Description (EN): The overall aim of the partners is to implement fast and effective medical developments on both sides of the border, in terms of on-duty system, first-aid, life support, prevention, rehabilitation and recreation. These activities are unique in the Programme Area. The establishment of the partnership is justified by the assessment of the need and necessity to implement such activities. The activities and the aim of the project, the procurement of necessary equipment, infrastructural developments, organising professional events, creating communication material and project management activities all accommodate the reaching of Programme level indicators. The aim of the strategic co-operation is the efficient help and co-operation of the partners regarding local and international medical developments. This project of innovative approach can trigger a positive effect, and improve the overall medical situation of the affected region and prevention. The overall purpose of the project is well-suited to the specific purpose of the Program, since the development within the project aims to offer better quality medical services, faster and more widespread help to the population of the region. 1. Development of On-Duty Units equipment in Békés County – responsible for project part: Békés County CouncilA central On-Duty Unit system for continuous or definite schedule primary care level emergency services for the population of the affected General Practitioner areas, in co-operation with the emergency services of the relevant area. On Duty Unit services and central duty is carried out by the general practitioner working with territorial care obligations, based on a contract with the local authorities or the institution. After the needs assessment, 16 On-Duty Units systems are provided with state-of-the-art equipment.2. Placing life-saving devices, implementing trainings, programs and content elements – responsible for project part: Southern Békés Rescue Group Emergency Disaster FoundationSudden cardiac death is the leading cause of death in Hungary. In 65-85% of the cases, this is caused by such an arrhythmia the only effective treatment of which is defibrillation. Defibrillation has to be completed by an effective basic level resuscitation, the technique of which has to be learnt, refreshed and practiced. 500 defibrillators with state-of-the-art technology will be installed. Via the series of volunteer-recruiting programs, 1000 volunteers will have the possibility to learn the process of resuscitation and the proper use of the devices, in the frames of a course. The training material created within the project will be part of a separate Android application (App), which can help the users (cca 3500 installations) as a digital assistant in case of a possible later accident emergency, in the field of reducing harms and effective assistance. Above these, using GPS, the App will make it possible to ask for help from the trained helping assistants (1000 persons) nearby, using the integrated route planner. The online interface also provides healthcare advice, via providing trained experts. 3. Establishment of Prevention, Rehabilitation and Recreation centers in Békés County - responsible for project part: Southern Békés Rescue Group Emergency Disaster Foundation and Special Emergency Service in South Eastern HungaryIn the whole healthcare system, but especially in the critical care segment (primary care, rescue, emergency services and intensive care, the supplying staff is exposed to very high physical and mental stress. Recreation of health care workers, especially those of critical care is of high importance. In spite of this, there are no relative efforts made and there are no facilities providing relative services either in Békés County, or in Hungary. In co-operation with the on-duty system, the centers established within the project will carry out rehabilitation and recreational tasks. Centers will be established in Orosháza and in Békés, and recreational parks will be established in two other locations. In addition to the construction and installation of the centers, the project element also includes the establishment of a dispatcher center. 4. Publicity, marketing - responsible for project part: Southern Békés Rescue Group Emergency Disaster Foundation Health protection, resuscitation, prevention, recreation and rehabilitation information will be issued and disseminated in forms of information brochures, radio programmes, on-line content, newsletters and videos, aiming residential preparation and lifestyle changes.We will use marketing tools in the forms of media, internet and other advertising tools to introduce the services (e.g. the App, the location and use of the free defibrillators, and the possibility of joining free and the training) created within the project, and to disseminate information. 5. Cardiovascular developments in the Arad County Hospital – responsible for project part: Arad County CouncilAccording to the 2015 report of the World Bank, Romania is in the first place in Europe regarding cardiovascular diseases. The coronary invasive diagnosis is the most basic way of finding the optimal treatment in case of acute heart failure. The conditions for this mode of treatment are created by the project.The most important results of the project contribute to reaching programme level indicators. Cross-border healthcare cooperation, procurement of equipment, investment and the implementation of professional programs together contribute to the development of the health level of the area concerned, the activation of the population, the strengthening of the cross-border relationship. The result of strategic co-operation is to effectively and efficiently promote healthcare developments, life-saving, first aid, rapid intervention, and prevention of the most common causes of deaths (sudden cardiac deaths, cardiovascular diseases) in the region. The voluntary, innovative approach project can trigger a significant effect in the programme area. The results contribute to the output indicator of the project with 792.431 persons altogether, since the developments are commonly accessible. 17 healthcare units indicators are involved in the project.
Read more Expected Outputs (EN): The most important results of the project contribute to reaching programme level indicators. Cross-border healthcare cooperation, procurement of equipment, investment and the implementation of professional programs together contribute to the development of the health level of the area concerned, the activation of the population, the strengthening of the cross-border relationship.
The result of strategic co-operation is to effectively and efficiently promote healthcare developments, life-saving, first aid, rapid intervention, and prevention of the most common causes of deaths (sudden cardiac deaths, cardiovascular diseases) in the region.
The voluntary, innovative approach project can trigger a significant effect in the programme area.
An important result is the dissemination of knowledge, the transfer of life-saving knowledge, and shaping attitude of young people.
The results of the project strengthen international relations and improve the level of health communication. Local emergency response is improved and becomes more efficient.
All partners of the partnership operate as non-profit organisations, thus keeping full respect of sustaining of the results reasonably and purposefully.
Partners DO NOT generate revenue during the follow-up period, they only account for revenue corresponding to maintenance and operating costs.
The results contribute to the output indicator of the project with 792.431 persons altogether, since the developments are commonly accessible. 17 healthcare units indicator are involved in the project.
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