Description (EN): One city, two states - this is the slogan of both cities. Valka and Valga create unique territory in cross-border region of Latvia and Estonia. Two towns and two countries divided by the street. The border in this territory is just formality. Citizens daily routine are connected with shopping, getting education, medicine, meeting friends, attending culture events, etc. in the opposite side of border.
At the same time administrational and governmental processes are separate. Local authorities of the both sides of the border are arranging their own measures and processes. Social field is not exception.
According to statistic, more than 1000 people cross Estonian-Latvian border for work every day. Estonia - Latvia programme stakeholders discussion at 2013 about employment accent that challenges in this field are lack of the language knowledge, necessarily to change with employment news and information in border areas, lack of information about social security, mobilities, work environment, etc.
The objective of the project is to foster the confidence of job seekers and employers of the cross-border region in their ability to find a suitable job or employee, respectively.
To reach the objective project partners: the State Employment Agency of Latvia, The Estonian Employment Insurance Fund, Valga Town government and Valka Municipality council, will carry out strategical research about business environment of cross-border area, activities of cross-border labour market promotion (job fairs, networking activities for employers, informational newsletter for citizens) and activities of capacity building (information days and workshops for job seekers and unemployed persons, language courses, support of mentor for employees).
Read more Achievements (EN): The objective of the project was to foster the confidence of job seekers and employers of the cross-border region in their ability to find a suitable job or employee, respectively. It was achieved by promoting cross-border labour market integration and employment opportunities, by providing better access to and improving quality of information services, organizing joint employment and training initiatives, and developing advisory services.
The project helped job seekers find information about cross-border job and training opportunities and receive guidance on working across the border on one hand and help employers find suitable employees and receive guidance on employing and upskilling them on the other hand. The project aimed at removing obstacles to cross-border commuting, by implementing four inter-connected and complementary groups of activities:
Streamlining the cross-border job-search and employee search processes, by translating information about available vacancies, providing guidance for cross-border job seekers and employers;
Bringing together job seekers, employers and training providers during cross-border job fairs, thus promoting employment and upskilling of the workforce and developing an active cross-border labour market;
Facilitating employer's networking in the cross-border region, thus promoting business activity in the cross-border region, conducting strategical research about the business environment of the cross-border area;
Promoting employment support services available to cross-border commuters and employers (information days and workshops for job seekers and unemployed persons, informative newsletter for citizens, language courses, support of a mentor for employees), to increase the number of people benefitting from project activities, remove mental barriers and promote sustainable cross-border employment.
Project partners carried out strategical research about the business environment of the cross-border area and following activities of cross-border labour market promotion:
Liivimaa job fairs (4) with altogether 1100 participants,
Business Breakfast for employers (8) with the participation of 160 entrepreneurs,
Sports days (4) with 159 participants,
Study trips (4) with 40 participants,
The informational newsletter for citizens (8),
Information days and workshops for job seekers and unemployed persons (8 workshops and 4 information days) that altogether gathered 288 participants,
Mentoring for 31 employees.
As a reached added value of the project is all partners’ common work for the project aim to create a wider circle of employers and stakeholders of Valka-Valga cross-border region.
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Expected Results (EN): Work commuters crossing the border
Expected Outputs (EN): The project will help job seekers find information about cross-border job and training opportunities and receive guidance on working across border on one hand, and help employers find suitable employees and receive guidance on employing and upskilling them on the other hand.
The project is aimed at removing obstacles to cross-border commuting, by implementing four inter-connected and complementary groups of activities:
•Streamlining the cross-border job-search and employee search processes, by translating information about available vacancies, providing guidance for cross-border job seekers and employers;
•Bringing together job seekers, employers and training providers during cross-border job fairs, thus promoting employment and upskilling of workforce and developing an active cross-border labour market;
•Facilitating employer networking in the cross-border region, thus promoting business activity in the cross-border region;
•Promoting employment support services available to cross-border commuters and employers (through publicity events, seminars and similar activities), to increase the number of people benefitting from project activities, remove mental barriers and promote sustainable cross-border employment.
By addressing challenges on both the supply and demand side of labour market, it is estimated that more than 200 new cross-border commuters will be positively impacted by the project activities.
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Thematic information
Specific Objective:
Improved conditions for accessing jobs across the border
Thematic Objective:
(08) promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility by:
Investment Priority:
(08 ETC) ETC specific, for cross-border cooperation: promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility by integrating cross-border labour markets, including cross-border mobility, joint local employment initiatives, information and advisory services and joint training
Partners (4)
Lead Partner:
Nodarbinātības valsts aģentūra
Kr.Valdemara street 38, LV-1010 Rīga, Latvia
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 57 754.13
ERDF budget:
EUR 49 091.01
Valga Linnavalitsus
Valga Linnavalitsus
Puiestee 8, 68203 Valga, Estonia
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 76 419.43
ERDF budget:
EUR 64 956.52
Eesti Töötukassa
Eesti Töötukassa
Lasnamäe 2, 11412 Tallinn, Estonia
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 34 579.80
ERDF budget:
EUR 29 392.83
Valkas novada pašvaldība
Valkas novada pašvaldība
Semināra 9, LV-4701 Valka, Latvia
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 78 656.94
ERDF budget:
EUR 66 858.40