BUFFER carbon + water in peatlands: landscape-based solutions for climate adaptation

Programme 2021 - 2027 Interreg VI-B North West Europe
Date of latest update: 2024-12-11


Description (EN): Read more
Expected Achievements (EN): Read more
Website: http://bufferplus.nweurope.eu

Thematic information

Priority: (VI-B_NWE_1) Smart climate and environmental resilience for NWE territories

Priority specific objective: RSO2.4. Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention and resilience, taking into account eco-system based approaches

Priority policy objective (Interreg specific objective): PO2 A greener, low-carbon transitioning towards a net zero carbon economy and resilient Europe by promoting clean and fair energy transition, green and blue investment, the circular economy, climate change mitigation and adaptation, risk prevention and management, and sustainable urban mobility

Type of intervention: 064 Water management and water resource conservation (including river basin management, specific climate change adaptation measures, reuse, leakage reduction)

Partners (21)

Lead Partner: Provincie Groningen

PIC (Participant Identification Code): 984320111

Partner’s ID if not PIC: NL0019.32.822.B01

Department: Nature

Address: Martinikerkhof, 9712 JG Groningen, Netherlands

Department address: Sint Jansstraat, 9712 JN Groningen, Netherlands

Legal status: public

Organisation type: Regional public authority

Website: https://www.provinciegroningen.nl/

Total budget: EUR 921 502.23

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 552 901.33

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 60.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 368 600.90


  • Name: Reeleaf B.V
    VAT registration or tax identification number: NL8526.23.409.B01
  • Name: Flextender
    VAT registration or tax identification number: NL8500.13.148.B01
Hochschule Emden/Leer

Name: Hochschule Emden/Leer

Department: Faculty of Technology, Department Life Sciences

PIC (Participant Identification Code): 986039921

Partner’s ID if not PIC: DE266112800

Address: Constantiaplatz, 26723 Emden, Germany

Department address: Constantiaplatz , 26723 Emden, Germany

Legal status: public

Organisation type: Higher education and research organisations

Website: https://www.hs-emden-leer.de

Total budget: EUR 274 760.60

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 164 856.36

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 60.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 109 904.24

HTCL-Innovationsgesellschaft mbH

Name: HTCL-Innovationsgesellschaft mbH

Partner’s ID if not PIC: 61/207/04993

Address: Hessenweg, 49809 Lingen, Germany

Legal status: private

Organisation type: SME

Total budget: EUR 192 338.75

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 115 403.25

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 60.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 76 935.50

GBER schemes / de minimis: GBER Article 20

Stiftung Ökowerk Emden

Name: Stiftung Ökowerk Emden

PIC (Participant Identification Code): 884145010

Partner’s ID if not PIC: DE258670045

Address: Kaierweg , D-26721 Emden, Germany

Legal status: private

Organisation type: Interest groups including NGOs

Website: https://www.oekowerk-emden.de

Total budget: EUR 541 037.15

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 324 622.29

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 60.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 216 414.86

Universität Vechta

Name: Universität Vechta

Department: Start-up Service TrENDi

PIC (Participant Identification Code): 999882112

Partner’s ID if not PIC: DE811339936

Address: Driverstraße, 49377 Vechta, Germany

Department address: Driverstrasse , 49377 Vechta, Germany

Legal status: public

Organisation type: Higher education and research organisations

Website: https://www.uni-vechta.de

Total budget: EUR 562 296.80

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 337 378.08

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 60.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 224 918.72

Provincie West-Vlaanderen

Name: Provincie West-Vlaanderen

Department: Spatial planning

PIC (Participant Identification Code): 934771541

Partner’s ID if not PIC: BE0207725696

Address: Koning Leopold III-laan, 8200 Sint-Andries (Brugge), Belgium

Department address: Koning Leopold III-laan , 8200 Sint-Andries (Brugge), Belgium

Legal status: public

Organisation type: Regional public authority

Website: http://www.west-vlaanderen.be

Total budget: EUR 774 122.60

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 464 473.56

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 60.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 309 649.04


  • Name: Verhegge Marc BV
    VAT registration or tax identification number: BE0416189782

Name: BeeOdiversity

PIC (Participant Identification Code): 905865638

Partner’s ID if not PIC: BE0848.557.582

Address: Avenue des Ajoncs, 1150 Brussel, Belgium

Legal status: private

Organisation type: SME

Website: http://www.beeodiversity.com

Total budget: EUR 274 332.20

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 164 599.32

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 60.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 109 732.88

