Electric Vehicles for City Renewable Energy Supply.
Programme 2014 - 2020 Interreg EuropeDescription
Thematic information
Partners (7)
Lead Partner: Stichting Green IT Consortium Regio Amsterdam
Address: Keizersgracht 62-64, 1015 CS Amsterdam, Netherlands
Legal status: public
Website: http://www.greenitamsterdam.nl
Total budget: EUR 223 026.00
ERDF budget: EUR 189 572.10
- EUR S.p.A.
Name: EUR S.p.A.
Address: Via Ciro il Grande, 16, 144 Rome, Italy
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 79 681.00
ERDF budget: EUR 67 728.85
- Region Stockholm, Tillväxt- och regionplaneförvaltning
Name: Region Stockholm, Tillväxt- och regionplaneförvaltning
Department: Growth and Regional Planning Administration
Address: Box 22550, 104 22 Stockholm, Sweden
Legal status: public
Website: http://www.sll.se
Total budget: EUR 124 792.00
ERDF budget: EUR 106 073.20
- Associazione Regionale dei Comuni del Lazio – ANCI Lazio
Name: Associazione Regionale dei Comuni del Lazio – ANCI Lazio
Address: Via dei Prefetti, 41, 186 Roma, Italy
Legal status: public
Website: http://www.ancilazio.it
Total budget: EUR 131 784.00
ERDF budget: EUR 112 016.40
- Kauno technologijos universitetas
Name: Kauno technologijos universitetas
Department: Institute of Environmental Engineering
Address: K. Donelaicio str. 73, LT-44249 Kaunas, Lithuania
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 145 765.00
ERDF budget: EUR 123 900.25
- Provincie Flevoland
Name: Provincie Flevoland
Department: Area Development and European Programmes
Address: Visarenddreef 1/P.O. box 55, 8200 AB Lelystad, Netherlands
Legal status: public
Website: http://www.flevoland.nl
Total budget: EUR 159 735.00
ERDF budget: EUR 135 774.75
- Cambra Oficial de Comerç, Indústria, Serveis i Navegació de Barcelona
Name: Cambra Oficial de Comerç, Indústria, Serveis i Navegació de Barcelona
Department: European Projects Office
Address: Avinguda Diagonal 452, 8006 Barcelona, Spain
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 185 014.00
ERDF budget: EUR 157 261.90
Partners map

Lead partner

Project partner
Project acronym: EV Energy
Project start date: 2017-01-01
Project end date: 2021-06-30
Project status: closed
Total budget/expenditure: EUR 1 049 797.00
Total EU funding (amount): EUR 892 327.45
Co-financing sources:
- ERDF: Amount, EUR 892 327.45.
Documents on this project are listed below, and organised by category. Please note field "Data source", attached to each document. Keep.eu users are free to use these documents as long as they mention the data source and keep.eu.
- Reports
- Barcelona Action Plan for the development of environment-friendly mobility to reduce emissions
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-19
Document date: 2019-06-14
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Action Plan to increase electric powered passenger and freight transports in the Stockholm Region
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-19
Document date: 2019-09-30
Languages: en, sv
Attachment file: Download
- Action Plan for Lithuania for the development of environmental-friendly mobility to reduce emissions
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-19
Document date: 2021-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- EV Energy – Action Plan Flevoland
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-19
Document date: 2019-08-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Interregional Learning towards Electric Mobility in Europe: the EV ENERGY experience
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-19
Document date: 2021-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Brochures / magazines / manuals
- LIVE y EV Energy: sumando fuerzas para una movilidad más sostenible
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Brochure / magazine / manual
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-19
Document date: 2021-06-30
Languages: es
Attachment file: Download
- EV ENERGY: Good Practice for Good Policies
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Brochure / magazine / manual
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-19
Document date: 2021-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- New mobility solutions require smarter ICT
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Brochure / magazine / manual
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-19
Document date: 2021-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Energy storage: Amsterdam Arena shows data centers the way
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Brochure / magazine / manual
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-19
Document date: 2021-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Presentations
- Smart Charging in Amsterdam
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-19
Document date: 2017-03-29
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Data analysis and local policy for smart decision making
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-19
Document date: 2017-03-29
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- EV Energy conference in Stockholm: Electric car sharing in the Lazio region
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-19
Document date: 2018-04-13
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- EV Energy Workshop
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-19
Document date: 2018-04-13
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- EV ENERGY project: Julie Chenadec
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-19
Document date: 2018-06-08
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Amsterdam in the energy transition
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-19
Document date: 2021-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- The policy context of sustainable energy policy and electric mobility integration
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-19
Document date: 2017-03-29
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- The Energy and Mobility Transition in Catalonia until 2030
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-19
Document date: 2018-10-03
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Introduction to the EV Energy Project
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Presentation
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-19
Document date: 2018-04-13
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Media releases / articles
- 01 Newsletter | June 2017
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Media release / article
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-19
Document date: 2017-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- 02 Newsletter | December 2017
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Media release / article
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-19
Document date: 2017-12-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- 03 Newsletter | June 2018
