrza Dla Europejskiego Ugrupowania Współpracy Terytorialnej Tritia Na Okres 2020 - 2040 (pl)

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Brochure / magazine / manual

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2020-09-30

Languages: pl

Attachment file: Download

Strategie Řízení Kvality Ovzduší Pro Evropské Seskupení Pro Územní Spolupráci Tritia Na Období 2020 až 2040 (cz)

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Brochure / magazine / manual

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2020-09-30

Languages: cs

Attachment file: Download

Strategie Řízení Kvality Ovzduší Pro Město Žilina Včetně Funkční Městské Oblasti Na Období 2020 až 2040

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Brochure / magazine / manual

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2020-06-25

Languages: cs

Attachment file: Download

Strategie Řízení Kvality Ovzduší Pro Statuární Město Opava Včetně Funkční Městské Oblasti Na Období 2020 až 2040

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Brochure / magazine / manual

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2020-02-21

Languages: cs

Attachment file: Download

Strategia Zarządzania Jakością Powietrza Dla Miasta Rybnika Wraz Z Funkcjonalnym Obszarem Miejskim Na Okres 2020-2040

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Brochure / magazine / manual

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2020-06-24

Languages: pl

Attachment file: Download

Strategické Přístupy a Nástroje Řízení Kvality Ovzduší Pro Statutární Město Ostrava Včetně Funkční Městské Oblasti Na Období 2020 až 2040

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Brochure / magazine / manual

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2020-11-11

Languages: cs

Attachment file: Download

Strategia Zarządzania Jakością Powietrza Dla Miasta Opola Wraz Z Funkcjonalnym Obszarem Miejskim Na Okres 2020-2040

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Brochure / magazine / manual

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2020-09-23

Languages: pl

Attachment file: Download

AIR TRITIA - The Ideas Behind the Project

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Presentation

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2020-11-24

Languages: cs, en

Attachment file: Download

AIR TRITIA - Air pollution modelling and AQMS

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Presentation

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2020-11-24

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

AIR TRITIA – čisté ovzdušie v srdci Európy „Cestná doprava – modelovanie a meranie kvality ovzdušia“

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Presentation

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2020-11-24

Languages: sk

Attachment file: Download

AIR TRITIA - Zdroje znečišťování ovzduší prům. zdroje, lokální topeniště, doprava

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Presentation

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2020-11-24

Languages: cs

Attachment file: Download

Granulometria cząstek aerozoli w wybranych miejscach polsko-czeskiego pogranicza

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Presentation

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2020-11-24

Languages: pl

Attachment file: Download

Zanieczyszczenia a Jakość Powietrza - D.t2.3.1 – PWS (System Przewidywania Ostrzeżeń Przed Smogiem (PWS))

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Presentation

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2020-11-25

Languages: en, pl

Attachment file: Download

Strategické řízení kvality ovzduší měst a regionů

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Presentation

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2020-11-24

Languages: cs

Attachment file: Download

Air quality management in Opava

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Presentation

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2020-11-24

Languages: cs

Attachment file: Download

„Działania Miasta Opola w zakresie poprawy jakości powietrza”

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Presentation

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2020-11-24

Languages: pl

Attachment file: Download

„Řízení kvality ovzduší v Ostravě“

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Presentation

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2020-11-24

Languages: cs

Attachment file: Download

Czyste powietrze w Rybniku

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Presentation

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2020-11-24

Languages: pl

Attachment file: Download

AIR TRITIA – čistejšie ovzdušie v Žiline

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Presentation

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2020-11-24

Languages: sk

Attachment file: Download

Media releases / articles
Newsletter April 2018

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Media release / article

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2018-04-30

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

Newsletter November 2018

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Media release / article

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2018-11-30

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

Newsletter May 2019

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Media release / article

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2019-05-31

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

Newsletter November 2019

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Media release / article

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2019-11-30

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

Newsletter October 2020

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Media release / article

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2020-10-31

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

Videos / films

Attachment type: link

Type of document: Video / film

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2019-04-11

Languages: en, sk

Because Air Pollution Travels

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Flyer

Data source: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/AIR-TRITIA.html

Publication date: 2022-09-01

Document date: 2020-11-30

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

Information regarding the data in keep.eu on the programme financing this project

Financing programme

2014 - 2020 INTERREG VB Central Europe

Last month that data in keep.eu was retrieved from the Programme's website or received from the Programme


No. of projects in keep.eu / Total no. of projects (% of projects in keep.eu)

138 / 138 (100%)

No. of project partnerships in keep.eu / Total no. of project partnerships (% of project partnerships in keep.eu)

1 434 / 1 434 (100%)

Notes on the data

Information provided by the Programme. Achievements were retrieved by Interact from the Programme website (https://www.interreg-central.eu/), or a website directly linked from it, on 2021-09-20 and 2024-01-30.

The financial data featured in keep.eu for this programme, it's projects and its partners is not exact and should be taken as a reference only.