Description (EN): The Balkan Med (BM) region is facing the challenge of sustaining and increasing the growth of PV systems that is endangered by several barriers and their unpredictable nature. This is especially important in the built environment as member states are developing plans to increase the number of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB), which most probably employ PV’s , in order to reach their 2030 climate change targets. As the number of NZEBs increase, PV integration in the distribution grids of BM region will be very difficult, unless buildings become more grid-friendly and policies/regulations are suitably adapted
In the above context, the overall objective of project is to enhance the penetration of PV’s in built environment. This will be achieved by using storage, which will transform the building into a more predictable power source. With the high solar potential of the BM region and the decreasing cost of PV/storage systems, such a solution is becoming cost-efficient as well Project aims to change the way buildings with PV’s are treated (i.e. selling energy to grid) and instead conceptualize them as systems that must efficiently interact with grids. Also, it aims to alleviate the above barriers and pave the way for unobstructive NZEB development
Main outputs are 1) an innovative management scheme of PV+storage hybrid, making buildings grid-friendlier 2) a generalized model capable to assess alternative policies related to implementation of such hybrids 3) An online user-friendly tool able to provide a good first estimate of the profitability of such systems under a specified policy, targeting prospective investors and stakeholders 4) An advanced tool able to evaluate multiple policy scenarios, targeting policy makers 5) Set of joint regulation recommendations in the form of roadmap for BM region, targeting grid operators and relevant stakeholders/engineers 6) Set of joint policy recommendations targeting mainly policy makers and interested stakeholders
The planned approach comprises 1) design the novel management scheme 2) establish a variety of pilots in each country to maximize impact 3) widely disseminating results and outputs in the BM region and beyond 4) bring together key actors to receive feedback and produce targeted outputs to the BM region, 5) follow an open source approach with freely available data & tools to trigger replication
The project approach hasn’t been applied before in BM region. Most outputs are novel worldwide (e.g specialized tools) as well. A transnational approach is needed as the climate change problem faces no borders and a unified approach will multiply positive effects. Moreover, the region’s electrical grids are already interconnected with high interdependence and will be even more in the future.
The added value is the increased energy security by increasing controllable PV penetration in the energy mix and the corresponding reduction of CO2 emissions from high polluting power stations in the region
Read more Achievements (EN): LESSONS LEARNT:;
• The use of BESS with PV systems can improve significantly the self-consumption and self-sufficiency of the hybrid system, thus enhancing the interaction with the distribution grids. This can
be also a source of profit, depending on the policy scheme used (Net-Metering, Net-Billing, etc.).
• The installation of storage systems should be included in the legislative frameworks and regulations of all Balkan-Med countries. In most Balkan-MED countries the use of BESS is not encouraged or even permitted.
• To facilitate the use of BESS alongside PVs new policy schemes should be adapted promoting the increase of self-consumption at prosumers owning PVs. This may include multi-zone electricity tariffs.
• A comparison between thermal and battery storage in the NZEB environment has been conducted under a scheme that provides no reimbursement for excess PV energy. Results show that: For low storage capacities, thermal storage has a greater ability to increase NZEB’s selfconsumption.
o This is inversed for higher electrical storage capacities. This is a result of the battery’s ability to cover all types of electric loads.
o Investments on battery storage are not currently economically attractive. However, for battery costs at the range of 200 EUR/kWh, BESS have a quicker payback than thermal storage.
• An innovative management scheme for BESS has been designed and tested within the project.
It has been shown that overnight charging as a load smoothing feature, can lead to more efficient utilization of the BESS, while offering also enhanced performance to the grid. However, the size of the battery, the inverter rating and the overnight charging level play an important
role to the utilization rate of the battery.
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Expected Results (EN): The expected direct effects will be the demonstration that proper management of the PV+storage hybrid can be the solution to unhindered development of NZEBs and PVs in the BM region. All BM countries face similar barriers towards further penetration of PV’s in built environment. Hence, the innovative management scheme, and the joint policy and regulations recommendations, will contribute to removing such barriers using a transnational approach. Also, the two tools that target different actors will remove information and communication barriers, by assuring stakeholders and public of the suitability of a certain PV+storage configuration.
The actions are novel as they tackle barriers that have only recently emerged, after the introduction of the NZEB notion and the considerable PV penetration in the distribution grids. The project builds upon previous results that have produced an online tool for the assessment of PV net-metering schemes and evaluated pilots with PVs and smart measurements The added value is the upgrading of the online to include all BM countries and more importantly the inclusion of storage, which makes the tool more advanced.