GBER schemes / de minimis: GBER Article 20



PIC (Participant Identification Code): 893660904

Partner’s ID if not PIC: 0741.412.075

Address: Houtstraat , 9070 Destelbergen, Belgium

Legal status: private

Organisation type: SME

Website: http://www.haedes.eu

Total budget: EUR 647 446.11

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 388 467.66

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 60.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 258 978.45

GBER schemes / de minimis: GBER Article 20

Vlaamse Landmaatschappij

Name: Vlaamse Landmaatschappij

PIC (Participant Identification Code): 954725702

Partner’s ID if not PIC: 0236.506.685

Address: Koning Albert II – laan , 1210 Brussel, Belgium

Legal status: public

Organisation type: Regional public authority

Website: http://www.vlm.be

Total budget: EUR 383 545.09

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 230 127.05

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 60.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 153 418.04

Natuurpunt Beheer vzw

Name: Natuurpunt Beheer vzw

Department: Dienst Planning & Projecten

PIC (Participant Identification Code): 935368091

Partner’s ID if not PIC: BE 0409423736

Address: Coxiestraat, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium

Department address: Coxiestraat, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium

Legal status: private

Organisation type: Interest groups including NGOs

Website: http://www.natuurpunt.be

Total budget: EUR 1 179 433.90

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 707 660.34

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 60.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 471 773.56

La Chambre d’agriculture des Pays de la Loire

Name: La Chambre d’agriculture des Pays de la Loire

Department: Innovation, biodiversity and water

PIC (Participant Identification Code): 939499903

Partner’s ID if not PIC: FR 76 184 401 354

Address: Rue André-Brouard CS 70510, 49105 ANGERS CEDEX 01, France

Department address: Rue André-Brouard CS 70510, 49105 ANGERS CEDEX 01, France

Legal status: public

Organisation type: Regional public authority

Website: http://www.pays-de-la-loire.chambres-agriculture.fr

Total budget: EUR 229 047.80

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 137 428.68

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 60.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 91 619.12

La Chambre d’agriculture de Bretagne

Name: La Chambre d’agriculture de Bretagne

Department: Innovation, research & development

PIC (Participant Identification Code): 921164963

Partner’s ID if not PIC: FR 34 183 500 016

Address: Rue Maurice le Lannou, 35000 Rennes, France

Department address: Rue Maurice le Lannou, 35000 Rennes, France

Legal status: public

Organisation type: Regional public authority

Website: http://www.chambres-agriculture-bretagne.fr/

Total budget: EUR 197 633.08

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 118 579.84

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 60.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 79 053.24

La Chambre d’agriculture de Normandie

Name: La Chambre d’agriculture de Normandie

Department: Innovation, Research and Development

PIC (Participant Identification Code): 942969884

Partner’s ID if not PIC: FR 01 181 400 052

Address: Rue des Roquemonts CS 45346, 14053 CAEN Cedex 4, France

Department address: Rue des Roquemonts CS 45346, 14053 CAEN Cedex 4, France

Legal status: public

Organisation type: Regional public authority

Website: https://normandie.chambres-agriculture.fr/

Total budget: EUR 181 928.00

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 109 156.80

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 60.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 72 771.20

Association des Chambres d'Agriculture de l'Arc Atlantique

Name: Association des Chambres d'Agriculture de l'Arc Atlantique

PIC (Participant Identification Code): 948663008

Partner’s ID if not PIC: N.a.

Address: Rue P.A. Bobierre - La Géraudière, 44939 NANTES, France

Legal status: private

Organisation type: Interest groups including NGOs

Website: https://ac3a.fr

Total budget: EUR 378 278.00

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 226 966.80

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 60.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 151 311.20

Patchview Designated Activity Company

Name: Patchview Designated Activity Company

Department: Ireland team

Partner’s ID if not PIC: N.a.

