Making Places Profitable - Public and Private Open Spaces
Programme 2007 - 2013 North Sea RegionDescription
Thematic information
Partners (9)
Lead Partner: South Yorkshire Forest Partnership (Sheffield City Council)
Address: 5th Floor, Howden House, Union Street, S1 2SH Sheffield, United Kingdom
Legal status: n/a
- Vlaamse Landmaatschappij
Name: Vlaamse Landmaatschappij
Address: Guldenvlieslaan 72, 1060 Brussels, Belgium
Legal status: n/a
- HafenCity Universitat Hamburg HCU
Name: HafenCity Universitat Hamburg HCU
Address: Winterhuder Weg 29-31, 22085 Hamburg, Germany
Legal status: n/a
- Goteborgs Stad
Name: Goteborgs Stad
Address: Park- och naturforvaltningen, Box 109, 401 21, 401 22 Goteborg, Sweden
Legal status: n/a
- Københavns Universitet
Name: Københavns Universitet
Address: Centre for Forest, Landscape & Planning, Rolighedsvej 23, Frederiksberg, 1958 Copenhagen, Denmark
Legal status: n/a
- Lawaetz Foundation Hamburg
Name: Lawaetz Foundation Hamburg
Address: Neumuhlen 16-20, 22763 Hamburg, Germany
Legal status: n/a
- Gemeente Emmen
Name: Gemeente Emmen
Address: Postbus 30001, 7800 RA Emmen, Netherlands
Legal status: n/a
- University of Sheffield
Name: University of Sheffield
Address: Department of Landscape, Floor 3, Arts Tower, Western Bank, S10 2TN Sheffield, United Kingdom
Legal status: n/a
- Heriot-Watt University
Name: Heriot-Watt University
Address: School of the Built Environment, Riccarton, EH14 4AS Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Legal status: n/a
Partners map

Lead partner

Project partner
Project acronym: MP4
Project start date: 2008-09-01
Project end date: 2012-09-30
Project status:
closedTotal budget/expenditure: EUR 5 827 542.00
Total EU funding (amount): EUR 2 913 713.00
Co-financing sources:
Information regarding the data in on the programme financing this project
Financing programme
2007 - 2013 North Sea Region
Last month that data in was retrieved from the Programme's website or received from the Programme
No. of projects in / Total no. of projects (% of projects in
78 / 78 (100%)
No. of project partnerships in / Total no. of project partnerships (% of project partnerships in
1 021 / 1 021 (100%)
Notes on the data
Information provided by the programme and collected from programme's website