Description (FR): SYNGGI vise à soutenir les projets modulaires approuvés dans le cadre de la "Croissance verte", objectif de la priorité d’ Axe 1. Innovation du Programme MED Interreg. Les activités soutiendront le sous-objectif 1.1, afin de servir les objectifs et stratégies des autorités de gestion pour la zone MED. Le projet a été conçu comme un outil agile qui unifiera les résultats des projets, soutenir les parties MED et créer un environnement fructueux et collaboratif pour tous les organismes impliqués.
En outre, le projet sera pleinement conforme à la stratégie Interreg-MED selon laquelle les projets horizontaux agissent comme un pont entre les projets modulaires, la gouvernance projet-"platform"-de l'Axe 4 et de "UE policy makers". Les membres du consortium sont des acteurs puissants; réseaux, clusters de caractère privé-public et ont été choisis de manière à pouvoir créer un vaste réseau de groupes clés, y compris les PME, universitaires, instituts de recherche et les autorités de gouverne (représentants de l'hélice quadruple).
SYNGGI a été structuré pour soutenir la communication, la capitalisation et en même temps, il vise au-delà des territoires MED dans les pays de l'UE, comme jugé apte par les autorités du Programme. De cette façon, le projet est un partenaire réglable précieux pour le programme Interreg, prêt à répondre à ses besoins et proposer des solutions innovantes qui produiront des résultats unifiés et des propositions solides pour les politiques environnementales.
Read more Description (EN): SYNGGI aims to support the modular approved projects under the objective Green Growth of the priority Axis 1. Innovation of the Interreg MED Programme. The activities will support the sub-objective 1.1 and especially the Green Growth sub-priority, in order to serve the targets and strategies of the Managing Authorities for the MED Area. The project has been designed as an agile tool that will unify project results, support MED stakeholders and create a fruitful and collaborative environment for all implicated bodies.
Additionally the project will fully comply with the Interreg-MED strategy according to which the Horizontal projects will act as a bridge between the Modular projects, the Governance project-"platform"- of Axis 4 and the EU policy makers. The consortium members are powerful actors; networks or clusters of private and public character and have been chosen so that they can create a vast network of key groups including SMEs, academics, research institutes and governing authorities (Quadruple helix representatives).
SYNGGI has been structured to support communication, capitalization activities and at the same time it aims beyond MED territories, across all EU countries, as deemed fit by the Programme Authorities. That way the project is a valuable adjustable partner for the Interreg Programme, ready to answer to its needs and offer innovative solutions that will produce unified results and solid proposals for environmental policies.
Read more Achievements (EN): During this reporting period, all partners were active as in previous periods in managing and performing project activities, deliverables, participating in Modular Project and networking meetings, and maintaining and establishing new contacts with relevant institutions at the Mediterranean and European level, such as Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), DG REGIO and DG RTD - Circular Economy Unit. RCD participated and contributed at the IPA Capitalization event - INTERREG MED PROGRAMME MADE in MED in the Balkans organized in Sarajevo.During that period, big efforts were made to coordinate the 4 Thematic Working Groups (TWGs) and the different policy outcomes (white papers, policy and legal recommendations, Green Growth book) in the framework of the capitalization process of the community. Each partner, except from RCD, was in charge of moderating one TWGs and in charge of the production of a policy output. External experts supported the consortium when needed. The first draft of all policy outputs were produced and feedback was given by the consortium and Modular Projects. A dedicated TWG workshop was organized in March in Thessaloniki, with the participation of all MPs participating at the TWGs, UfM and two H2020 projects related to the topic of circular economy. The consortium participated in Modular Projects meetings/events, in the coordination meeting organized by and for Horizontal Projects to plan the activities for 2019, as well as, the Launch of the Capitalisation Plan of the Interreg MED programme. We also participated in high-level events such as the EU Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform and Green Week, where contacts with relevant actors in the field of circular economy were made.In this period, we also started a close collaboration with the PANORAMED - WP10 on Innovation, participating at their meetings and exchanging information about the community with them.One of the most relevant achievement in this period was the writing of the potential labelling of the Green Growth community by the Union for the Mediterranean. Several meetings with UfM were held to prepare the process. UVic/UCC also participated with a presentation at the 3rd meeting of the UfM Task Force on Environment that took place Brussels.During this period, some partners of the consortium planned the strategy for the 2nd phase of the community. All partners started organizing the final event (agenda, logistics, speakers, etc.) together with the Blue Growth community.
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Delivered Outputs (FR): Nombre d’instruments opérationnels en faveur de l’innovation des PME, Nombre d'entreprises béneficiant de subventions, Nombre d'entreprises recevant un soutien non-financier, Nombre de clusters d'innovation transnationaux soutenus, Dépenses déclarées à la CE pour Axe 1,
Delivered Outputs (EN): Number of operational instruments to favour innovation of SMEs, Number of enterprises receiving grants, Number of enterprises receiving non-financial support, Number of transnational innovation clusters supported, Expenditures declared to the EC for Axis 1,
Thematic information
Specific Objective:
To increase transnational activity of innovative clusters and networks of key sectors of the MED area
Thematic Objective:
(01) strengthening research, technological development and innovation by:
Investment Priority:
(01b) promoting business investment in R&I, developing links and synergies between enterprises, research and development centres and the higher education sector, in particular promoting investment in product and service development, technology transfer, social innovation, eco-innovation, public service applications, demand stimulation, networking, clusters and open innovation through smart specialisation, and supporting technological and applied research, pilot lines, early product validation actions, advanced manufacturing capabilities and first production, in particular in key enabling technologies and diffusion of general purpose technologies
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Partners (5)
Lead Partner:
Fundació Universitària Balmes
Carrer de la Laura, 13, 8500 Barcelona, Spain
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 372 693.67
ERDF budget:
EUR 316 789.62
Fondazione Ecosistemi
Fondazione Ecosistemi
Foundation of Sustainable Development strategies
Viale Liegi 32, Roma, 198 Rome, Italy
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 136 644.32
ERDF budget:
EUR 116 147.67
Dynamic Vision P.C
Dynamic Vision P.C
Business solutions-Communication-Networking
8 Merlin Street, 10671 Athens, Greece
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 395 622.73
ERDF budget:
EUR 336 279.32
Conseil Régional de Durres
Conseil Régional de Durres
Lagjia 2 Sheshi Liria 2001 Durres/Albania, Sheshi Liria 2001 DURRES, Albania
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 59 519.70
IPA2 budget:
EUR 50 591.75
Consorzio Universitario di Economia Industriale e Manageriale
Consorzio Universitario di Economia Industriale e Manageriale
Via Interrato dell'Acqua Morta, 26, 37129 Verona, Italy
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 355 490.14
ERDF budget:
EUR 302 166.62