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About keep.eu

Keep.eu serves all professional audiences in need of aggregated data regarding projects and beneficiaries of European Union cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation programmes among the member States, and between member States and neighbouring or pre-accession countries. The Interact Programme built this database and maintains it, as part of its mission, with the remaining Interreg programmes, and with the support of the European Commission. The database covers the 2000-2006, 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 periods, and is currently incorporating data on the 2021-2027 period.

Please refer to keep.eu’s Terms of Use to learn very simple rules that we ask you to follow when using data or files retrieved from keep.eu. To learn more about keep.eu’s Privacy Policy please refer to the Privacy Policy page.

Other useful resources regarding keep.eu and its data

  • To learn more about the data in keep.eu, please refer to FAQ (queries about data). You will understand how project, partner and call data is collected and processed, how accurate it is, and its limitations.
  • To learn how to create stable links to search results, also refer to FAQ (Get results URL). With these URLs you will be able to embed a link to a query in keep.eu that is being updated at all times. For instance, you can get a link to the query “ongoing projects” with partners in the NUTS3 region of your choice. This link will always point to the latest results, just like in keep.eu, without any need to renew it.
  • To get updates on new functions in keep.eu, interesting stories on how to use its data, and other pieces of news, register to keep.eu. It is indeed very fast, simple and potentially useful for your work.
  • To check how representative keep.eu’s data is of the sector, check Representativeness.
  • To contact the keep.eu team, please use the e-mail address keep.support@interact.eu. You can either ask to get assistance with any difficulty or send any comments or suggestions.
  • Lastly, to get the validation template and filling-out instructions that your programme needs to send data to keep.eu, please refer to the FAQ entry on the validation template.

Keep.eu’s logo and style guide

Keep.eu is fully compliant with the Interreg branding guidelines agreed among many Interreg programmes. To get keep.eu’s logo and the latest version of its style guide please follow the links below:

For any inquiries regarding keep.eu’s style or logo, please address the keep.eu team at keep.support@interact.eu.

About the keep.eu team (current version and system)

  • Executive management: Satu Hietanen (Interact)
  • Product & project management: Rafael Agostinho (Interact)
  • Technical management & EU macro-regional strategies: Janne Kiilunen (Interact)
  • Project-partner-call data importing supervision and quality guarantee (2021-2027), meta-data updating: Elisa Bertieri (Interact)
  • Communication management: Elisa Bertieri (Interact)
  • Project-partner-call data importing supervision and quality check (up to 2014-2020), programme updates (until 2023): Robert Mühlegger
  • ENPI cross-border liaison and project-partner-call data collection (2007-2013): INTERACT ENPI, Tesim
  • IPA-IPA cross-border liaison and programme-project-partner-call data collection (2007-2013 and 2014-2020): Marija Stevanovic, Cross Border Institution Building Plus phase III (CBIB+3) project
  • Project-partner-call data-quality importing supervision and check (up to 2014-2020), programme updates & meta-data updates: Robert Mühlegger
  • Project document collection, importing, processing: Apogee Information Systems; Christopher Burrows; Debbie Neves; rechenwerk GmbH; UADS Institut für Umfragen, Analysen und DataScience GmbH
  • Project-partner-call data importing and fine-tuning: Arakne srl
  • EU macro-regional strategies expertise: Baiba Liepa (Interact), Ilze Ciganska (Interact)
  • Basic intervention logic data for programme information (2014-2020): Daniela Minichberger (Interact)
  • Jems support to keep.eu’s Jems plug-in (2021-2027): José Almeida (Interact)
  • eMS support to keep.eu automatic feeds (2014-2020): Aija Prince (Interact), Bogusława Łukomska (Interact), Christoph Werner (Interact), György Alföldy (Interact), Katrin Stockhammer (Interact)
  • Keep.eu system hosting, maintenance: Arakne srl
  • IT development: Sofokus Oy, Arakne srl
  • Web design and primary testing: Sofokus Oy, Arakne srl
  • Database operations (projects, partners, data): Sofokus Oy, Arakne srl
  • Web interface testing 2019-2020: Florian Jacquet (INTERREG VB Mediterranean), Ilze Ciganska (Interact), Iuliia Kauk (Interact), Katarina Hanzelova (INTERREG VB Central Europe), Linda Talve (Interact), Małgorzata Zdunek (Interact), Patrick Köhler (INTERREG V-A Germany – Denmark), Philipp Schwartz (Interact), Slaven Kliček (Interreg IPA CBC Croatia-Serbia), Stefanie Bischof (INTERREG VB Alpine Space), Ulf Wikström (Interact), Ulla-Maija Landor (Interact)
  • Translation of matrix landing page into the 24 EU official languages plus Norwegian: SeproTec Multilingual Solutions
  • Revision of landing pages in the 24 EU official languages plus Norwegian: Antonija Grizelj (Interact), Arve Skjerpen (Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation), Baiba Liepa (Interact), Carmen Dalli (Ministry for Social Affairs and Equality, Malta), Deimantė Jankūnaitė (Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania), Florin Neculcea (Interact), Frank Everaarts (Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO), Guillaume Terrien (Interact), Hannes Nagel (Ministry of Finance, Estonia), Ivano Magazzu (Interact), Janne Kiilunen (Interact), John Ó Liodáin (Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, Ireland), Jörg Mirtl (Interact), Katerina Kring (Interact), Laura Belenguer (Interact), Linda Talve (Interact), Małgorzata Zdunek (Interact), Margarita Golovko (Ministry of Finance, Estonia), Milada Hronková (Ministry of Regional Development, Czechia), Monica Tanaka (Interact), Niels Bjerring Hansen (Danish Business Authority), Pavel Lukeš (Ministry of Regional Development, Czechia), Peter Racz (Interact), Petra Masácova (Interact), Philipp Schwartz (Interact), Polona Frumen (Interact), Rafael Agostinho (Interact), Tomas Kirslys (Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania), Ulf Wikström (Interact)
  • Nomination, translation, and revision of landing pages in languages of the European Union’s neighbouring countries: Tesim
  • Property: Interreg VI-C Interact. Interact is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, the member States of the European Union, Norway and Switzerland.