Description (EN): The common challenge of the programme area that we consider in our project is to define appropriate solutions to reduce the pollution and environmental damages produced by copper mining operations with direct consequences on the human health. As copper is an essential metal for many industries, there is an increasing necessity for its extraction and mining operations cannot be stopped. Even if they are stopped, the accumulated waste continuously pollutes the environment and it underlines the necessity to find remediation solutions. Within this project we consider the copper mining operation areas of Moldova Noua and Bor, having about 25000 inhabitants strongly affected by pollution. The overall project objective is to assess the water quality in the cross-border mining operations areas, to propose remediation methods and to promote education in the field of environmental protection. By implementing this project we exploit the results of the previous IPA project (Cross-border network for advanced training and research in Environmental Protection, Code 464) that conducted to identifying the nature of pollution due to mining copper operations, as we perform the physicochemical and toxicological characterization of the water streams, propose remediation solutions and inform general public, NGOs, organizations and public authorities about the existent situation, the necessity and means to solve the problem. The main outputs of the project are: (i) information and education of youth, participants to capacity building initiatives and general public concerning the environmental issues specific to the mining operation areas by involving them in awareness campaigns, training sessions and events; (ii) three new instruments are acquired to be used in the field of cross border services for environmental protection; (iii) a public knowledge base containing the physicochemical and toxicological characterization of the water streams in considered areas and remediation solutions is produced as a new monitoring systems established in the field of environmental protection in cross-border area; (iv) two scientific studies exposing the situation of the water streams and the remediation procedures, that are publicly available and are sent in printed forms to researchers, specific NGOs, local/regional/national authorities and organizations acting in the field of environmental protection and involving participants to capacity building initiatives. The cross-border collaboration is needed to achieve these outputs as the partners involved in this project have complementary research facilities, complementary skills and a common problem to solve. The new/original of proposal project consists of the proposed remediation solution for removal the copper and pollutants from waste water and to treat waste water from mining operations such as to reach the zero–waste technology, no damages of the water streams, soil and vegetation and to no effects on the human health.
Read more Achievements (EN): The common challenge of the programme area that was considered in the project is to define appropriate solutions to reduce the pollution and environmental damages produced by copper mining operations with direct consequences on human health. As copper is an essential metal for many industries, there is an increasing necessity for its extraction and mining operations cannot be stopped. Even if they are stopped, the accumulated waste continuously pollutes the environment, and it underlines the necessity to find remediation solutions. Within this project, we consider the copper mining operation areas of Moldova Noua and Bor, having about 25000 inhabitants, strongly affected by pollution.
DEGREE OF ACHIEVEMENT OF INDICATORS : Infrastructure, equipment built/ installed/ modernized in the field of cross border services for environmental protection.100%.
5565 participants in project initiatives and events for information and awareness rising.814,01%.
Studies in the field of environmental protection and emergency management. (technical and scientific studies, researches in the relevant fields). 100%.
91 Participants to capacity building initiatives. 234,06%.
Monitoring systems established/ extended/ modernized in the eligible area in the field of environmental protection and emergency management. 100%.
RESULTS ACHIEVED: 3 Development of research capability of scientific network RoS-NET2 by acquisition of new state-of-the-art research instruments. 100%.
5565 Implementation of training sessions and events for pupils and schoolteachers in the field of horizontal principles and environmental issues and for professionals from research and universities, public authorities and NGOs for using the knowledge base. 814,01%.
2 Producing a knowledge base and realizing 2 scientific studies containing data about pollution resulted from copper mining activities in the cross-border area of Romania and Serbia, remediation solutions and evaluation of impact of project implementation.100%.
91 Implementation of training sessions and events for pupils and schoolteachers in the field of horizontal principles and environmental issues and professionals from research and universities, public authorities and NGOs for using the knowledge base. 234,06%.
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Expected Results (EN): PA2-RI2 Capacity for emergency interventions and management in case of natural disasters and environmental accidents
Expected Outputs (EN): The project promotes research and education in the field of environmental protection with beneficial consequences on the sustainable use of copper deposits. The main results are: 6885 directly (receivers of informative materials, participants to training sessions) and other 28500 persons indirectly (web page, Facebook profiles, newspapers, TV/radio) informed on the potential of environmental resources and the benefits of protection; 3 new instruments in the field of cross border services for environmental protection, 1 knowledge base as a monitoring system established in the field of environmental protection, 2 scientific studies in the field of environmental protection, 91 participants to capacity building initiatives involved in some training sessions and being recipients of the 2 scientific studies.
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Thematic information
Specific Objective:
Enhancing protection and sustainable use of natural resources, with the improvement of capacities of competent bodies and promotion of cross border networks for education and studies on environmental resources
Thematic Priority:
(b) Protecting the environment and promoting climate change adaptation and mitigation, risk prevention and management through, inter alia: joint actions for environmental protection; promoting sustainable use of natural resources, resource efficiency, renewable energy sources and the shift towards a safe and sustainable low-carbon economy; promoting investment to address specific risks, ensuring disaster resilience and developing disaster management systems and emergency preparedness
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Partners (3)
Lead Partner:
Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara
Department of Biology-Chemistry/ Advanced Environmental Research Laboratories
Blv. Vasile Pârvan 4, 300223 Timișoara, Romania
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 544 194.00
IPA2 budget:
EUR 462 564.90
Grupul Ecologic de Colaborare - Filiala NERA Caraş - Severin
Grupul Ecologic de Colaborare - Filiala NERA Caraş - Severin
Ecological Cooperation Group – NERA Caras – Severin branch
1 Decembrie 1918 60Oravita, Romania
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 36 603.00
IPA2 budget:
EUR 31 112.55
Institut za rudarstvo i metalurgiju Bor
Institut za rudarstvo i metalurgiju Bor
Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor
Zeleni bulevar 35, 19210 Bor, Serbia
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 419 097.00
IPA2 budget:
EUR 356 232.45