Top soil and water - The climate challenge in the near subsurface

Programme 2014 - 2020 INTERREG VB North Sea
Date of latest update: 2024-09-18


Description (EN): Read more
Achievements (EN): Read more

Thematic information

Specific Objective: Demonstrate new and/or improved methods for improving the climate resilience of target sites
Thematic Objective: (05) promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management by:
Investment Priority: (05a) supporting investment for adaptation to climate change, including ecosystem-based approaches

Partners (20)

Lead Partner: Region Midtjylland

Address: Emil Møllers Gade 41, 8700 DK Horsens, Denmark

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 1 107 748.00

ERDF budget: EUR 553 874.00

Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

Name: Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

Address: Stilleweg 2, D-30655 Hannover, Germany

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 343 044.00

ERDF budget: EUR 171 522.00

Dachverband Feldberegnung Uelzen

Name: Dachverband Feldberegnung Uelzen

Address: Meilereiweg 101, D29525 Uelzen, Germany

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 320 594.00

ERDF budget: EUR 160 297.00

De Nationale Geologiske Undersøgelser for Danmark og Grønland

Name: De Nationale Geologiske Undersøgelser for Danmark og Grønland

Address: Secretariat, GEUS Øster Voldgade 10, DK-1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 403 035.00

ERDF budget: EUR 201 517.00

Herning Kommune

Name: Herning Kommune

Address: Torvet 5, DK-7400 Herning, Denmark

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 40 908.00

ERDF budget: EUR 20 454.00

Horsens Kommune

Name: Horsens Kommune

Address: Rådhustorvet 4, 8700 Horsens, Denmark

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 69 349.00

ERDF budget: EUR 34 674.00

Hydrogeofysik Gruppen, Institut for Geoscience Aarhus University

Name: Hydrogeofysik Gruppen, Institut for Geoscience Aarhus University

Address: C. F Moellers Alle 4, DK-8000 Aarhus, Denmark

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 947 724.00

ERDF budget: EUR 473 862.00

Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie

Name: Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie

Address: Stilleweg 2,, D30655 Hannover,, Germany

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 288 272.00

ERDF budget: EUR 144 136.00

Landesamt für Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und ländliche Räume Schleswig-Holstein

Name: Landesamt für Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und ländliche Räume Schleswig-Holstein

Address: Hamburger Chaussee 25,, D-24220 Flintbek, Germany

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 78 858.00

ERDF budget: EUR 39 429.00

Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen

Name: Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen

Address: Mars-la-Tour-Str. 1 – 13,, D-26121 Oldenburg, Germany

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 57 095.00

ERDF budget: EUR 28 547.00

Leibniz-Institut für Angewandte Geophysik

Name: Leibniz-Institut für Angewandte Geophysik

Address: Stilleweg 2, 30655 Hannover, Germany

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 503 797.00

ERDF budget: EUR 251 898.00

Oldenburgisch-Ostfriesische Wasserverband

Name: Oldenburgisch-Ostfriesische Wasserverband

Address: Georgstrasse 4,, 26919 Brake, Germany

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 235 038.00

ERDF budget: EUR 117 519.00

Provincie Drenthe

Name: Provincie Drenthe

Address: Westerbrink 1, 9405 BJ Aasen, Netherlands

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 681 000.00

ERDF budget: EUR 340 500.00

Region Syddanmark

Name: Region Syddanmark

Address: Damhaven 12, 7100 Vejle, Denmark

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 201 833.00

ERDF budget: EUR 100 916.00

Universität Bremen Geologischer Dienst für Bremen

Name: Universität Bremen Geologischer Dienst für Bremen

Address: Leobener Str. marum, D28359 Bremen, Germany

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 206 194.00

ERDF budget: EUR 103 097.00

Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij

Name: Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij

Address: Dokter De Moorstraat 24-26, B-9300 Aalst, Belgium

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 1 135 333.00

ERDF budget: EUR 567 666.00

Waterschap Hunze en Aa’s

Name: Waterschap Hunze en Aa’s

Address: Aquapark 5, Veendam 9641 PJ, Netherlands

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 526 500.00

ERDF budget: EUR 263 250.00

Waterschap Noorderzijlvest

Name: Waterschap Noorderzijlvest

Address: Stedumermaar 1,, 9735 AC Groningen,, Netherlands

Legal status: public

Total budget: EUR 196 000.00

ERDF budget: EUR 98 000.00

The Rivers Trust

Name: The Rivers Trust

Address: Rain-Charm House, Kyl Cober Parc, Stoke Climsland, Callington, Cornwall, Plymouth, PL17 8PH Plymouth, United Kingdom

