Description (EN): The project proposal was initiated as a result of customs authority needs to develop appropriate infrastructure related to BCPs located at RO-MD border to strengthen customs controls at the external border of the European Union together with the customs authorities from Republic of Moldova. Both countries are interested to cooperate in order to combat the trafficking of contraband goods and the fiscal evasion. According to this purpose, both countries have to invest to modernize/develop the infrastructure from the BCPs which are located in Albita - Leuseni, Sculeni - Sculeni and Giurgiulesti - Giurgiulesti.
Nowadays, according to the data from the customs registration, a number of 7000 persons are daily registered crossing the border, a number of 700 vehicles for transportation of goods and over 1500 cars are daily verified by the customs officers from Albita, exceeding the projected capacity of the infrastructure (all the equipment are outdated, worn out, most of them requiring repair/replacement/updating). The need for investments is determined by the constraints of existing infrastructure currently in relation to flows and the ever-growing trade, which is why, in the case increasing cross - border flows, clusters of units are formed transport at crossing the border. he project will be implemented by NAFA in partnership with the SVRM, both countries being interested to increase the efficiency of customs controls, in order to facilitate the prevention and the combat of the illicit trade, Romania protecting in this way not only its national interests, but the EU interests too.
The solution proposed through this project refers especially to the modernization of the BCPs infrastructure, in an integrated manner. It is important not only to rehabilitate the buildings that will provide adequate working conditions for customs officers, but the access roads too. The roads in BCPs play an important role regarding the problem represented by the waiting times and by the big tails on all tracks too. The rehabilitation of the roads in BCP will facilitate the in/out traffic and, in the same time, will contribute to the improvement of the activity of the BCPs.
The continuous improvement of the training process for customs officers in the field of the non-intrusive control procedures will have the direct effect of decreasing the necessary time by operating faster and more efficient the equipment and also the images from the equipment.
The acquisition of modern and upgraded equipment will facilitate the intervention of the customs officers in order to discover/prevent illicit traffic and mostly to combat the illegal traffic related to trans-border crimes.
Taking into account the mentioned facts, the investments related to this project would create the necessary framework to fluidized goods traffic in this BCPs with a significant impact to a facilitated trade and to waiting times reduced, obtaining in this way not only the satisfaction of the beneficiaries, but good results on customs controls too.
Reconstruction and development aims at supporting equal development of both regions, reducing of regional disparities, promote utilization of regional economic potential, promote export and import activities for the economic and social benefit of both regions.
Information added on 2020-05-08, regarding the mitigation of the effects of COVID-19 (the corona virus pandemic that started in 2019) (English language only): The Large Infrastructure project (LIP) RMCO, which has as general objective the rehabilitation and modernization of some border customs offices on the Romania-Moldova border, aims to increase the institutional and operational efficiency of customs offices by modernizing the infrastructure to streamline legal freight and people traffic, on one hand, and, on the other hand, by increasing the capacity of customs workers to use non-destructive control technology effectively. Achieving these objectives, respectively rehabilitating functional areas, enlarging the size of sites and customs offices spaces, improving the technical conditions, the quality of utilities and of the customs control, will make possible to streamline traffic, to eliminate traffic jams on access roads and adjacent ones and to reduce waiting times for customs control. At the same time, implementing the project activities will have the result of mitigating the socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic by supporting the business environment, maintaining jobs for suppliers of equipment and services involved in the project, who, through the works / services performed, will avoid or diminish the effects of the crisis.
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Expected Results (EN): 173 Optimal technical conditions to carry out the customs control procedures for a number of customs officers.
347 Working conditions improved for customs officers involved in customs control activities.
6 Border crossing capacity improved at the level of customs offices for each country.
20 Certification of customs officers to use the specific customs control equipment.
The proposed project is fully integrated in all the taken actions for realizing a common, coherent and efficient management in line with the Community requirements and will provide increased level of security for citizens, observing their fundamental rights and liberties and improving the legal traffic flow of persons and merchandise at the border.
This project together with the other components of the customs systems for borders security (including all the equipment for un-destructive control, storing and transmitting of data and information) contribute to counteract the main evolving tendencies of the cross borders illegal phenomena among: permanent change of the routes used for illegal traffic of merchandise; diversification of the capitalization forms of products and valuables resulted from illegal activities, increasing terrorist threat; increasing number of the of the offences well prepared and organized benefiting from state of the art equipment available on the market; diversification of the modalities to avoid legal customs control specializing in crossing the border with dangerous, counterfeit, under evaluate or undeclared goods; increasing illegal traffic of highly tax products; increasing involvement of the organized crime networks in illegal traffic of currency and counterfeit goods.
The solution proposed through this project refers especially to the modernization of 6 BCPs infrastructure, in an integrated manner. It is important not only to rehabilitate the buildings, but the access roads too. The roads in BCPs play an important role regarding the problem represented by the waiting times and by the big tails on all tracks too. The rehabilitation of the roads in BCPs will facilitate the in/out traffic and, in the same time, will contribute to the improvement of the activity of the BCPs.
The continuous improvement of the training process for customs officers in the field of the non-intrusive control procedures will have the direct effect of decreasing the necessary time by operating faster and more efficient the equipment and also the images from the equipment.
The acquisition of modern and upgraded equipment will facilitate the intervention of the customs officers in order to discover/prevent illicit traffic, to reduce the VAT evasion and mostly to combat the illegal traffic related to crime organization, together with the Border Police officers. Taking into account the mentioned facts, the investments related to this project would create the necessary framework to fluidized goods traffic in this BCPs with a significant impact to a facilitated trade and to waiting times reduced, obtaining in this way not only the satisfaction of the beneficiaries, but good results on customs controls too.
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