SUpporting Sme TrAnsformation wIthiN 3Dp

Programme 2021 - 2027 Interreg VI-B North Sea
Date of latest update: 2025-02-03


Description (EN): Read more
Actual Achievements (EN): Read more

Thematic information

Priority: (VI-B_NS_1) Priority 1: Robust and smart economies in the North Sea region

Priority specific objective: RSO1.4. Developing skills for smart specialisation, industrial transition and entrepreneurship

Priority policy objective (Interreg specific objective): PO1 A more competitive and smarter Europe by promoting innovative and smart economic transformation and regional ICT connectivity

Type of intervention: 023 Skills development for smart specialisation, industrial transition, entrepreneurship and adaptability of enterprises to change

Partners (6)

Lead Partner: Business Viborg

Partner’s ID if not PIC: 2610 4793

Address: Erik Ejegods Vej 16, 8800 Viborg, Denmark

Legal status: private

Organisation type: Infrastructure and (public) service provider

Website (not verified):

Total budget: EUR 119 902.00

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 71 941.00

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 59.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 47 961.00

GBER schemes / de minimis:

Herningsholm Erhvervsskole og gymnasier

Name: Herningsholm Erhvervsskole og gymnasier

Partner’s ID if not PIC: 17783092

Address: Lillelundvej 21, 7400 Herning, Denmark

Legal status: public

Organisation type: Education/training centre and school


Total budget: EUR 65 167.00

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 39 100.00

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 59.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 26 067.00

GBER schemes / de minimis:


Name: FLAM3D

Partner’s ID if not PIC: BE 0872.622.292

Address: Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 935, 9052 Gent, Belgium

Legal status: public

Organisation type: Business support organisation


GBER schemes / de minimis:

Thomas More Mechelen-Antwerpen vzw

Name: Thomas More Mechelen-Antwerpen vzw

Partner’s ID if not PIC: 0455.411.733

Address: Zandpoortvest 60, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium

Legal status: private

Organisation type: Education/training centre and school


Total budget: EUR 150 293.00

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 90 176.00

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 60.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 60 117.00

GBER schemes / de minimis: GBER


Name: FME

Partner’s ID if not PIC: NL804575903B01

Address: Zilverstraat 69, 2718RP zoetermeer, Netherlands

Legal status: public

Organisation type: Interest groups including NGOs


Total budget: EUR 105 538.00

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 63 323.00

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 60.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 42 215.00

GBER schemes / de minimis:


Name: EuraMaterials

Partner’s ID if not PIC: FR 18851666016

Address: 41 rue des Métissages, 59330 Tourcoing, France

Legal status: public

Organisation type: Business support organisation


Total budget: EUR 56 398.00

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 33 839.00

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 60.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 22 559.00

GBER schemes / de minimis:

Partners map

Partners and Projects info
Herningsholm Vocational school

SUpporting Sme TrAnsformation wIthiN 3Dp

Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Thomas More University of Applied Sciences

SUpporting Sme TrAnsformation wIthiN 3Dp

Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Lead partner marker

Lead partner

Project partner marker

Project partner


Small project

Strategic importance project

Project name (EN): SUpporting Sme TrAnsformation wIthiN 3Dp

Project acronym: SUSTAIN-3D

Project ID: YAajl081j

Project start date: 2023-09-01

Project end date: 2025-02-28

Project status: closed

Relevant mentions and prizes:

  • false

Total budget/expenditure: EUR 497 298.00

Total EU funding (amount): EUR 298 379.00

Total EU funding (co-financing rate): 60.00%

Co-financing sources:

  • ERDF: Amount, EUR 298 379.00. Co-financing rate, 60.00%.

Investments, deliverables, policy contributions

(bullets are inserted automatically and may be incorrectly placed)


  • Desk Research / Overview of existing am projects in EU and relevance of these related to the objectives of SUSTAIN-3D. Desk research will feed into the kick-off workshop and thematic workshops.
  • Kick-off workshop / This workshop is hosted by Business Viborg. Its purpose is to initiate the project by framing the agenda of AM adaption by SMEs. It is also an important purpose to enable partners to meet for the first time to strengthen the cohesion of the partnership. Key topics addressed: Introduction of the project Introduction of the CORA/COM3 model Discussions format of upcoming thematic workshops Social activities
  • Local stakeholder group meetings / Local stakeholder groups are tasked with: Giving input to and participate in workshops in the project. They also serve in codeveloping the local action plan Local supporter in the implementation of the local action plans. Meeting in these groups are therefore key activities in the realization of this project.
  • Thematic Workshops / Each workshop hosted and researched by one of the project partners at their geographical location. This includes desk research on the specific theme and summing-up of ws results. Objective: uncover barriers, solutions and possibly mitigating initiatives that help SMEs gain access to the necessary skills to successfully implement AM. The workshops will also evaluate the usefulness of the CORA/COM3 model as a framework for describing the field skills within AM
  • Final conference / The conference will be held online. To ensure the best possible participation.
  • Strategy for using CORA/COM3 / The outputs of the kick-off workshop are: Strengthening of the common understanding of the project scope; Joint strategy for using CORA/COM3 in upcoming thematic workshops; Strengthening the social cohesion of the partnership to enable open discussions in the thematic workshops and the project as a whole.
  • Assessment of using the CORA/COM3 / Through analysis of the project outputs and interviews with the partners the project will make an assessment of the usability of the CORA/COM3 methodology for implementing AM in SMEs.
  • Communication / The lead partner will coordinate communication: articles and/or newsletters after WS and final conference. To create visibility of the Interreg North-sea and EU funding in general the partners will follow the standard requirements stated in fact sheet 24: Communication As this project is directed at involving SMEs to ensure better and more qualified uptake of AM-technology the partners in the project have a deep self-interest in communicating to this audience through social media channels, homepages and direct mail. All LSG meetings will be communicated directly to LSG members and results will be communicated on the partners' local homepages and Social Media platforms (Linked-in) using the #wearethenorthsea hashtag Communication will be on the agenda at each project management team meetings.

Programme Common Output Indicator:

  • RCO 084 - Pilot actions developed jointly and implemented in projects, Measurement unit:
  • RCO 083 - Strategies and action plans jointly developed, Measurement unit:

Delivered output indicator(s):

  • (RCO83) Strategies and action plans jointly developed: 256
  • (RCO84) Pilot actions developed jointly and implemented in projects: 756

Programme Common Result Indicator:

  • RCR 104 - Solutions taken up or up-scaled by organisations, Measurement unit:
  • RCR 079 - Joint strategies and action plans taken up by organisations, Measurement unit:

Delivered result indicator(s):

  • (RCR79) Joint strategies and action plans taken up by organisations: 5
  • (RCR104) Solutions taken up or up-scaled by organisations: 6

Information regarding the data in on the programme financing this project

Financing programme

2021 - 2027 Interreg VI-B North Sea

Last month that data in was retrieved from the Programme's website or received from the Programme


No. of projects in / Total no. of projects (% of projects in

65 / 65 (100%)

No. of project partnerships in / Total no. of project partnerships (% of project partnerships in

791 / 791 (100%)

Notes on the data