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Data. How is data collected? How often is it collected?

Project and partner data from Interreg and pre-accession cross-border programmes

All the data in keep.eu on projects, partners and calls from the different types of programmes, either Interreg or pre-accession cross-border, come from the programmes themselves. If you work in a programme and want to understand how you can send data on your projects and beneficiaries (project partners), please refer to the FAQ entry on how programmes can share data with keep.eu.

In the 2021-2027 period, the Interact team asks programmes to submit their project-partner data to keep.eu four months after their last submission or whenever there are newly-contracted projects.

There are different methods of collecting data from these programmes, namely as follows:

  • Manual submission of data by programmes to keep.eu: In general, the programmes from the 2000-2006 and 2007-2013 periods submitted data to keep.eu using this method. Some programmes also use this method in the 2014-2020 and 2021-2027 periods. Data is sent to Interact in an Excel template that is then imported into the MySQL database of keep.eu using software that was developed for this effect.
  • Retrieval of data from the programmes’ websites. This occurred in the 2007-2013 period and some 2014-2020 programmes in keep.eu.
  • Automatic importing of data into keep.eu: This method had its pilot during the 2007-2013 period but started to be extensively rolled out during the 2014-2020 period. In the 2021-2027 programming period, many programmes use the Jems monitoring system, which contains a plug-in that makes it even simpler to transfer data. However, automatic data transfer can be easily set up and used with any monitoring system. When using this method, the data can be periodically sent by the monitoring system of the programmes themselves to keep.eu. The only required human interventions occur at the onset of the process, when the monitoring systems are prepared to send the data to keep.eu. Programmes can also, at any time, opt for withholding the publication of new batches of data and/or accessing the keep.eu system and change any data that their monitoring systems send automatically.

Call data: Two different sets

Keep.eu features, amongst its information on projects and partners from the different programmes, data on which call for applications gave way to each project.

A different type of information is collected and added to each programme page every three months: Information on ongoing calls, by programme (it is collected together with the data required for the update of estimates on the number of Interreg projects and programmes for the current programming period). Programmes can also inform Interact of new calls at any time, and the keep.eu team will be happy to add them.

A different source regarding the European Union macro-regional strategies

Data regarding European Union Macro-Regional Strategies is very specific, please refer to the FAQ entry on how they are covered in keep.eu.

Programme data

Data regarding the 2014-2020 and 2021-2027 programmes themselves is based on their cooperation programmes. Programme data from the 2000-2006 and 2007-2013 periods is much more limited than for the most recent periods, as it does not include the contents of the operational programmes themselves.