Description (EN): The project “Improving health-care standards in prevention, identification and treatment of cardiovascular and gynaecological diseases in crossborder area” with acronym HEARTS&LIVES was jointly developed by Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases Timisoara (IBCVT) as Lead Partner in collaboration with County Clinical Emergency Hospital Oradea (SCJUO) and University of Debrecen (UE).The project addresses the common challenges of the programme area, namely:
the very high frequency of cardiovascular diseases which are the number one cause of mortality in Europe for both women and men;insufficiency of the existing cardiovascular surgery infrastructure;lack of pediatric cardiovascular surgery infrastructure in the programme eligible are;high need for gynaecological surgery interventions;lack of necessary and modern medical equipment which creates bottlenecks in providing health-care services;insufficiency of health screening actions and providing information to prevent and diagnose high-frequency diseases;insufficiency of actions aimed at improving access to health infrastructure for disadvantaged groups;insufficiency of know-how exchange and capacity building activities (training courses and conferences).The main overall objective of the project is to improve the preventive and curative cardiovascular and gynaecological health-care services across Timis, Bihor and Hajdu-Bihar counties, and the access to them.The main objective of the project will be achieved by:
equipping two cardiovascular surgery rooms and the sterilization and cardiology departments of the Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases Timisoara with the needed medical equipment;equipping an operation block and a pack of 10 salons for the patients of Obstetrics and Gynecology Section II and IV of the Oradea County Emergency Clinical Hospital;purchase of medical equipment needed by the University of Debrecen;promotional health screening and providing information for the prevention and diagnosis of high-frequency diseases in the eligible area;actions to improve the access of disadvantaged groups to health infrastructure;know-how exchange and capacity-building activities (training courses and conferences) between project partners.The expected change the project will bring to the current situation refers to:
increased and improved cardiovascular surgery capacity for adults in Timis County;creation of state of art pediatric cardiovascular surgery capacity in the programme`s area of intervention;improved gynaecological surgery and intensive care capacity for women in Bihor county;improved health-care services for people in Hajdu-Bihar county;more health screening actions and better-informed people regarding prevention and diagnose of high-frequency diseases;improved access to health infrastructure for disadvantaged groups;a higher institutional capacity as a result of know-how exchange between project partners and training courses and conferences for the medical staff.The main outputs the project will produce are:
1,602,574 people (744,373 population of Timis County in 2016 + 316,849 feminine population of Bihor County in 2016 + 541,352 population of Hajdu-Bihar County in 2013) having access to improved health-care services;7 health-care departments (3 at IBCVT+ 2 at SCJUO+ 2 at UE) affected by modernized equipment.The direct beneficiary of this project are the patients that will benefit of improved health-care services within the three medical institutions acting as project partners, the people who will be better informed regarding prevention and diagnose of high-frequency diseases and the medical staff. The indirect beneficiaries are the patients’ families and their employers.The project’s approach to addressing the common challenges is to use the input and knowledge of each partner to leverage the benefits of this project during each of its phases. The cumulative experiences and know-how of the partners combined with modern information technology will allow tailored and specialized solution for each one of the common challenges of the programme area and also for the project’s activities.The novelty of this approach is the use of information technology for promotional actions for health screening and providing information to prevent and diagnose diseases with high frequency in Timis, Bihor and Hajdu-Bihar Counties.Project results have a catalytic effect: Based on the results of the project, the infrastructure and the professional, we will achieve the homogenization of the quality of the medical services at a high level, for a population of 1,602,574. New technology and know-how exchange will lead to modern methods and innovation, mode difficult medical cases tackled, thus speeding up development and capacity of the project partners.The information and screening activities, that will increase awareness, will be the pillar of fast-growing preventive care.Project results have a multiplying effect: For every person that benefits from the results of the project (prevents a disease or is treated for one) another two family members are positively affected. Information activities on early prevention and identification of diseases will generate multiplier effects in the economy, generating savings for the medical system and national health funds and impact the active and future workforce.The project is aiming to extend the best practice model of cross-border cooperation that started between Oradea and Debrecen in 2007. It will become a best practice model, as it is the best way to tackle complex medical cases in the eligible area, and the only way for local and regional medical centres to do that, making it an example for organizations outside of the current partnership.
Read more Achievements (EN): Achieved:
1) Improve the preventive and curative cardiovascular and gynecological health-care services across Timis, Bihor, and Hajdu-Bihar counties through the medical equipment purchased.
2) Increased and improved cardiovascular surgery capacity for adults in Timis County.
3) Improved gynecological surgery and intensive care capacity for women in Bihor county.
4) Improved health-care services for people through know-how exchange and capacity-building activities.
5) Improved access to health infrastructure for disadvantaged groups.
1) screening and free consultations (including persons with low incomes and from disadvantaged groups) for more than 900 persons from Timis, Bihor, and Hajdu-Bihar counties.
2) Purchase of medical equipment for 3 medical departments (Sterilization, Cardiovascular Surgery, and Cardiology) within Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases Timișoara, 2 medical departments (Gynecological surgery and Intensive Care) within County Emergency Clinical Hospital Oradea and 2 medical departments (Obstetrics - Gynecology and Cardiology and cardiac surgery) within University Debrecen;
3) exchange of know-how and capacity-building activities for 80 medical staff in the gynecology and cardiac domain.
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Expected Results (EN): R 9/a Average service level in healthcare institutions in the eligible area
Expected Outputs (EN): The project's main results are:
-1,601,222 people (744,373 population of Timis County in 2016 + 316,849 feminine population of Bihor County in 2016 + 540,000 population of Hajdu-Bihar County in 2014) having access to improved health-care services;
-7 health-care departments affected by modernized equipment, as follows: 3 (Cardiovascular surgery, Sterilization and Cardiology Departments) at IBCVT (LB), 2 (Gynaecological surgery and Intensive Care) at SCJUO (PP2) and 2 (Gynecology and Cardiology and cardiac surgery Departments) at DE (PP3).
The project’s main results will increase the average service level in the three healthcare institutions affected by the project, which will contribute directly to the programme result indicator.
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Thematic information
Specific Objective:
Improved preventive and curative health-care services across the eligible area
Thematic Objective:
(09) promoting social inclusion, combating poverty and any discrimination, by:
Investment Priority:
(09a) investing in health and social infrastructure which contributes to national, regional and local development, reducing inequalities in terms of health status, promoting social inclusion through improved access to social, cultural and recreational services and the transition from institutional to community-based services
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Partners (3)
Lead Partner:
Institutul de Boli Cardiovasculare Timișoara
Luca Constantin -Tudor (Interim Manager)
Gheorghe Adam 13A, 300310 Timisoara, Romania
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 1 200 000.00
ERDF budget:
EUR 1 020 000.00
Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Oradea
Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Oradea
dr. Lucia Georgeta Daina (Interim Manager)
Republicii 37, 410167 Oradea, Romania
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 1 200 000.00
ERDF budget:
EUR 1 020 000.00
Debreceni Egyetem
Debreceni Egyetem
Zoltán SZILVÁSSY (Rector)
Zoltán BÁCS (chancellor)
Egyetem tér 1, 4032 Debrecen, Hungary
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 600 000.00
ERDF budget:
EUR 510 000.00