Description (EN): Project's background.
This project is intended to create and promote the "Smart Living" concept to Latvian and Estonian residents to provide highly important assistance for living more comfortable and economically more efficient in long-term. Society is demonstrating lack of knowledge and very poor competence in the frame of renewable energy and efficient usage of energy. This project is in the right time and place because of the existing/available technologies, products and services. Just relevant tips and commercially not-interested experts recommendations are missing. This awareness raising campaign is solving the challenge.
The campaign is carefully planned and coordinated so that each activity create an effective and purposeful energy resource saving aspects. This campaign will promote better understanding about smart use of energy resources among the people of Latvia and Estonia.
We will start our project on 1st March 2020. During the first project months (from March till September), we will organize a several marketing activities and we will also develop program for upcoming workshops and attract speakers. During these few months, we will actively be working to build an expert network and together with them we will develop our interactive tool. In the framework of our project we will launch one campaign which we will divide into three phases. The first and second phases will each be 10 months long, while the third phase will be 2 months long. We are plan to start our campaign on September 2020.
With our campaign we will cover two very important audiences:
1. Residents (household members) in the age group from 18 to 70 years old.
2. Real estate managers from energy community.
We have divided the two main target audiences, because some energy efficiency topics for these two target audiences should be presented completely differently as well as during the activities for real estate managers, great emphasis will be put on the use of renewable energy resources. Therefore, our campaign will include individual workshops for household members and separate workshops for real estate managers. In this way we will reach our goal raise public awareness about environmentally friendly lifestyle and smart use of energy resources in Latvia and Estonia and also, we will show household members and real estate managers how they can interact with each other to change their daily habits in energy use.
The household members and real estate managers understanding and knowledge will be promoted by both demonstrating real examples how by changing our day-to-day habits we can save energy and live in a more energy efficient way, and by simulating various day-to-day situations, we will model comfort and economic conditions. In order to do so, we will organise a series of events where we will use online interactive tools.
Territory targeted by the project
Within this project, the main activities will be organized in Liepaja, Ventspils, Kuldiga, Saldus, Valmiera, Madona, Gulbene, Aluksne, Valka, Tartu, Põlva, Võru, Valga, Viljandi and Elva. But participants will be invited to events organized within the framework of the campaign not only from these cities, but also from the regions and other cities located within a radius of 100 kilometers of events places. With our campaign we not only educate the participants who will participate in our events, but also, we will invite them to transfer their newly acquired knowledge to their friends and relatives. In this way knowledge about energy efficient activities will be disseminated in the wider area of the Est-Lat program territory.
Cross-border nature
Experienced organizations in both countries – Latvia and Estonia, have defined most needed activities to provide assistance for Latvia and Estonian society for Smart Living. In the awareness raising campaign the cooperation is needed starting with the planning of workshops, building the expert board and building the assistance on-line interactive tool. Not only implementation of activities, but also planning and preparation is demonstrating close cross-border cooperation nature.
Each of the partners are leaders in their business direction in own country and they do have a lot of experience in energy saving projects and participating in such a project will lead to sharing of the experience between Latvia's and Estonia's partners and participants.
The project objectives are aimed to promote the concept of Smart Living. The main goal of the campaign is to raise public awareness about environmentally friendly lifestyle and smart use of energy resources in Latvia and Estonia, combining knowledge and competence of organization in both countries.
We will focus directly on informing Latvian and Estonian societies on the possibilities to save energy resources, as well as addressing Estonian and Latvian real estate managers regarding the use of renewable energy resources.
Main activities
During project implementation following main activities are planned to be performed:
1. Creating a joint On-line interactive tool. In order for the solutions offered to the public to be of high added value, an expert council consisting of at least 5 Latvian and 5 Estonian experts in energy field will be created.
2. In order to create a more comprehensive awareness of energy efficiency, 40 workshops will be organised for households and 24 workshops for real estate managers throughout the duration of the campaign.
3. In order to ensure resident awareness, open-informative events will be organised once a year within the campaign (2 in total), these events will help the project partners to reach a wider target audience and directly address the public.
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Expected Outputs (EN): With “Smart Living” campaign we will contribute to EstLat’s indicator regarding the awareness of people in terms of resource efficiency. Through campaign activities, we will raise awareness among households of more efficient use of energy resources. We will not only teach and demonstrate how to use resources more efficiently, but also allow household members to actively engage in this process. Our expert network will help us to create interesting and motivating program for workshops so that they are attractive for the majority of public in Estonia and Latvia.
During this “Smart Living” cross-border campaign activities we will directly involve 800 household members and 240 (persons) of energy community will be involved in workshops and at least 200 (persons) of the energy community will be informed through our project relevant stakeholders, municipalities and our social media, but the information about our activities and results will be distributed to the wider public in the part of the Estonia-Latvia programme territory (South Estonian, Kurzeme and Vidzeme). Online interactive tool will provide needed support for effective awareness raising in both countries.
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