Description (EN): NEWBRAIN project aims at boosting the relevance of the Adriatic-Ionian core nodes system for the economic and social integration of the programme area, in the framework of the European transport policy and TEN-T network as key gates connecting Central and Western Europe with the South-East Europe and Mediterranean countries.
The project addresses various infrastructural gaps and technological, procedural and organisational bottlenecks detected at local level and impacting on the smoothness of the regional transport system, by adopting a joint and transnational approach aimed at stimulating the coordinated development of physical and non-physical infrastructure and to enhance the capacity to launch feasible investments.
The transnational cooperation of the 9 logistics and transports nodes project partners, key institutions for the planning of infrastructural investments in transport and logistic sectors of the Adriatic-Ionian macro-region area, is expected to unlock the potential for investments through the participation to EU funding schemes for the implementation of efficient, environment-friendly and low carbon transport systems, and to ensure active and long-term cooperation in different financing initiatives.
These results are achieved through the setting up of the Adriatic Ionian intermodal and logistic Network as stable and sustainable cooperation framework for the achievement of innovative efficient transport infrastructure and environmental friendly and low carbon transport system, agreed in the NEWBRAIN transnational strategy to be adopted by all partners. The elaboration of Action Plans in each node allows the definition of priority actions in terms of technical and financial readiness and supports the preparatory and technical studies needed to apply to main European financial programmes (e.g. CEF, EFSI, ..) through the transnational cooperation initiatives whose final scope is the concrete implementation of the Eu transport network.
Read more Achievements (EN): The overall objective of NEWBRAIN project was to identify the bottlenecks, enhance and unlock the potential for the bottlenecks, enhance and unlock the potential for integrated intermodal transport, with particular reference to short sea shipping, and to improve the connections between the main logistics nodes in the Adriatic Ionian area. The project NEWBRAIN was specifically focused on the following concrete outputs:
1) The creation of an Adriatic-Ionian intermodal and logistics transport network adapted to the Adriatic-Ionian context. Role of the network is to support the joint and efficient planning of low carbon and environmentally friendly transport and logistics investments of the involved Adriatic-Ionian core logistics nodes.
2) The investments for the strategy implementation through ten action plans aimed at identifying and planning the main interventions needed to strengthen each node involved in the context of the Adriatic-Ionian transport system.
Once a set of specific challenges were identified, and in the light of the European transport legislation and of the emerging priorities for the programming period 2021-2027, the project NEWBRAIN pursued a long-term vision through the Adriatic-Ionian intermodal and logistics Network, in specific: to achieve a stronger level of integration, resiliency and modernisation of the transport and logistics system of the Adriatic Ionian area, promoting the development of transnational innovative actions in the field of sustainable and interconnected transport, thus contributing to enhance the freight flows connections within the territories of the Adriatic Ionian Macro-Region and with the European regions as a whole, for the economic and social well-being of the area.
To turn this vision into reality, the following long-term specific objectives have been identified, describing the implementation path to be followed over the next 5 years:
Foster the cooperation between the 8 transport and logistics nodes of NEWBRAIN project established in the “Adriatic Ionian intermodal and logistic Network” with the perspective of developing joint initiatives in the field of sustainable and interconnected transport.
Further enhance the alignment of goals and activities of the “Adriatic Ionian intermodal and logistic Network” with the main objectives of the EUSAIR strategy, looking for a stricter cooperation with the macro-regional institutions.
Foster the implementation of the TEN-T core and comprehensive network in the Adriatic Ionian Macro region through the joint development of initiatives aimed at reducing the time to investment of strategic projects of the involved nodes.
Promote the shift to a sustainable and environmentally sustainable transport and logistics system of the Adriatic Ionian macro region, facilitating the deployment of new technologies and applications in the field of alternative fuels, the adoption of processes and mechanisms to reduce the environmental impacts of the transport operations.
