Forest Bioenergy in the Protected Mediterranean Areas
Programme 2014 - 2020 INTERREG VB MediterraneanDescription
Thematic information
Partners (9)
Lead Partner: Région Sicile - Councillorship for Agriculture, Rural Development and Mediterranean Fishing - Regional Department for the Rural and Territorial Development
Address: Viale Regione Siciliana 4600, 90145 Palermo, Italy
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 309 280.00
ERDF budget: EUR 262 888.00
- Public institution Nature Park Velebit
Name: Public institution Nature Park Velebit
Address: Kaniža Gospićka 4b, 53 000 Gospić, Croatia
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 212 130.00
ERDF budget: EUR 180 310.50
- Zadarska županija
Name: Zadarska županija
Department: Department for Agriculture
Address: Božidara Petranovića, 8, 23000 Zadar, Croatia
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 269 645.00
ERDF budget: EUR 229 198.25
- Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria, Servicios y Navegación de Valencia
Name: Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria, Servicios y Navegación de Valencia
Department: Project Management Department
Address: Calle Poeta Querol, 15,, 46002 Valencia, Spain
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 200 260.00
ERDF budget: EUR 170 221.00
- Asociación de Municipios Forestales de la Comunitat Valenciana
Name: Asociación de Municipios Forestales de la Comunitat Valenciana
Department: Forestry Department
Address: Plaza Manuel Tolsá, s/n, 46810 Enguera, Spain
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 266 455.00
ERDF budget: EUR 226 486.75
- Agence régionale de développement Karst Vert Ltd.
Name: Agence régionale de développement Karst Vert Ltd.
Address: Prečna ulica 1, 6257 Pivka, Slovenia
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 226 740.00
ERDF budget: EUR 192 729.00
- Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije
Name: Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije
Department: Department for Forest Techniques and Economics
Address: Večna pot 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 269 217.50
ERDF budget: EUR 228 834.88
- EnviLand Ltd
Name: EnviLand Ltd
Address: Via Cluverio 10, 90138 Palermo, Italy
Legal status: private
Total budget: EUR 165 087.50
ERDF budget: EUR 140 324.38
- Municipalité de Petralia Sottana
Name: Municipalité de Petralia Sottana
Address: Corso Paolo Agliata 50, 90027 Petralia Sottana, Italy
Legal status: public
Total budget: EUR 130 032.48
ERDF budget: EUR 110 527.60
Partners map

Lead partner

Project partner
Project acronym: ForBioEnergy
Project start date: 2016-11-01
Project end date: 2019-06-30
Project status: closed
Total budget/expenditure: EUR 2 048 847.48
Total EU funding (amount): EUR 1 741 520.36
Co-financing sources:
- ERDF: Amount, EUR 1 741 520.36.
Documents on this project are listed below, and organised by category. Please note field "Data source", attached to each document. users are free to use these documents as long as they mention the data source and
- Reports
- 4.3.1 Training reports- Croatia
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2018-01-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- 4.3.1 Training reports- Italy
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- 4.3.1 Training reports- Slovenia
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2017-09-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- 4.3.1 Training reports- Spain
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2017-12-20
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Action plan for a new regulatory framework and permit route in the protected areas, focusing on the Nature park “Velebit” protected areas
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- D.3.6.1 Action plan for a new regulatory framework and permit route in the protected areas
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2018-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- D3.7.1 Forest Management Plan of the Biomass district in the protected areas
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Delavnice 3. delavnica, GIS and RRA Zeleni kras
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2018-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- ForBioEnergy external event report
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2018-02-05
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- ForBioEnergy external event report PP3 & PP4 2017
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2018-12-05
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- ForBioEnergy external event report PP3 & PP4 2018
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2018-12-20
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- ForBioEnergy external event report PP3 & PP4 2019
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-12-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- ForBioEnergy Final Conference report
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-05-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- ForBioEnergy horizontal PJs meetings' report: "Greencap event: Conference/common thematic event: Energy Challenges in Islands and Rural contexts
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2017-10-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- ForBioEnergy horizontal PJs meetings’ reports
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2018-11-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Impact assessment of increase biomass use in the short, medium and long term in the protected areas Annex 1 : Study area report - ITALY
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2018-02-28
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Impact assessment of increase biomass use in the short, medium and long term in the protected areas Annex 1 : Study area report - SPAIN
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2018-02-28
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Impact assessment of increase biomass use in the short, medium and long term in the protected areas Annex 2 : Study area report - SLOVENIA
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2018-02-28
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Impact assessment of increase biomass use in the short, medium and long term in the protected areas Annex 4 : Study area report – CROATIA (Zadar County)
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2018-02-28
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Impact assessment of increase biomass use in the short, medium and long term in the protected areas Annex 5 : Study area report – CROATIA (Lika Senj County)
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2018-02-28
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Planning sustainable forest-wood-energy supply chain in the protected areas
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2018-11-20
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Planning sustainable forest-wood-energy supply chain in the protected areas Annex 1: Study area report - CROATIA
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-04-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Planning sustainable forest-wood-energy supply chain in the protected areas Annex 2: Study area report - SLOVENIA
