Sustainable Mobility Behaviours in the Alpine Region

Programme 2014 - 2020 INTERREG VB Alpine Space
Date of latest update: 2023-08-11


Description (EN): Read more
Achievements (EN): Read more
Expected Results (EN): Level of potential to access and use low carbon mobility and transport options
Expected Outputs (EN): Read more

Thematic information

Specific Objective: Increase options for low carbon mobility and transport
Thematic Objective: (04) supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors by:
Investment Priority: (04e) promoting low-carbon strategies for all types of territories, in particular for urban areas, including the promotion of sustainable multimodal urban mobility and mitigation-relevant adaptation measures

Partners (13)

Lead Partner: Regione Piemonte

Department: Directorate Public Works, Soil conservation, Mountains, Civil Protection,Transport and logistics, Direction Planning and progrmming local public transport

Address: Stati Uniti 21, 10128 Torino, Italy

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 251 950.00

ERDF budget: EUR 214 157.50

Links Foundation – Leading Innovation & Knowledge for Society

Name: Links Foundation – Leading Innovation & Knowledge for Society

Department: Logistics and Transport Research Unit

Address: Via Pier Carlo Boggio 61, 10138 Torino, Italy

Legal status: private


Total budget: EUR 232 900.00

ERDF budget: EUR 197 965.00

Research Studios Austria Forschungsgesellschaft mbH

Name: Research Studios Austria Forschungsgesellschaft mbH

Department: Studio iSPACE

Address: Leopoldskronstraße 30, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 230 685.00

ERDF budget: EUR 196 082.25

Parc naturel regional du Vercors

Name: Parc naturel regional du Vercors

Department: Energy and mobility

Address: Chemin des Fusillés 255, 38250 Lans-en-Vercors, France

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 101 224.25

ERDF budget: EUR 86 040.61

Città di Chieri

Name: Città di Chieri

Department: Urban Development Department

Address: Via Palazzo di Citta' 10, 10023 Torino, Italy

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 84 870.00

ERDF budget: EUR 72 139.50

Münchner Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund (MVV)

Name: Münchner Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund (MVV)

Department: Conceptual Planning

Address: Thierschstr. 2, 80538 Munich, Germany

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 139 660.00

ERDF budget: EUR 118 711.00

BSC, Poslovno podporni center d.o.o. Kranj

Name: BSC, Poslovno podporni center d.o.o. Kranj

Department: Research and Development

Address: Cesta Staneta Žagarja 37, 4000 Kranj, Slovenia

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 130 775.00

ERDF budget: EUR 111 158.75

Département de l’Isère

Name: Département de l’Isère

Department: Department of Mobilities / Service of New mobilities

Address: rue Fantin Latour 7, 38 022 Grenoble Cedex 1 Grenoble, France

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 230 000.00

ERDF budget: EUR 195 500.00

Provincia di Padova

Name: Provincia di Padova

Department: European Policies Unit

Address: Piazza Antenore 3, 35121 Padova, Italy

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 85 255.00

ERDF budget: EUR 72 466.75

Mestna občina Koper

Name: Mestna občina Koper

Department: Office for Social Activities and Development – Project office

Address: Verdi Street 10, 6000 Koper, Slovenia

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 86 223.00

ERDF budget: EUR 73 289.55

Magistrat der Stadtgemeinde Salzburg

Name: Magistrat der Stadtgemeinde Salzburg

Department: City of Salzburg, Department 5, Spatial planning and building authority Stadt Salzburg, 5/00 Raumplanung und Baubehörde

Address: Auerspergstraße 7, 5020 Salzburg, Austria

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 123 615.00

ERDF budget: EUR 105 072.75

Klima-Bündnis der europäischen Städte mit indigenen Völkern der Regenwälder | Alianza del Clima e.V.

Name: Klima-Bündnis der europäischen Städte mit indigenen Völkern der Regenwälder | Alianza del Clima e.V.

Department: Mobility

Address: Galvanistr. 28, 60486 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 183 550.00

ERDF budget: EUR 156 017.50

Univerza v Ljubljani

Name: Univerza v Ljubljani

Department: Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Address: Trzaska 25, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 140 485.30

ERDF budget: EUR 119 412.50

Partners map

Lead partner marker

Lead partner

Project partner marker

Project partner


Project name (EN): Sustainable Mobility Behaviours in the Alpine Region

Project acronym: SaMBA

Project start date: 2018-04-17

Project end date: 2021-10-16

Project status: closed

Total budget/expenditure: EUR 2 021 192.55

Total EU funding (amount): EUR 1 718 013.67

Total EU funding (co-financing rate): 85.00%

Co-financing sources:

  • ERDF: Amount, EUR 1 718 013.67.


Documents on this project are listed below, and organised by category. Please note field "Data source", attached to each document. users are free to use these documents as long as they mention the data source and

Recommendations For Implementing Harmonized Behaviour Change Policies

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Report

Data source:

Publication date: 2022-09-28

Document date: 2021-10-31

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

Handbook For Implementing Behaviour Change Policies

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Report

Data source:

Publication date: 2022-09-28

Document date: 2021-09-30

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

Report On National Workshops Outcomes

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Report

Data source:

Publication date: 2022-09-28

Document date: 2020-11-30

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

Report On Transnational Workshops Outcomes

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Report

Data source:

Publication date: 2022-09-28

Document date: 2020-12-31

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

Process Evaluation And Guideline For Scalability & Transferability

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Report

Data source:

Publication date: 2022-09-28

Document date: 2021-07-31

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

Guidelines For Communication, Increased Acceptance, User And Stakeholder Engagement

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Report

Data source:

Publication date: 2022-09-28

Document date: 2020-05-30

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

Concept for SaMBA Tool for finding policies & estimating impacts in terms of mobility behavior change

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Report

Data source:

Publication date: 2022-09-28

Document date: 2021-06-30

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

Guideline for implementing the SaMBA Tool

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Report

Data source:

Publication date: 2022-09-28

Document date: 2021-06-30

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

NUDGE: behavioral changes in public transport

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Report

Data source:

Publication date: 2022-09-28

Document date: 2019-11-30

Languages: en

Attachment file: Download

Information regarding the data in on the programme financing this project

Financing programme

2014 - 2020 INTERREG VB Alpine Space

Last month that data in was retrieved from the Programme's website or received from the Programme


No. of projects in / Total no. of projects (% of projects in

64 / 64 (100%)

No. of project partnerships in / Total no. of project partnerships (% of project partnerships in

752 / 752 (100%)

Notes on the data

Information provided by the Programme. Achievements were retrieved by Interact from the Programme website (, or a website directly linked from it, on 2022-11-20 and 2024-03-11.

The financial data featured in for this programme, it's projects and its partners is not exact and should be taken as a reference only.