Predicting risk and impact of harmful events on the aquaculture sector
Programme 2014 - 2020 INTERREG VB Atlantic AreaDescription
Thematic information
Partners (10)
Lead Partner: Marine Institute
Address: Oranmore, Ireland
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 687 920.00
ERDF budget: EUR 515 940.00
- Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la Mer
Name: Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la Mer
Address: Plouzané, France
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 276 084.00
ERDF budget: EUR 207 063.00
- Instituto Superior Técnico / Universidade de Lisboa
Name: Instituto Superior Técnico / Universidade de Lisboa
Address: Lisbon, Portugal
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 213 700.00
ERDF budget: EUR 160 275.00
- Fundación AZTI – AZTI Fundazioa
Name: Fundación AZTI – AZTI Fundazioa
Address: Sukarrieta, Spain
Legal status: private
Total budget: EUR 201 148.00
ERDF budget: EUR 150 861.00
Address: Cork, Ireland
Legal status: private
Total budget: EUR 106 636.00
ERDF budget: EUR 79 977.00
- Instituto Español de Oceanografia
Name: Instituto Español de Oceanografia
Address: A Coruña, Spain
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 323 608.00
ERDF budget: EUR 242 706.00
- Agencia de Gestión Agraria y Pesquera de Andalucía
Name: Agencia de Gestión Agraria y Pesquera de Andalucía
Address: El Rompido (Huelva), Spain
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 249 988.00
ERDF budget: EUR 187 491.00
- Scottish Association for Marine Science
Name: Scottish Association for Marine Science
Address: Oban, United Kingdom
Legal status: private
Total budget: EUR 309 996.00
ERDF budget: EUR 232 497.00
- Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Name: Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Address: Plymouth, United Kingdom
Legal status: private
Total budget: EUR 308 968.00
ERDF budget: EUR 231 726.00
- Seafood Shetland
Name: Seafood Shetland
Address: Lerwick, United Kingdom
Legal status: private
Total budget: EUR 51 300.00
ERDF budget: EUR 38 475.00
Partners map

Lead partner

Project partner
Project acronym: PRIMROSE
Project start date: 2017-11-13
Project end date: 2020-12-12
Project status: closed
Total budget/expenditure: EUR 2 729 348.00
Total EU funding (amount): EUR 2 047 011.00
Co-financing sources:
- ERDF: Amount, EUR 2 047 011.00.
Information regarding the data in on the programme financing this project
Financing programme
2014 - 2020 INTERREG VB Atlantic Area
Last month that data in was retrieved from the Programme's website or received from the Programme
No. of projects in / Total no. of projects (% of projects in
71 / 71 (100%)
No. of project partnerships in / Total no. of project partnerships (% of project partnerships in
718 / 718 (100%)
Notes on the data
Information provided by the Programme. Achievements were retrieved by Interact from the Programme website (, or a website directly linked from it, on 2021-12-03, 2023-02-02 and 2024 01 30. Fields project name and description (from 23 projects) translated from Spanish into English using the European Commission's eTranslation machine translation service.
The projects which fields include an eTranslation English text are the ones with the following acronyms: @BluePortS, 4H-CREAT, ACCESS2SEA, AGEO, AGRITOX, ALERTOX-NET, AtlanticFoodExport, ATLANTIC-KET-MED, AT-VIRTUAL, AYCH, CABFishMAN, CircularSeas, COCKLES, CONSORTEX, FAN-BEST, iFADO, IN 4.0, JONAS, MONITOOL, NANOCULTURE, PROTOATLANTIC, SIRMA and USER-FACTOR.
The financial data featured in for this programme, it's projects and its partners is not exact and should be taken as a reference only.