Description (FR): BlueMed PLUS a été conçu dans l’esprit de capitaliser sur les expériences et les résultats du projet BlueMed. Le projet s’appuie sur le Roadmap and Action Plan pour reprendre son modèle multidisciplinaire, qui distille les connaissances tacites accumulées, le savoir-faire et les autres résultats du projet. L'objectif principal du nouveau projet BlueMed PLUS est de « transférer » la Roadmap et le plan d'action vers de nouveaux « récepteurs » méditerranéens, à travers un processus qui soutient la systématisation des connaissances en facilitant l'appropriation communautaire du territoire.Un « transfert » réussi renforcera la capacité des « récepteurs » à exploiter des sites et des centres de sensibilisation qui vont être accessibles sur leur territoire, et promouvra de nouvelles destinations touristiques côtières.Le projet intéresse 3 territoires « récepteurs » en Italie, au Monténégro et en Albanie, offrant des ressources culturelles subaquatiques importantes qui couvrent 2000 ans d'histoire. Le développement économique potentiel qui pourrait être généré par la valorisation de ces ressources à travers BlueMed PLUS est énorme. Tous les 3 territoires surplombent la mer Adriatique du Sud et sont bien reliés par des services de transport maritime. Cette configuration géographique facilitera la coopération et le partage des meilleures pratiques pour la promotion touristique durable du patrimoine culturel sous-marin, tout en le préservant pour les générations futures.
Read more Description (EN): BlueMed PLUS builds on the perspective of capitalizing on relevant experiences, outputs, and results of the BlueMed project. In doing so it takes advantage of one of the main outputs of BlueMed – the Roadmap and Action Plan for taking up its multidisciplinary model, which distils the accumulated tacit knowledge, the knowhow, and most other outputs of the completed project. The chief objective of the new BlueMed PLUS project is to “transfer” the Roadmap and the Action Plan to new Med territorial “receivers”, through a process that supports knowledge systematization and decision-making and facilitates territorial uptake and ownership. Successful “transferring” will enhance the capacity of “receivers” to operate accessible Underwater Cultural Heritage (UW CH) sites and Knowledge Awareness Centres in their territory, and promote new coastal tourist destinations as assets of regional sustainability.The project encompasses 3 “receiver” territories in Italy, Montenegro and Albania, offering important UW cultural assets covering 2000 years of history. The potential economic development that could be generated by the promotion and valorisation of these assets through BlueMed PLUS is enormous. All 3 territories overlook S. Adriatic Sea and are well connected by ferries/ship services. This favourable geographic configuration will facilitate cooperation and sharing of best practices for sustainable touristic promotion of the UW heritage, while preserving it for the future generations.
Read more Achievements (EN): The main achievements of the project are reported here:- Organization of 2 meetings (Kick-off and Steering Committee meeting - 23/06/2021 and the Meeting for the presentation of the data collection forms and the questionnaires to the receiving partners - 12/11/2021). Creation of the google group mailing list and Ms Teams for project management. - Collaboration with MED Horizontal Project (HP) “Sustainable Tourism Community”; participation to the Welcome workshop for the new Transferring projects - 09/07/2021. - Press releases have been prepared and published by all the partners, a flyer has been edited and printed, social media profiles have been updated and many posts and stories have been published (FB, YouTube, twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn). - The project was presented in 5 relevant conferences (3 international and 2 national):EMRA 2021, EU-funded Marine Robotics and Applications. July 7-8, 2021, Pisa, Italy.BMTA 2021 – The Mediterranean Exchange of Archaeological Tourism, 25-28/11/21, Paestum, ItalySunken Memories - The protection of underwater cultural heritage, 9/11/2021, Online Conference.Underwater Archaeology Symposium - 2001-2021, 16-18/12/21, Taranto, Italy Notte dei Ricercatori 2021 - Superscienceme, 24/9/21, Rende (Cosenza), Italy- Eleven different instruments were used to disseminate BlueMed Plus (press releases, news in the press, news on social networks, news on the website).- Elaboration and submission of the data collection form to the receiving partners (AR, BM and VM). - Definition of the stakeholders’ list and the related categories and sub-categories. - Elaboration of 4 different questionnaires, with questions addressed to the different categories of stakeholders in relation to their skills and competences.- Organization of 3 territorial workshops (by the receiving territories with the collaboration of the project partners):14/12/21: 1st workshop in Vlore, Albania (n° of stakeholders invited: 13; n° of participants: 13)12/01/22: 2nd workshop in Brindisi, Italy (n° of stakeholders invited: 172, n° of participants: 28)17/01/22: 3rd workshop in Budva, Montenegro (n° of stakeholders invited: 20, n° of participants: 20)- Preparation of the draft of the BLUEMED PLUS Roadmap and Action Plan to be adopted by the receivers; definition of the KPIs (social, cultural, environmental, financial) to measure sustainability and the risk assessment elements, with social/political, economic and environmental risks.
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Delivered Outputs (FR): Nombre d'instruments disponibles pour améliorer le développement de tourisme durable et responsable, Nombre de destinations touristiques couvertes par un outil d'évaluation de tourisme durable, Nombre de stratégies appliquant des critères de gestion de tourisme durables, Nombre de régions et des sous-régions engagées (par des chartes, des protocoles, le MoU) dans la mise en œuvre de plans de tourisme durables, Dépenses déclarées à la CE pour Axe 3,
Read more Delivered Outputs (EN): Number of instruments available to enhance the development of sustainable and responsible tourism, Number of tourist destinations covered by a sustainable tourism evaluation tool, Number of strategies applying sustainable tourism management criteria, Number of regions and sub-regions engaged (through charters, protocols, MoU) in implementing sustainable tourism plans, Expenditures declared to the EC for Axis 3,
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Thematic information
Specific Objective:
To enhance the development of a sustainable and responsible coastal and maritime tourism in the MED area
Thematic Objective:
(06) preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency by:
Investment Priority:
(06c) Conserving, protecting, promoting and developing natural and cultural heritage
Partners (6)
Lead Partner:
Università della Calabria - DIMEG
Via Pietro Bucci, 87036 Arcavacata, Rende CS, Italy
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 100 059.00
ERDF budget:
EUR 85 050.15
VIA GOBETTI 26, 70125 Bari, Italy
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 56 325.00
ERDF budget:
EUR 47 876.25
Région de Thessalie - Fonds régional de développement
Région de Thessalie - Fonds régional de développement
Papanastasiou & Koumoundourou, 41110 LARISA, Greece
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 56 350.00
ERDF budget:
EUR 47 897.50
Opština Budva
Opština Budva
Trg Sunca 3, 85310 Budva, Montenegro
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 46 695.00
IPA2 budget:
EUR 39 690.75
Bashkia Vlorë, Sheshi “4 Heronjtë”, 9400 VLORA, Albania
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 40 660.00
IPA2 budget:
EUR 34 561.00
9th Klm, Thessalonikis-Thermis, 57001, Thessaloniki, 57001 ATHENS, Greece
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 95 275.00
ERDF budget:
EUR 80 983.75