Baltic Sea Region Integrated Maritime Cultural Heritage Management
Programme 2014 - 2020 INTERREG VB Baltic SeaDescription
Thematic information
Partners (14)
Lead Partner: Archäologisches Landesamt Schleswig-Holstein
Address: Brockdorff-Rantzau-Str. 70, 24837 Schleswig, Germany
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 497 094.43
ERDF budget: EUR 372 820.82
- SUBMARINER Network for Blue Growth EEIG
Name: SUBMARINER Network for Blue Growth EEIG
Address: Rheinstrasse 34, 12161 Berlin, Germany
Legal status: private
Total budget: EUR 42 500.00
ERDF budget: EUR 31 875.00
- Museovirasto
Name: Museovirasto
Department: Cultural Environment Services
Address: P.O.Box 913, FI-00101 Helsinki, Finland
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 442 080.00
ERDF budget: EUR 331 560.00
- Metsähallitus Luontopalvelut
Name: Metsähallitus Luontopalvelut
Address: Vernissakatu 4, 01301 Vantaa, Finland
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 225 553.07
ERDF budget: EUR 169 164.80
- Turun yliopisto
Name: Turun yliopisto
Department: School of History, Culture and Arts Studies
Address: -, FI-02014 Turku, Finland
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 66 399.50
ERDF budget: EUR 49 799.62
- Tartu Ülikool
Name: Tartu Ülikool
Department: Estonian Marine Institute
Address: Ülikooli 18, 50090 Tartu, Estonia
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 210 075.00
ERDF budget: EUR 178 563.75
- Muinsuskaitseamet
Name: Muinsuskaitseamet
Department: Restoration and Development Department
Address: Pikk 2, 10123 Tallinn, Estonia
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 138 050.00
ERDF budget: EUR 117 342.50
- Viešoji įstaiga Pajūrio tyrimų ir planavimo institutas
Name: Viešoji įstaiga Pajūrio tyrimų ir planavimo institutas
Address: Baltijos pr. 107-18, LT93223 Klaipėda, Lithuania
Legal status: private
Total budget: EUR 100 550.00
ERDF budget: EUR 85 467.50
- Klaipeda University
Name: Klaipeda University
Address: Herkaus Manto g. 84, 92294 Klaipėda , Lithuania
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 174 725.30
ERDF budget: EUR 148 516.50
- Narodowe Muzeum Morskie w Gdańsku
Name: Narodowe Muzeum Morskie w Gdańsku
Department: Department of Underwater Archaeology
Address: Ołowianka 9-13, 80-751 Gdańsk, Poland
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 92 000.00
ERDF budget: EUR 78 200.00
- Maritime Institute in Gdańsk, SUCCEEDED by PP14 (01.10.2019)
Name: Maritime Institute in Gdańsk, SUCCEEDED by PP14 (01.10.2019)
Address: ul. Długi Targ 41/42, 80-830 Gdańsk, Poland
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 21 983.11
ERDF budget: EUR 18 685.64
- Атлантическое отделение института океанологии им. П.П. Ширшова РАН
Name: Атлантическое отделение института океанологии им. П.П. Ширшова РАН
Address: Prospect Mira 1, 236022 Kaliningrad, Russia
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 299 425.00
ENI budget: EUR 254 511.25
- Aalborg Universitet
Name: Aalborg Universitet
Department: Department of Development and Planning
Address: A C Meyers Vaenge 15, 2450 Copenhagen SV, Denmark
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 228 000.00
ERDF budget: EUR 171 000.00
- Gdynia Maritime University
Name: Gdynia Maritime University
Department: Spatial Policy Unit
Address: ul. Morska 81-87, 81-225 Gdynia, Poland
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 83 362.39
ERDF budget: EUR 70 858.03
Partners map
Baltic Sea Region Integrated Maritime Cultural Heritage Management
Baltic Sea Region Integrated Maritime Cultural Heritage Management
Baltic Sea Region Integrated Maritime Cultural Heritage Management
Baltic Sea Region Integrated Maritime Cultural Heritage Management
Baltic Sea Region Integrated Maritime Cultural Heritage Management
Baltic Sea Region Integrated Maritime Cultural Heritage Management
Baltic Sea Region Integrated Maritime Cultural Heritage Management
Baltic Sea Region Integrated Maritime Cultural Heritage Management
Baltic Sea Region Integrated Maritime Cultural Heritage Management
Baltic Sea Region Integrated Maritime Cultural Heritage Management
Baltic Sea Region Integrated Maritime Cultural Heritage Management
Baltic Sea Region Integrated Maritime Cultural Heritage Management
Baltic Sea Region Integrated Maritime Cultural Heritage Management
Baltic Sea Region Integrated Maritime Cultural Heritage Management

Lead partner

Project partner
Project acronym: BalticRIM
Project start date: 2017-10-01
Project end date: 2020-09-30
Project status:
closedTotal budget/expenditure: EUR 2 621 797.80
Total EU funding (amount): EUR 2 078 365.41
Total EU funding (co-financing rate): 79.30%
Co-financing sources:
- ERDF: Amount, EUR 1 823 854.16.
- ENPI/ENI/NDICI: Amount, EUR 254 511.25.
Third-country contribution: 127 255.63
Documents on this project are listed below, and organised by category. Please note field "Data source", attached to each document. users are free to use these documents as long as they mention the data source and
- Websites / webtools / webforums / cooperative platforms
- Baltic Sea Region Integrated Maritime Cultural Heritage Management - Interreg Baltic Sea Region
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Website / webtool / webforum / cooperative platform
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-07-29
Document date: 2019-09-30
Languages: en
Attachment link:
- BalticRIM Data Portal
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Website / webtool / webforum / cooperative platform
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-07-29
Document date: 2019-09-30
Languages: en
Attachment link:
- BalticRIM WIKI
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Website / webtool / webforum / cooperative platform
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-07-29
Document date: 2019-09-30
Languages: en
Attachment link:
- Videos / films
- BalticRIM Strategov2019
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Video / film
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-07-29
Document date: 2019-12-27
Languages: en
- Game Maritime Spatial Planning & Maritime Cultural Heritage
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Video / film
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-07-29
Document date: 2020-05-28
Languages: en
- Jussarö ship trap
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Video / film
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-07-29
Document date: 2020-06-29
Languages: en
- Sunken land Puck Bay
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Video / film
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-07-29
Document date: 2020-10-08
Languages: pl
- Reports
- To transmit Maritime Cultural Heritage knowledge to Maritime Spatial Planning processes
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-07-29
Document date: 2020-05-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- The assessment of the available MCH data and proposed measures for the MSP data exchange, as well as terminology harmonization
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-07-29
Document date: 2019-09-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
Information regarding the data in on the programme financing this project
Financing programme
2014 - 2020 INTERREG VB Baltic Sea
Last month that data in was retrieved from the Programme's website or received from the Programme
No. of projects in / Total no. of projects (% of projects in
200 / 200 (100%)
No. of project partnerships in / Total no. of project partnerships (% of project partnerships in
2 025 / 2 025 (100%)
Notes on the data
Information provided by the Programme. Achievements were retrieved by Interact from the Programme website (, or a website directly linked from it, on 2021-11-30.
The financial data featured in for this programme, it's projects and its partners is not exact and should be taken as a reference only.