Address: Somerton , K36 R578 Donabate, Ireland

Department address: Somerton, K36 R578 Donabate, Ireland

Legal status: public

Organisation type: SME

Website: https://theriverstrust.org

Total budget: EUR 780 288.89

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 468 173.33

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 60.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 312 115.56

South Kerry Development Partnership CLG

Name: South Kerry Development Partnership CLG

PIC (Participant Identification Code): 935440065

Partner’s ID if not PIC: 5895100R

Address: West Main Street, V23 P981 Cahersiveen, Ireland

Legal status: private

Organisation type: Interest groups including NGOs

Website: https://www.southkerry.ie/

Total budget: EUR 312 240.00

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 187 344.00

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 60.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 124 896.00

Philipps-Universität Marburg

Name: Philipps-Universität Marburg

Department: Geography

PIC (Participant Identification Code): 999848938

Partner’s ID if not PIC: DE112590692

Address: Deutschhausstraße, 35032 Marburg, Germany

Department address: Deutschhausstraße, 35032 Marburg, Germany

Legal status: public

Organisation type: Higher education and research organisations

Website: https://www.uni-marburg.de

Total budget: EUR 575 334.08

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 345 200.44

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 60.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 230 133.64

Hanzehogeschool Groningen

Name: Hanzehogeschool Groningen

Department: Research Group Sustainable Cooperative Entrepreneurship (SCE)

PIC (Participant Identification Code): 996747848

Partner’s ID if not PIC: 801441213B01

Address: Zernikeplein, 9747 AS Groningen, Netherlands

Department address: Zernikeplein, 9747 AS Groningen, Netherlands

Legal status: public

Organisation type: Higher education and research organisations

Website: http://www.hanze.nl/ondernemen

Total budget: EUR 188 496.80

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 113 098.08

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 60.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 75 398.72

Gemeente Midden-Groningen

Name: Gemeente Midden-Groningen

Partner’s ID if not PIC: NL 8255 61 383 B.01

Address: Gorecht-Oost, 9603 AE Hoogezand, Netherlands

Legal status: public

Organisation type: Local public authority

Website: https://www.midden-groningen.nl/

Total budget: EUR 351 574.40

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 210 944.64

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 60.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 140 629.76

Gemeente Westerkwartier

Name: Gemeente Westerkwartier

Department: Physical Space Domain

Partner’s ID if not PIC: NL825779315B01

Address: Tolberterstraat, 9351 BJ Leek, Netherlands

Department address: Tolberterstraat, 9351 BJ Leek, Netherlands

Legal status: public

Organisation type: Local public authority

Website: https://www.westerkwartier.nl/

Total budget: EUR 336 021.80

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 201 613.08

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 60.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 134 408.72

Bioclear earth B.V.

Name: Bioclear earth B.V.

PIC (Participant Identification Code): 996843490

Partner’s ID if not PIC: NL009498497B01

Address: Rozenburglaan, 9727 DL Groningen, Netherlands

Legal status: private

Organisation type: SME

Website: https://bioclearearth.nl/

Total budget: EUR 461 303.60

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 276 782.16

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 60.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 184 521.44

GBER schemes / de minimis: GBER Article 20

Partners map

Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Association of Chambers of Agriculture of the Atlantic Arc

BUFFER carbon + water in peatlands: landscape-based solutions for climate adaptation

Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Lead partner marker

Lead partner

Project partner marker

Project partner


Strategic importance project

Project name (EN): BUFFER carbon + water in peatlands: landscape-based solutions for climate adaptation

Project acronym: BUFFER+

Project ID: NWE0100014

Project start date: 2023-07-01

Project end date: 2027-09-30

Project status: ongoing

Total budget/expenditure: EUR 9 742 961.88

Total EU funding (amount): EUR 5 845 777.09

Total EU funding (co-financing rate): 60.00%

Co-financing sources:

  • ERDF: Amount, EUR 5 845 777.09. Co-financing rate, 60.00%.

Investments, deliverables, policy contributions

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Delivered output indicator(s):

  • (2.4.O.1) Strategies and action plans jointly developed: 4.0
  • (2.4.O.3) Jointly developed solutions: 5.0

Delivered result indicator(s):

  • (2.4.O.1) Joint strategies and action plans taken up by organisations: 4.0
  • (2.4.O.2) Solutions taken up or up-scaled by organisations: 5.0
  • (2.4.O.3) Solutions taken up or up-scaled by organisations: 5.0
  • (null) Organisations with increased institutional capacity due to their participation in cooperation activities across borders: 63.0

Information regarding the data in keep.eu on the programme financing this project

Financing programme

2021 - 2027 Interreg VI-B North West Europe

Last month that data in keep.eu was retrieved from the Programme's website or received from the Programme


No. of projects in keep.eu / Total no. of projects (% of projects in keep.eu)

46 / 46 (100%)

No. of project partnerships in keep.eu / Total no. of project partnerships (% of project partnerships in keep.eu)

444 / 444 (100%)

Notes on the data