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Media release / article
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-19
Document date: 2018-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- 04 Newsletter | January 2019
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Media release / article
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-19
Document date: 2019-01-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Removing the last hurdle to EV’s integration: policies and regulations overdue make-over
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Media release / article
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-20
Document date: 2021-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- EV Energy at the First “Citemos” Festival
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Media release / article
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-20
Document date: 2017-10-02
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- EV Energy Project, 2nd Regional Stakeholder Meeting
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Media release / article
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-20
Document date: 2017-11-01
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Challenge of air quality in Lazio region
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Media release / article
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-20
Document date: 2017-11-10
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Embracing the flexible energy revolution in urban cities
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Media release / article
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-20
Document date: 2021-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- KTU atstovai dalyvavo projekto EV ENERGY atidarymo konferencijoje Amsterdame
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Media release / article
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-20
Document date: 2017-06-13
Languages: lt
Attachment file: Download
- Barriers and Drivers for the Integration of Electric Mobility and Renewable Energies in Lithuania
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Media release / article
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-20
Document date: 2017-12-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Stakeholder Meeting in February in Rome on Energy Transition
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Media release / article
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-20
Document date: 2018-03-29
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Electric Vehicles and Charging Stations: Best Practices from Europe and Italy
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Media release / article
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-20
Document date: 2018-06-11
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Paving the way for an ambitious uptake of e-mobility in the EU: EV ENERGY at the Policy Conference
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Media release / article
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-20
Document date: 2021-06-05
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Europe’s Urban Mobility and Energy Transition: Lessons learned from the European Sustainable Energy Week
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Media release / article
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-20
Document date: 2021-06-05
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Videos / films
- EV Energy takes action!
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Video / film
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-20
Document date: 2019-06-07
Languages: en
- EVEnergy Event 3 Oct
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Video / film
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-20
Document date: 2018-12-20
Languages: en
- Electric vehicles for energy supply
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Video / film
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-20
Document date: 2018-04-10
Languages: nl
- Flyers
- EV Energy
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Flyer
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-20
Document date: 2021-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- EV Energy Conference Poster
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Flyer
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-20
Document date: 2021-06-06
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Sustainable Mobility and Energy Plan, Flevoland, the Netherlands
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Flyer
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-20
Document date: 2021-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Regional Action Plan for the development of environment-friendly mobility to reduce emissions
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Flyer
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-20
Document date: 2021-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Addressed Regional Policy instrument ROP ERDF 2014-2020 Lazio Region Thematic Objective 4, Action 4.6.1.
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Flyer
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-20
Document date: 2021-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- PowerParking, Flevoland, The Netherlands
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Flyer
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-20
Document date: 2021-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Increase electric powered passenger and freight transports - a regional priority in the Regional Development Plan of the Stockholm Region, RUFS 2050
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Flyer
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-20
Document date: 2021-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Demand-driven charging infrastructure development for electric motorcycles and scooters
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Flyer
Data source: http://www.interregeurope.eu/EVEnergy
Publication date: 2022-01-20
Document date: 2021-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
Information regarding the data in keep.eu on the programme financing this project
Financing programme
2014 - 2020 Interreg Europe
Last month that data in keep.eu was retrieved from the Programme's website or received from the Programme
No. of projects in keep.eu / Total no. of projects (% of projects in keep.eu)
258 / 258 (100%)
No. of project partnerships in keep.eu / Total no. of project partnerships (% of project partnerships in keep.eu)
2 084 / 2 085 (99.95%)
Notes on the data
Information provided by the Programme.
The financial data featured in keep.eu for this programme, it's projects and its partners is not exact and should be taken as a reference only.