Programme 2021 - 2027 Interreg VI-A IPA Italy Albania Montenegro (South Adriatic)
Date of latest update: 2025-01-09


Description (EN): Read more
Expected Achievements (EN): Creating a common integrated framework for the implementation of EQF 5 CB system and favouring the establishment of CB governance system by defining common vision and processes among 3 countries' educational systems.

Thematic information

Priority specific objective: ISO6.2. Enhance efficient public administration by promoting legal and administrative cooperation and cooperation between citizens, civil society actors and institutions, in particular with a view to resolving legal and other obstacles in border regions (strands A, C, D and, where appropriate, strand B)

Type of intervention: 173 Enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders to implement territorial cooperation projects and initiatives in a cross-border, transnational, maritime and inter-regional context

Partners (4)


Partner’s ID if not PIC: IT07267740723

Address: VIA DIVISIONE ACQUI SN., 70126 Bari, Italy

Legal status: public

Organisation type: Higher education and research organisations

Total budget: EUR 25 177.68

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 20 142.14

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 80.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 5 035.54

GBER schemes / de minimis:

Universiteti "Aleksander Moisiu"Durres

Name: Universiteti "Aleksander Moisiu"Durres

Partner’s ID if not PIC: K61829504T

Address: LI. Rr. Taulantia, Currila, Durrès, Albania, 2001 Durres, Albania

Legal status: public

Organisation type: Higher education and research organisations

Total budget: EUR 23 143.00

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 19 671.55

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 85.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 3 471.45

GBER schemes / de minimis:

Regione Puglia – Dipartimento Politiche del Lavoro, Istruzione e Formazione

Name: Regione Puglia – Dipartimento Politiche del Lavoro, Istruzione e Formazione

Partner’s ID if not PIC: 01105250722

Address: VIA GENTILE, 76120 Bari, Italy

Legal status: public

Organisation type: Regional public authority

Total budget: EUR 14 607.42

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 11 685.93

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 80.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 2 921.49

GBER schemes / de minimis:

Ministarstvo prosvjete Crne Gore

Name: Ministarstvo prosvjete Crne Gore

Department: Department for International cooperations and EU funds in Minisry

PIC (Participant Identification Code): 891361422

Partner’s ID if not PIC: 02014432

Address: Vaka Đurovića b.b., 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro

Department address: Vaka Đurovića b.b., 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro

Legal status: public

Organisation type: National public authority


Total budget: EUR 20 992.00

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 17 843.20

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 85.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 3 148.80

GBER schemes / de minimis:

Partners map

Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Puglia Region – Department of Labour market policies, Education, Training


Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Lead partner marker

Lead partner

Project partner marker

Project partner



Project acronym: GOVERNANCE

Project ID: SA-0100125

Project start date: 2024-02-01

Project end date: 2025-01-31

Project status: closed

Total budget/expenditure: EUR 83 920.10

Total EU funding (amount): EUR 69 342.82

Total EU funding (co-financing rate): 82.63%

Co-financing sources:

  • IPA/IPA II/IPA III: Amount, EUR 69 342.82. Co-financing rate, 82.63%.

Investments, deliverables, policy contributions

(bullets are inserted automatically and may be incorrectly placed)


  • CB Capacity building seminar CBT n. 1 Minutes
  • CB Capacity building seminar CBT n. 2 Minutes
  • CB Capacity building seminar CBT n. 3 Minutes
  • N. 3 Context Analysis Country Reports
  • N. 3 Recommendation Papers
  • N. 3 Focus Group Testing
  • Joint Action Plan

Contribution to wider strategies and policies:

  • The project contributes in a transversal way to all the 4 EUSAIR Pillars, promoting economic and social growth in the region by improving its attractiveness and competitiveness. In fact the Joint Action Plan will include recommendations to promote and support the launch of a CB EQF 5 educational system, by harmonising strategies and procedures across the borders; this will give all Programme areas the opportunity to improve, regardless the specific sector, and also developing high skills through the new EQF 5 offer in CB perspective, also in line with one of the cross-cutting Strategy’s issues, namely “research, innovation and SMEs development”, aiming at boosting high-skilled employment, growth and competitiveness.
  • The proposal contributes to the objectives set out in the EC Communication COM(2020)625 final, especially in terms of promoting the dual freedom for learners and teachers to be mobile, considering that learning mobility and cooperation across borders are strong drivers for enhancing the quality of education and training institutions. The the second Capacity building seminar organised in Albania will be focused on European good practices of mutual recognition of qualifications, and on definition of the prerequisites for the transferability of educational models in a CB dimension; moreover, the three country reports will include recommendations on, among the others, how to facilitate the process of mutual recognition of 5th level qualifications.
  • The New Strategic Agenda for the EU for 2019 – 2024 adopted by the European Council on 20 June 2019 stresses that Member States “must step up investment in people’s skills and education”. The project proposal can contribute to this ambition, considering that it foresees that each partner country's report will include recommendations also on how to manage funds (national, regional, European) for supporting EQF 5 educational offer in a CB perspective.
  • The project, supporting the launch of a Cross-Border EQF 5 educational system, by harmonising strategies and procedures across the borders, contributes to making the European Pillar of Social Rights’ principles concrete, especially the first, according to which everyone has the right to quality and inclusive education, training and life-long learning in order to maintain and acquire skills that enable them to participate fully in society and manage successful transitions in the labour market.
  • The project fits into the framework of the 2023 European Year of Skills COM(2022) 526 final, announced by President von der Leyen in her State of the European Union Address, which stresses the importance to match companies’ needs “with people’s aspirations” and skills sets with opportunities on the job market, especially for the green and digital transition and the economic recovery, and facilitating the“recognition of qualifications also of third country nationals”, that is also one of the ambitions of GOVERNANCE project.
  • The proposal contributes to achieving the SDGs in particular Goal 4, Quality Education, Target 4.4 which provides, by 2030, to substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship. It also contributes to Goal 8, in particular Target 8.3 aiming at promoting development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, Target 8.5 aiming to achieving full and productive employment and decent work for all.
  • In view of the project ambition of supporting the launch of a Cross-Border EQF 5 educational system, oriented to the training of high specialised professionals in line with the SMES’s needs in a CB perspective, it is aligned with the idea of “skills for jobs” embedded in the 2020 European Skills Agenda COM(2020)274 final (see in particular the second building block of the Agenda, which takes a comprehensive approach to up and reskilling and starts with reliable skills intelligence to deliver training relevant for the labour market).
  • The project contributes to the implementation of the Commission work programme 2023, “A Union standing firm and united” in particular concerning the priority “A Europe fit for digital age”, within which is highlighted that, in order to boost a workforce with the demanded skills and foster the competitiveness of European companies, in particular SMEs, and to realise the full potential of the digital and green transitions in a socially fair manner, 2023 will be the European Year of Skills, to deliver the necessary reskilling and upskilling of our workforce and attract the right skills to our continent. It will also contribute to the initiatives, mentioned in this work programme, aimed at implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights action plan.

Information regarding the data in on the programme financing this project

Financing programme

2021 - 2027 Interreg VI-A IPA Italy Albania Montenegro (South Adriatic)

Last month that data in was retrieved from the Programme's website or received from the Programme


No. of projects in / Total no. of projects (% of projects in

45 / 45 (100%)

No. of project partnerships in / Total no. of project partnerships (% of project partnerships in

189 / 189 (100%)

Notes on the data