Partners (11)
Lead Partner: Centro Tecnologico del Mar - Fundaciòn CETMAR
Address: Eduardo Cabello, s/n, 36208 Vigo, Spain
Legal status: n/a
- Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer (IFREMER)
Name: Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer (IFREMER)
Address: Brest Technopôle - BP 70, 29280 Plouzané, France
Legal status: n/a
- Instituto Nacional de Recursos Biológicos – IPIMAR
Name: Instituto Nacional de Recursos Biológicos – IPIMAR
Address: IPIMAR, Av. Brasília, 1449-006 Lisboa, Portugal
Legal status: n/a
- Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e Recursos Naturais / Direcção Regional de Pescas
Name: Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e Recursos Naturais / Direcção Regional de Pescas
Address: Direcção de Serviços de Investigação das Pescas, Estrada da Pontinha, 9004-562 Madeira, Portugal
Legal status: n/a
- Conseil Consultatif Régional pour les eaux occidentales australes (CCR Sud)
Name: Conseil Consultatif Régional pour les eaux occidentales australes (CCR Sud)
Address: 6 rue Alphonse Rio, 56100 LORIENT, France
Legal status: n/a
- Universidade dos Açores (UAç)
Name: Universidade dos Açores (UAç)
Address: Caiz de Sta Cruz, 9901-862 Horta, Portugal
Legal status: n/a
- Marine Institute
Name: Marine Institute
Address: Marine Institute, Renville, OranmoreCo Galway, Ireland
Legal status: n/a
- North Western Waters Regional Advisory Council (NWWRAC)
Name: North Western Waters Regional Advisory Council (NWWRAC)
Address: Board Iascaigh Mhara - Crofton RoadDun Laoghaire - Co. Dublin, Ireland
Legal status: n/a
Address: Cabo Estai, Canido, 36200 Vigo, Spain
Legal status: n/a
- Xunta de Galicia - Conselleria do Mar
Name: Xunta de Galicia - Conselleria do Mar
Address: Rua do Sar, 75, 15702 Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Legal status: n/a
- Fundación AZTI
Name: Fundación AZTI
Address: Txatxarramendi ugartea, z/g, 48395 Sukarrieta (Bizkaia), Spain
Legal status: n/a
Partners map
Lead partner
Project partner
Project acronym: GEPETO
Project start date: 2012-06-01
Project end date: 2014-05-31
Project status:
closedTotal budget/expenditure: EUR 1 613 506.84
Total EU funding (amount): EUR 1 028 738.67
Co-financing sources:
Information regarding the data in on the programme financing this project
Financing programme
2007 - 2013 Atlantic Area
Last month that data in was retrieved from the Programme's website or received from the Programme
No. of projects in / Total no. of projects (% of projects in
70 / 70 (100%)
No. of project partnerships in / Total no. of project partnerships (% of project partnerships in
655 / 655 (100%)
Notes on the data
Information provided by the Programme