Legal status: private


Total budget: EUR 214 288.00

ERDF budget: EUR 107 144.00

Wear Rivers Trust

Name: Wear Rivers Trust

Address: Low Barns Nature Reserve Witton-le-Wear County, DL14 0AG Durham, United Kingdom

Legal status: private


Total budget: EUR 317 060.00

ERDF budget: EUR 158 530.00

Partners map

Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources

Top soil and water - The climate challenge in the near subsurface

Partners and Projects info
Umbrella Organization for Field Irrigation Uelzen

Top soil and water - The climate challenge in the near subsurface

Partners and Projects info
Danmarks og Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse

Top soil and water - The climate challenge in the near subsurface

Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Hydrogeophysics group, Department of Geoscience, Aarhus University

Top soil and water - The climate challenge in the near subsurface

Partners and Projects info
State Authority for Mining, Energy and Geology

Top soil and water - The climate challenge in the near subsurface

Partners and Projects info
State Agency for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas of Schleswig-Holstein

Top soil and water - The climate challenge in the near subsurface

Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
University Bremen Geological Survey of Bremen

Top soil and water - The climate challenge in the near subsurface

Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Lead partner marker

Lead partner

Project partner marker

Project partner


Project name (EN): Top soil and water - The climate challenge in the near subsurface

Project acronym: TOPSOIL

Project start date: 2015-12-01

Project end date: 2021-12-31

Project status: closed

Relevant precedent projects:

Relevant subsequent projects:

  • Blue Transition

Relevant linked projects:

Read more

Total budget/expenditure: EUR 8 453 013.00

Total EU funding (amount): EUR 4 226 503.00

Co-financing sources:

  • ERDF: Amount, .


Documents on this project are listed below, and organised by category. Please note field "Data source", attached to each document. users are free to use these documents as long as they mention the data source and

Effect of tramline management and irrigation method on runoff

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Report

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2018-04-30

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

Topsoil Resilient soil and water resources Understanding the water beneath your feet

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Report

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2021-12-31

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

Capitalization Strategy

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Report

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2021-12-31

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

Effecten van klimaat- en beheerscenario’s op de export van nutriënten en gewasbeschermingsmiddelen in de stroomgebieden van de Drentsche Aa en de Hunze

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Report

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2019-07-05

Languages: nl

Attachment file: Download

FloaTEM Mapping Sunds Lake

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Report

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2018-11-06

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

GCM mapping Elev

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Report

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2017-06-06

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

GCM mapping Gedved

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Report

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2017-06-23

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

GCM mapping Vildbjerg

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Report

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2017-06-06

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

Modelleren van af- en uitspoeling van water, nutriënten en gewasbeschermingsmiddelen op perceelschaal in de stroomgebieden van de Drentsche Aa en de Hunze

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Report

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2019-02-24

Languages: nl

Attachment file: Download

Modellering van de ondergrond van het Drentse Aa projectgebied t.b.v. het TopSOIL project m.b.v. helikopter elektromagnetische metingen.

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Report

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2020-01-29

Languages: nl

Attachment file: Download

Rapportage 'TOPSOIL - Dwarsdiep'

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Report

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2019-11-25

Languages: nl

Attachment file: Download

SkyTEM Survey Drenthe

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Report

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2017-06-15

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

TOPSOIL Duurzame Waterkwaliteit Drenthe – Rapportage Classificatie Bodem En Grondgebruik

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Report

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2019-02-27

Languages: nl

Attachment file: Download

tTEM Mapping Elev

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Report

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2018-03-05

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

tTEM Mapping Gedved

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Report

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2018-03-05

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

tTEM Mapping Sunds

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Report

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2018-03-05

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

tTEM Mapping Varde

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Report

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2019-03-18

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

tTEM Mapping Vildbjerg

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Report

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2018-03-05

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

Studies / surveys
Vittarp Geologiske vurderinger og mulige tiltag (Topsoil pilot Varde)

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Study / survey

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2018-10-31

Languages: da

Attachment file: Download

A scenario analysis of climate change and adaptation measures to inform Dutch policy in The Netherlands

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Study / survey

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2022-09-28

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

Characterization of a regional coastal zone aquifer using an interdisciplinary approach

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Study / survey

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2018-06-30

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

Videos / films
Do you know what happens beneath your feet?