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-04-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Planning sustainable forest-wood-energy supply chain in the protected areas Appendix 3: Study area report - SPAIN
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Planning sustainable forest-wood-energy supply chain in the protected areas Appendix 4: Study area report - ITALY
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Plenary session in Valencia (Spain) 6 workshop
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Programme event report: Advocacy bootcamp in Faro (Portugal)
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2018-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Report on external events-Cultivation of non-forest products in the Valencian Community forests (Spain)
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2018-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Report on the external events
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2017-05-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Report on the external events – 4 th Energy and Sustainable Development Forum
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Report on the external events – ValVolCar »Valencian Voluntary Carbon Market«
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Report on the external events 2018
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2018-03-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Report on the external events-Agroforestry Training Conference-opportunities for training and employment in the forestry sector in the Comunitat Valenciana
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2018-12-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Report on the externReport on the external events-General Assembly of FECOFal events-General Assembly of AMUFOR
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2017-10-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Report on the external events-III Forestry Congress in the Valencian Community "Management of Forest Fires in the context of climate change (IIICFCCV)
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2018-12-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Report on the external events-SocializaRSe, the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) as an engine of corprorate development
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2018-12-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Report on the financial conference
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Report on the financial conference, Zadar
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-06-19
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Report on the ForBioEnergy Final Conferences »Scientific event«
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Technical panel in Valencia (Spain) 1st workshop: "Plenary session and analysis of the barriers"
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2017-05-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Technical panel in Valencia (Spain) 2nd workshop (1st thematic workshop) Assessment of threats and benefits of forest biomass harvesting/extraction"
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2017-05-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Technical panel in Valencia (Spain) 3rd workshop (2nd thematic workshop) "Action Plan for unblockingthe barriers that hinder the sustainable forest management in protected areas"
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2018-05-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Technical panel in Valencia (Spain) 4th workshop (3rd thematic workshop) Energy and sustainable development
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2018-12-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Technical panel in Valencia (Spain) 5th workshop (4th thematic workshop) Sustainability requirements and quality standards of forest biomass
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-05-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Technical panels 1st workshop, SFI and RRA Green Karst
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2017-05-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Technical panels 2nd workshop, SFI and RRA Green Karst
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2018-03-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Technical panels 3rd workshop, SFI and RRA Green Karst
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2018-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Technical panels 4th workshop, SFI and RRA Green Karst
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2018-10-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Technical panels 5th workshop, SFI and RRA Green Karst
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-02-28
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Technical panels 6th workshop, SFI and RRA Green Karst
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-04-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Technical panels 1st Thematic workshop in Italy
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2017-12-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Technical panels 2nd Thematic workshop in Italy
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2018-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Technical panels 3rd Thematic workshop in Italy
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2018-12-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Technical panels 5° workshop in Italy (4th Thematic workshop)
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-05-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Technical panels 6° workshop in Italy
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2017-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Technical panels 1st workshop in Madonie Regional Natural Park
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2017-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Technical panels 2nd workshop for Zadar County and NP Velebit
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2018-07-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Technical panels 2nd workshop in Zadar County and NP Velebit
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2017-12-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Technical panels 3rd workshop for Zadar County and NP Velebit
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-02-28
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Technical panels Peti tehnički panel (Cetvrta radionica) Zadarska županija i Park prirode Velebit
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-05-31
Languages: hr, en
Attachment file: Download
- Technical panels Završna radionica, šesti tehnički panel. Zadarska županija i Park prirode Velebit
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-05-31
Languages: hr, en
Attachment file: Download
- Report on the external events-General Assembly of AMUFOR
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2017-08-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Studies / surveys
- Administrative and technical barriers to the production of biomass in the protected areas
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Study / survey
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2017-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- D3.4.2 DSS for planning biomass-based energy production in the protected areas.
