Description (EN): The use of drugs is practically as old as the mankind, and with the growth of the market it became more affordable. Border regions have always been especially exposed to the risk of increased drug use. Considering the border as a factor of risk we can state that current drug prevention activities are at a very low level in both countries.The aim of the project is to develop and implement a targeted long-term drug prevention that addresses and activates the most vulnerable group of young people. Furthermore to provide adequate information to direct and indirect target group about the reasons for the emergence of drug addiction, its course, the available assistance, innovative and effective approaches of prevention, as well as the visual appearance, usage and dangers of certain drugs. Keeping in mind that as many young people as possible meet each other, get acquainted and establish a long-term relationship with each other. For this reason we raise this attractive project for all. The objective is of the same, previous problem cited. The realization of an individualized plan, what is combining the performances in the destined group; to find the interests of each and every person; to develop plans; and realize same actions; put them in practice; and to combine other projects that serve like elements of reference. For that we will use a creative methodology, with close relations, oriented towards results and with point nodal for emotions, because only that can active the motivation.We want to encourage young people to be active citizens in Europe, to make the initiative step for the better life, to be active changemakers.Structure of the project: Training of a professional team, Self-knowledge camp, View an interactive, multimedial exhibition-During the exhibition, they will take part in a two-hour conversation with young people, trained professionals, Questionnaire survey of young people attending the camp, Closing conference: presentation of the results of the research, outline future activities. The lasting impact of the camps will be around the ideas what will continue to bloom after the projects lifecycle. For this to happen, we will have online platforms to work with, where the data will be saved.With this project we intend that the impact is lasting, that is to say, as specified in the introductory section, it is not just that the participants perceive it as a formative course whose contents are not internalized; but the learning that will take place during this stage are significant and become tools for their learning process and social development. In this way, the program will have a direct impact on the participants and their environment, offering them a complete itinerary of learning that can be extended to their daily lives.In relation to the contribution of the same to other programs of the entity it is necessary to clarify that the entity assumes a systemic perspective, so that the knowledge and acquired learning are extrapolated from one program to another. Therefore, with this project, in addition to having a new database of young people who can participate in other actions, may contact other young people with their same concerns. This will allow the improvement of the rest of the projects of the organization, as we constantly ask for feedback to the students about the actions they are receiving. Finally, through this project we could gather more data for future youth policies.The desired impact at the different levels is as follows: LOCALLY:- Involve young people at risk of social exclusion in multicultural activities. Avoid xenophobia and promote trust between people in different countries.- That children have an international vision from a young age, to avoid the fear of getting away from their comfort zone. AT REGIONAL AND NATIONAL LEVEL:- Strengthen the international dimension of youth activities and the role of workers and organizations in the field of drug prevention as support structures for young people.- Transfer our experience to other entities- Continue the development of activities in rural areas, favoring the participation of youth groupsON AN INTERNATIONAL LEVEL:- Establish new links with entities from other countries.- Strengthen the international dimension of education and training, in particular through cooperation between the program and partner country institutions.- Promote the activities and resources available to society in our country.- Apply as an entity with which to count for international projects, where we will put all our desire and illusion.
Read more Achievements (EN): Achieved:
Raising the awareness among young people from Romania and Hungary cross-border area in terms of drug addiction through the events organized during the project (club events, exhibition, camps).
1) 8 club events (4 in Hungary and 4 in Romania) for more than 600 persons in order to get acquainted with the harmful effects of the drugs, through different methods, and on the other hand to spend time usefully in the clubs during the events.
2) 2 trainings organized (1 in Romania and 1 in Hungary) for 30 persons (15 persons/ training) having the following main topics: adolescent psychology, passion diseases, innovative drug prevention - contemporary help, adolescent deviances, community building techniques;
3) 6 self-knowledge camps organized (2 in Romania and 4 in Hungary) for a total of 200 young people from both countries in order to get familiar with the basics of contemporary help methods in the field of drug prevention, and increase the cooperation between the cross-border communities;
4) Metamorphosis-drug exhibition organized for the youngster in order to be familiarized with the disadvantages and bad examples of drug use with a total of 1152 visitors.
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Expected Outputs (EN): The aim of the project is to develop conscious life-giving habits of young people alongside the border, by linking together and organizing joint programs, one of the greatest threats to the prevention of drug use. The goal is to develop their attitudes, self-knowledge, and conflict management and communication skills based on collaboration, joint experience and contemporary training.
Our goal is to strengthen the presence of young people in the community, who, if necessary, can act as a signaling system and as a facilitator for the benefit of their contemporaries.
Throughout the project, in close cooperation with the people living and working on both sides of the border, a drug prevention system is built, which main motive is the cooperation of young people.
Objective: To organize four camps where young people get acquainted with the contemporary representatives of the other country and their drug-prevention experiences, thus forming young people who can participate in activities in later stages of the project as a contemporary facilitator. As a result, clubs are created - by creating a healthy community space where young people are given the opportunity to spend their free time.
The metamorphosis drug-prevention exhibition, based on previous experiences, provides a visual experience for young people, which is a significant impact in later life stages, thus initiating a socially useful process.
The young people involved in the project are conducting a questionnaire survey aimed at exploring their interests and their knowledge and attitudes related to drug consumption. Research can help develop a later local drug prevention strategy and define the areas of activity of the Clubs.
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