The outputs correspond to the general indicators of the BM programme. Specifically:
Number of policies/models/tools jointly developed & tested: 1) development of a generalized model to handle the PV+storage hybrid, taking into account macroeconomic implications, 2) An online user-friendly tool targeting simple users, 3) A sophisticated advanced tool targeting advanced users and policy makers, 4) joint regulations recommendations and 5) joint policy recommendations.
Number of environmental friendly technologies: The project aims to accelerate PV penetration in the built environment. In this context, the actions of the project will lead to providing a concrete paradigm of how this can be achieved by integrating storage. Hence, the project deals with the following environmental friendly technologies 1) PV’s and 2) Battery storage.
Read more Expected Outputs (EN): 1) An innovative management scheme of the PV+storage system that will make buildings more grid friendly, thus removing one of the most important technical barriers currently existing to NZEB development (D4.1).
2) A generalized model able to assess alternative policies related to the implementation of PV+storage systems. It will be based on the effects on the prosumers and take into account macroeconomic implications. Such a model doesn’t exist currently (D5.1, 2).
3) An online user-friendly tool to manage the evaluation of PV+storage integration in buildings. A basic form already exists (PVNET project), capable of evaluating net-metering policies, taking climatic input from the PVGIS database. The proposed improvement will use the above model. Features of storage system, as discharge depth and cost will be available. The tool will target the public and simple users, aiming to provide an estimation of the attractiveness of the PV+storage system, thus removing information barriers (D5.1) 4)Advanced tool targeting policy makers, based on the above model, to help remove policy-administrative barriers. The novelty will be the ability to design policies not only from the prosumer side but taking into account the macroeconomic implications. It will be able to assess dynamic tariffs, demand side & storage management, following the results of pilots (D5.2).
5)Joint regulations recommendations in the form of a roadmap. This will provide stakeholders with necessary information regarding the adaptation of existing regulations, so as to facilitate the widespread of PV+storage in buildings (D6.2).
6)Policy recommendations for each country based on pilots and tools. These will answer the urgent issue of enhancing PV penetration in buildings (future NZEBs) with storage, in order to comply with RES targets. Policy alternatives will be assessed leading to the recommendation of the preferred alternative in each country. This will lead to the development of joint recommendations (D6.1, 4).
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Thematic information
Specific Objective:
Sustainable territories: fostering transnational cooperation for resource efficiency and climate change resilience
Thematic Objective:
(06) preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency by:
Investment Priority:
(06f) promoting innovative technologies to improve environmental protection and resource efficiency in the waste sector, water sector and with regard to soil, or to reduce air pollution
Partners (6)
Lead Partner:
University Campus, Tritis Septemvriou, GR54636, Thessaloniki, 54636 Thessaloniki, Greece
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 336 288.60
ERDF budget:
EUR 285 845.31
IPA2 budget:
EUR 50 443.29
Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου
Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου
University House “ Anastasios G. Leventis”, P.O. Box 20537, 1678 Nicosia, Cyprus, 1678 Nicosia, Cyprus
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 426 158.15
ERDF budget:
EUR 362 234.43
IPA2 budget:
EUR 63 923.72
11, Amfipoleos St, 2025 Strovolos, Nicosia, 2025 Nicosia, Cyprus
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 11 376.85
ERDF budget:
EUR 9 670.32
IPA2 budget:
EUR 1 706.53
Parko Agiou Dimitriou, 50100 Kozani, Greece
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 178 668.30
ERDF budget:
EUR 151 868.06
IPA2 budget:
EUR 26 800.25
Енергийна агенция – Пловдив
Енергийна агенция – Пловдив
Ruski 139 blvd.Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 187 289.00
ERDF budget:
EUR 159 195.65
IPA2 budget:
EUR 28 093.35
Факултет за електротехника и информациски технологии Универзитетот „Св. Кирил и Методиј“ во Скопје
Факултет за електротехника и информациски технологии Универзитетот „Св. Кирил и Методиј“ во Скопје
Rugjer Boshkovik bb, 1000 Skopje, 10000 Skopje, North Macedonia
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 97 661.25
ERDF budget:
EUR 83 012.06
IPA2 budget:
EUR 14 649.19