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Study / survey
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Geographical identification and description of biomass districts in the protected areas
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Study / survey
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2018-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Quality requirements for the biomass from the protected areas
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Study / survey
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Brochures / magazines / manuals
- 4.3.2 Training courses material
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Brochure / magazine / manual
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Agreement on the Action Plan for unblocking administrative barriers
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Brochure / magazine / manual
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Forest bioenergy in the protected mediterranean areas
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Brochure / magazine / manual
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Forest bioenergy in the protected mediterranean areas- FORBIOENERGY
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Brochure / magazine / manual
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Impact assessment of the increase biomass use in the short, medium and long term in the protected areas
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Brochure / magazine / manual
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2018-03-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Impact assessment of threats and benefits of increase the biomass use in the protected areas - focusing on the Nature park “Velebit” protected areas
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Brochure / magazine / manual
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- MINUTES GREENCAP The renewable Energies community.
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Brochure / magazine / manual
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2017-03-09
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Promotion of agroforestry bioenergy in rural development strategies and plans in the Comunitat Valenciana
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Brochure / magazine / manual
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Regulatory Framework and Roadmap for the sustainable agroforestry biomass use for bioenergy purposes in rural areas and especially in the protected areas
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Brochure / magazine / manual
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-03-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Media releases / articles
- Appearances in media ratio
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Media release / article
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-06-30
Languages: it, hr, sl, es
Attachment file: Download
- Videos / films
- D 2 2 3 Storytelling video CRO
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Video / film
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2020-01-08
Languages: hr
- ForBioEnergy Storytelling Carbonai Italy en
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Video / film
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2020-01-08
Languages: it, en
- Forbioenergy Storytelling Croatia
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Video / film
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-09-30
Languages: hr
- ForBioEnergy Storytelling ImpactsAssessment Italy en
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Video / film
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2020-01-08
Languages: it, en
- ForBioEnergy Storytelling TestingActivities Italy en
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Video / film
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2020-01-08
Languages: it, en
- ForBioEnergy Storytelling TransferringActivities Italy en
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Video / film
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2020-01-08
Languages: it, en
- ForBioEnergy Storytelling video 01
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Video / film
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-12-17
Languages: es
- ForBioEnergy Storytelling video 02
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Video / film
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-12-17
Languages: es
- Kakovostna lesna goriva (Razširjena različica)
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Video / film
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-07-23
Languages: sl
- Načrtovanje gozdno-lesne verige v lokalnem okolju
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Video / film
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-07-09
Languages: sl
- Flyers
- Forest biomass-use through time
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Flyer
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Legislation, bureaucracy, lack of knowledge and recognition
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Flyer
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- The situation of our Mediterranean forests cannot go unnoticed
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Flyer
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Old days-new ways
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Flyer
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Forest Bioenergy in the Protected Mediterranean Areas- Poster
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Flyer
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-06-30
Languages: en, hr
Attachment file: Download
- Forest Bioenergy in the Protected Mediterranean Areas
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Flyer
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Forest and a man: love story of a lifetime
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Flyer
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Lo que pueden aportar los bosques a la comunitat Valenciana: proyecto Forbioenergy
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Flyer
Data source:
Publication date: 2022-09-14
Document date: 2019-06-30
Languages: es
Attachment file: Download
Information regarding the data in on the programme financing this project
Financing programme
2014 - 2020 INTERREG VB Mediterranean
Last month that data in was retrieved from the Programme's website or received from the Programme
No. of projects in / Total no. of projects (% of projects in
142 / 142 (100%)
No. of project partnerships in / Total no. of project partnerships (% of project partnerships in
1 327 / 1 327 (100%)
Notes on the data
Information provided by the Programme. Fields project name (from 2 projects) translated from French into English using the European Commission's eTranslation machine translation service.
The projects which fields include an eTranslation English text are the ones with the following acronyms: CESBA MED and PANORAMED.
The financial data featured in for this programme, it's projects and its partners is not exact and should be taken as a reference only.