Description (EN): The project will provide to the target group of consumers, employees and employers disregarding their age a relatively broad view on the issue of the silver economy, change in comprehension of the ageing process from threat to opportunity, it will hi ghlight the meaning of supporting the healthy and active ageing of population with the goal of achieving high rates of employment and a decrease of poverty, to ensure that the SK HU board line could be a good place for a number of generations. An ef fort of knowledge and regional experiences exchange with solving the effects of population ageing documents a high number of bilingual joint sustainable educational events, conferences, workshops, round-tables in 6 counties of the program region, exh ibitions and fair. Thanks to the achievements of these activities the cross-border cooperation between the residents will be strengthened as well as the interest in cross-border activities. By the realization of the project we will strengthen the cro ss-border cooperation of public and private institutions, cooperation between the government and the corporate sector, industrial sector, trade associations, chambers of commerce, and with the organizations representing the elderly people as well, wi th the objective to support the development of silver products and services.
Read more Description (SK): Projekt poskytne cieľovej skupine spotrebiteľov, zamestnancom alebo zamestnávateľom bez ohľadu na vek relatívne široký pohľad na problematiku striebornej ekonomiky, zmenu v chápaní procesu starnutia od hrozby smerom k príležitosti, vyzdvihne význam podpory zdravého a aktívneho starnutia populácie pri cieľoch dosahovania vysokej zamestnanosti a znižovania chudoby, aby SK HU prihraničie bolo dobrým miestom pre celý rad generácií.
Snahu o výmenu poznatkov a regionálnych skúseností s riešením dôsledkov starnutia populácie dokumentuje vysoký počet dvojjazyčných spoločných udržateľných vzdelávacích akcií, konferencii, workshopov, okrúhlych stolov, tréningov v 6 krajoch programového regiónu, výstavy a veľtrku. Vďaka výsledkom aktivít bude zosilnená cezhraničná spolupráca medzi obyvateľmi, posilnenie záujmu smerujúcim k cezhraničným aktivitám.Realizáciou projektu posilníme cezhraničnú spoluprácu verejných a súkromných inštitúcií, spoluprácu medzi štátom a podnikateľským sektorom, priemyselným sektorom, obchodnými združeniami, obchodnými komorami, ako aj organizáciami zastupujúcimi starších ľudí, s cieľom podporiť vývoj strieborných produktov a služieb.
Read more Description (HU): A projekt a célcsoportnak: akár mint lehetséges ügyfélnek, akár, mint munkaadónak vagy munkavállalónak, korra tekintet nélkül széles rálátást ad az ezüst gazdasággal kapcsolatos változó fogalomkörre, olyan értelmezésben, ami az idősödési folyamatot annak veszélyei helyett sokkal inkább annak lehetőségei felől közelíti meg. Kiemelten fontos a népesség egészséges és aktív öregedésének támogatása a magas szintű foglalkoztatottság elérése és a szegénység felszámolása érdekében, hogy az SK-HU határrégió számos generáció gyümölcsöző együttélésének helye lehessen.
A projekt során tudásátadó rendezvényeken, valamint regionális tapasztalatcseréken keresztül törekszünk az elöregedés hatásait tompítani. Számos kétnyelvű, közös, fenntartható oktatási rendezvényre, konferenciára, workshopra, kerekasztal találkozóra kerül sor a régió 6 megyéjében. Emellett kiállítást és vásárt rendeznek. Mindezen tevékenységeknek köszönhetően a lakosság közötti határon átnyúló együttműködés erősödik, illetve a határon átnyúló tevékenységek iránti érdeklődés növekszik. A projekt megvalósításával erősíteni fogjuk az állami- és a magánintézmények, az állami és magánszféra, az ipari és kereskedelmi társulások, kereskedelmi kamarák, valamint az idős embereket képviselő intézmények közötti határon átnyúló együttműködést azért, hogy hozzájáruljunk a szürke gazdaság termékeinek és szolgáltatásainak fejlesztéséért.
Read more Achievements (EN): During the implementation of the project, the RDV EGTC and the cooperating partner organization drew attention to the changed consumer behavior of the over-50s, which the market should prepare for.
The fact, that the age group of people above 50 is increasing, and the need for people to be helped to work for longer, and the applied products’ and services’ development has to be supported, and also the fact that healthier and more active aging has to be solidified brought this project to life, which will be implemented by Rába - Duna - Vág European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) with its partners, the Kisalföld Enterprise Development Foundation, the Komárno Regional Development Agency and the Senec-Bazini Regional Development Agency.
Within the framework of the project, a number of bilingual education occasions were organised for those of silver age (+50):
1 - Smart tools.
2 - E-administration.
3 - Job search for older people 50+ .
4 - Multilingual course (SK, HU, EN).
Workshops, conferences, exchange of best practices took place based on four main themes:
• aging and employment.
• aging and innovation.
• aging and competitiveness.
• wellness and healthy aging.
Roundtable meetings have taken place in 6 counties with government officials on silver economy and the aging strategy.
In addition, we organized an exhibition and fair (with the participation of 125 exhibitors). On April 20 - 21, 2018 (Fortress Monostor, Komárom) the “Silver Economy Exhibition and Fair” event was held. Manufacturers, contractors, organizations, and associations were given opportunity for free introductions at the event. They mainly produce products for the 50+ generation, offer services, or they themselves belong to the 50+ age group. The RDV EGTC and cooperating partner organizations have implemented the event to raise awareness of the changed customer behaviour of this age group, the fact that the 50+ age group of the silver economy can motivate the economy by demanding new products, is interested in new services that the market must prepare for. Exhibitors are active in various areas of life, such as tourism, spas, alternative medicine, healthy lifestyle, beauty industry, yoga, organic products, consumer goods, household appliances, medical supplies, electric cars, bicycles, dealers or providers of employment services, financial consultancy, and insurance. Several retired co-operatives were present to help the retired work again. There were several booths to get acquainted with organic products, to try massages, therapies and to discuss the subject with the present entrepreneurs and representations. There were 130 exhibitors and 4,000 visitors at the event.
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Delivered Outputs (EN): 1, null.
2, null.
3, Tangible outcomes: Guide for project implamentation; 2x 3 days workshop for internal and external experts.
4, Tangible outcomes: A database of 300 companies at least, created in a form which can be publicized on a new web page of the project and in 2000 pieces (SKHU) of printed publications.
5, Tangible outcomes: Software: web portal with 60 joined users.
6, Tangible outcomes: B2 (12 courses) + B3 (8 courses) + B4 (12 courses) = 32 groups alltogether. 32 x 8 participants = 256 participants.
7, Tangible outcomes: 2 events; Round table in Bratislava; Dissemination document contains the legislative background, the attitude of different type of stakeholders. After the conferences the document must be completed to include experiences and opinion of participants.
8, Tangible outcomes: 125 exhibitors; 6000 pcs catalogue.
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Thematic information
Specific Objective:
Improving the level of cross border inter-institutional cooperation and broadening cross border cooperation between citizens
Thematic Objective:
(11) enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration through actions to strengthen the institutional capacity and the efficiency of public administrations and public services related to the implementation of the ERDF, and in support of actions under the ESF to strengthen the institutional capacity and the efficiency of public administration.
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Investment Priority:
(11 ETC) ETC specific, for cross-border cooperation: enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration by promoting legal and administrative cooperation and cooperation between citizens and institutions