Description (EN): In Europe, street lighting consumes a significant amount of electricity: there are more than 56 million street lighting luminaires in operation, with an estimated electricity consumption of 35 TWh. For municipalities with older, inefficient systems, street lighting can account for 30-50% of their total electricity consumption. However, the saving potential is enormous: with current technologies 30-70% energy savings are generally possible. This savings potential has been recognized and incorporated into European policies. EC Regulation 245/2009 sets phasing out requirements for a range of frequently used street lamp types between 2012 and 2017. Phasing out means that these product groups will no longer be placed on the market and will no longer be available for purchase. The very recent market introduction of LED technology for street lighting offers high savings with comparatively short pay-back times. LED technologies have developed very rapidly, especially in the last few years. Today, with cost reduction potentials of over 50%, LED lighting is already an economically very interesting option for street lighting refurbishment. Moreover, street lighting refurbishment presents a unique opportunity for the uptake of guaranteed energy services in the form of energy performance contracts (EPC):
- Phasing out requirements are placing municipalities under pressure to act: nearly 80 % of all currently used lamps types will not be available after 2017,
- Street lighting refurbishment, especially with the availability of LED and other innovative solutions that are economically attractive and offer a relatively low level of complexity, presents a low risk entry point into the provision of EPC services for SMEs.
Since Romania is a member of the EU and Serbia is a candidate country, this is the opportunity to show to other regions that joint cross border work in this field is possible and sustainable, especially when we talk about energy savings and environmental protection. Also, having in mind that Romania has to apply EU regulation, surely in the next years same regulations will have to be obtained and respected by Serbia. Municipality of Plandiste and Municipality of Recas are very similar. They share approximately the same number of inhabitants; both are agricultural municipalities and have same possibilities regarding renewable energy (thermal waters, wind energy, and possibilities to use energy from biogas).
The overall objective of the project and the expected change your project will make to the current situation.
Overall objective of the project is: Improving the public lighting system in the cross-border area, based on similar standards, and aimed to increase energy efficiency and to reduce the pollution.
Read more Achievements (EN): Results achieved:
1 Energy Efficiency System implemented;
1 Public Lighting System installed in Recas, including monitoring system;
2 Public Lighting System installed in Plandiste, including monitoring system;
234 Participants to the Round tables and Seminars;
Expected Results (EN): PA3-RI1 Population accessing to sustainable and efficient public mobility and transport services. Population having access to improved local transport infrastructures, faster connections to main corridors, efficient border crossing services, transport services using innovative technologies.
Expected Outputs (EN): 1. Efficient and environmental friendly public lighting systems in Serbian and Romanian municipalities.
Investing in public lighting systems in two municipalities will upgrade current situation and provide energy savings. The systems will be superior in terms of energy savings but also in terms of reduced pollution. In this way the sustainable development of the area is encouraged. The population will benefit from a better public service.
2. Establishment of Consumption Management and Monitoring Systems in the two border municipalities.
Two monitoring systems will be implemented, both in Serbia and Romania. The measurement parameters will be the same or similar, so that comparative surveys could be elaborated.
The data provided by the two management systems will represent the baseline for elaborate comparative surveys, to exchange data and information and to put together the knowledges. Ultimately, a cross-border Guide for optimal use of public lighting will be elaborated.
Data gathered by these systems will allow municipalities to monitor all changes in the lighting system and to act appropriately.
The consumption management and monitoring system is an innovative solution for outdoor lighting.
3. People informed about the energy efficiency concept and sustainable use of resources.
Trough round tables and seminars, promotional materials, project information events and such as, people of different target groups will be informed about the energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and possibilities of saving energy.
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Thematic information
Specific Objective:
Promote the achievement of improved and homogenous quality standard in public infrastructures for basic services, especially in remote areas through improved and enlarged access to modern and efficient public utilities services (incl. Internet, energy)
Thematic Priority:
(c) Promoting sustainable transport and improving public infrastructures by, inter alia, reducing isolation through improved access to transport, information and communication networks and services and investing in cross-border water, waste and energy systems and facilities
Partners (4)
Lead Partner:
Opština Plandište
Vojvode Putnika 38, 26360 Plandište, Serbia
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 667 663.50
IPA2 budget:
EUR 567 513.98
Asociatia pentru Managementul Energiei Timis
Asociatia pentru Managementul Energiei Timis
Revolutiei din 1989 Blvd 17Timisoara, Romania
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 131 334.00
IPA2 budget:
EUR 111 633.90
Orașul Recaș
Orașul Recaș
Calea Timișoarei Street 86Recaș, Romania
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 779 841.30
IPA2 budget:
EUR 662 865.10
Regionalni centar za društveno-ekonomski razvoj – Banat Doo
Regionalni centar za društveno-ekonomski razvoj – Banat Doo
Čarnojevićeva 1, 23000 Zrenjanin, Serbia
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 52 668.00
IPA2 budget:
EUR 44 767.80