Promote the digitalization of transport and logistics operations, procedures and process in the whole logistics chain of the Adriatic-Ionian nodes involved, with particular attention to the enhancement of intermodality, to contribute to create an efficient, seamless and competitive economic and social environment.
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Expected Results (EN): Level of capacity of organisations in the field of transport and mobility to transnationally plan and implement sustainable and multimodal transport and mobility solutions
Expected Outputs (EN): Main result of NEWBRAIN proposal are:
- increased level of transnational coordination on the planning and implementation of strategic measures and actions to increase efficiency and intermodality of the Adriatic Ionian transport system. The strengthened coordination, through the setting up of the Adriatic Ionian intermodal and logistic transport Network at project start (act T.1.1), is ensured by the past cooperation experiences of project partners, the mutual understanding of common physical and non-physical, including environmental, bottlenecks hindering the integration of Adriatic Ionian logistic nodes, as focus points to enhance the connectivity of the system (act T1.2/1.3). The adoption of the transnational strategy and the signature of the MoU (WP T1.4) provide the policy and institutional framework for the coordination of strategic investments pursued also beyond the project duration also through the elaboration of concrete investment projects (act 2.2) and the joint participation to financing mechanisms (act 2.3);
- enhanced investment capacity of the project partners to upgrade physical and non-physical infrastructures of own logistic nodes to contribute to the smoothness of Adriatic Ionian transport solutions, obtained by going beyond the strategy (act T.1) and action plan for each node (T2.1) and elaborating sound technical studies (T2.2) and transnational cooperation strategies (T2.3) to pave the way for concrete investments through Eu, national, international financing opportunities;
- environmental sustainability of the Adriatic Ionian transport system by focussing on the development of intermodal and low carbon solutions and innovations in each involved logistic node.
NEWBRAIN results contribute to the programme result indicator by providing to pps, key operators in charge of upgrading the Adriatic Ionian logistic nodes, competences and tools to qualify their investments decisions, especially towards environmental friendly intermodal solutio
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Thematic information
Specific Objective:
Enhance capacity for integrated transport and mobility services and multimodality in the Adriatic-Ionian area
Thematic Objective:
(07) promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures by:
Investment Priority:
(07c) developing and improving environmentally-friendly (including low-noise) and low-carbon transport systems, including inland waterways and maritime transport, ports, multimodal links and airport infrastructure, in order to promote sustainable regional and local mobility
Partners (8)
Lead Partner:
Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mare Adriatico Centrale
Development, Promotion and Statistic Unit
Molo Santa Maria 22, 60121 Ancona, Italy
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 372 915.24
ERDF budget:
EUR 316 977.95
Development Department
Neos Limenas Igoumenitsas, Kentrikos Epivatikos Stathmos, 46100 Igoumenitsa, Greece
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 183 534.36
ERDF budget:
EUR 156 004.21
Luka Bar AD
Luka Bar AD
Development and Cargo handling Department / Development Division
Obala 13 jula bb 13, 85000 Bar, Montenegro
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 104 540.00
IPA2 budget:
EUR 88 859.00
Fondazione Istituto sui Trasporti e la Logistica
Fondazione Istituto sui Trasporti e la Logistica
Viale Aldo Moro 38, 40127 Bologna, Italy
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 209 810.56
ERDF budget:
EUR 178 338.98
Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mare Adriatico Settentrionale
Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mare Adriatico Settentrionale
Strategic Planning and Development Dept. – EU Project Unit
Fabbricato 13 Santa Marta, 30123 Venice, Italy
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 174 400.00
ERDF budget:
EUR 148 240.00
Klaster intermodalog prijevoza
Klaster intermodalog prijevoza
Tina Ujevića 52, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 89 240.00
ERDF budget:
EUR 75 854.00
Sommacampagna 61, 37137 Verona, Italy
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 178 067.40
ERDF budget:
EUR 151 357.29
KARAISKOU 111, GR-185 32 Athens, Greece
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 182 950.00
ERDF budget:
EUR 155 507.50