Attachment type: link

Type of document: Video / film

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2019-10-23

Languages: en

EGU18 General Assembly highlights video

Attachment type: link

Type of document: Video / film

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2018-04-20

Languages: en


Attachment type: link

Type of document: Video / film

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2019-05-24

Languages: de

Flanders Environment Agency maps salinization in coastal- and polder area in Flanders.

Attachment type: link

Type of document: Video / film

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2018-04-25

Languages: en

Hans Kuipers on the importance of the TOPSOIL project

Attachment type: link

Type of document: Video / film

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2021-12-15

Languages: nl

Helikopteronderzoek Drentse Aa.

Attachment type: link

Type of document: Video / film

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2017-02-07

Languages: en

Helikopteronderzoek SkyTem voor Topsoil

Attachment type: link

Type of document: Video / film

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2018-11-12

Languages: en

High groundwater tables in Sunds (Denmark) - challenges and opportunities

Attachment type: link

Type of document: Video / film

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2018-04-25

Languages: nl, en

How we mapped the soil resistivity with tTEM

Attachment type: link

Type of document: Video / film

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2019-12-13

Languages: en

Interreg project TOPSOIL: Interreg binds us together

Attachment type: link

Type of document: Video / film

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2020-09-23

Languages: nl, en

Lena Düpont on the importance of the TOPSOIL project

Attachment type: link

Type of document: Video / film

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2021-12-13

Languages: de

Lies Verstraete on the importance of the TOPSOIL project

Attachment type: link

Type of document: Video / film

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2021-12-16

Languages: nl

Managed Aquifer Recharge Trial

Attachment type: link

Type of document: Video / film

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2019-07-30

Languages: en

Multiple interests in Drentsche aa

Attachment type: link

Type of document: Video / film

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2016-11-02

Languages: nl, en

Niels Møller Jensen on the importance of the TOPSOIL project

Attachment type: link

Type of document: Video / film

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2021-12-17

Languages: nl

Onderzoek naar verzilting van de kust- en polderstreek in Vlaanderen

Attachment type: link

Type of document: Video / film

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2019-05-10

Languages: nl

Paul Watson on the importance of the TOPSOIL project

Attachment type: link

Type of document: Video / film

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2021-12-14

Languages: en

seismic survey with shear waves for near-surface investigation

Attachment type: link

Type of document: Video / film

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2020-06-15

Languages: nl

Soil Health Workshop - Intro

Attachment type: link

Type of document: Video / film

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2018-05-01

Languages: en


Attachment type: link

Type of document: Video / film

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2019-02-01

Languages: en

TOPSOIL Animation video - German

Attachment type: link

Type of document: Video / film

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2019-11-13

Languages: de

TOPSOIL End Conference

Attachment type: link

Type of document: Video / film

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2019-11-18

Languages: en

Topsoil Pilot Dwarsdiep

Attachment type: link

Type of document: Video / film

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2019-03-11

Languages: nl, en

Topsoil Policy Day

Attachment type: link

Type of document: Video / film

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2019-05-09

Languages: en

tTEM in Drenthe (the Netherlands)

Attachment type: link

Type of document: Video / film

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2022-01-20

Languages: en

tTEM on tour: Osteregelser Moor in Aurich

Attachment type: link

Type of document: Video / film

Data source:

Publication date: 2024-12-05

Document date: 2021-11-18

Languages: de

Information regarding the data in on the programme financing this project

Financing programme

2014 - 2020 INTERREG VB North Sea

Last month that data in was retrieved from the Programme's website or received from the Programme


No. of projects in / Total no. of projects (% of projects in

73 / 73 (100%)

No. of project partnerships in / Total no. of project partnerships (% of project partnerships in

871 / 871 (100%)

Notes on the data

Information provided by the Programme. Achievements were retrieved by Interact from the Programme website (, or a website directly linked from it, on 2021-09-20 and 2023-01-12.

The financial data featured in for this programme, it's projects and its partners is not exact and should be taken as a reference only.