Description (LT): Vienas iš nusikalstamumo prevencijos iššūkių Šiaurės Lietuvos ir Latvijos Kuržemės regionuose yra turimos įrangos techninių galimybių trūkumas, teisėsaugos institucijų tarpvalstybinio teisinio ir administracinio bendradarbiavimo trūkumas. Projektu siekiama išspręsti šią problemą, įdiegiant pažangią ir naujausią vaizdo stebėjimo įrangą ir sukuriant šiuolaikinę duomenų mainų programinę įrangą, tobulinant institucijų techninius pajėgumus, siekiant greičiau keistis reikiama informacija tarp partnerių.
Projektas sukurs vaizdo stebėjimo kamerų tinklą ir bendradarbiavimo sistemą tarp teisėsaugos institucijų septyniolikoje Šiaurės Lietuvos ir Kuržemės regiono Latvijoje savivaldybių. Į bendradarbiavimo sistemą taip pat bus įtraukta ir policija. Bendras šios bendradarbiavimo sistemos tikslas – greitai keistis informacija, duomenimis tarp bendradarbiaujančių partnerių, išvengiant formalaus susirašinėjimo tarp institucijų, todėl nusikalstamumo prevencijos procesas tampa veiksmingesnis. 172 vaizdo stebėjimo kameros bus įrengtos ir prijungtos prie vaizdo stebėjimo tinklo 17-oje savivaldybių. Taip pat bus sukurtas skaitmeninės informacijos keitimosi įrankis, kuris bus prieinamas visų partnerių teisėsaugos ir nacionalinio lygmens institucijoms. Naudojantis šia priemone, bus galima greitai gauti informaciją apie automobilius, pravažiuojančius pro vaizdo stebėjimo kameras, pagal jų registracijos numerius. Siekiant sukurti tarpvalstybinio bendradarbiavimo sistemą, bus surengti du bendri seminarai ir du patirties mainų renginiai. Šių renginių metu teisėsaugos struktūros aptars teisinius ir techninius tolesnio bendradarbiavimo aspektus ir susitars dėl tarpvalstybinio bendradarbiavimo sistemos sukūrimo pagal galiojančius teisės aktus Latvijoje ir Lietuvoje.
Projektu bus sukurta tarpvalstybinė bendradarbiavimo sistema, skirta keistis informacija iš vaizdo stebėjimo tinklų, kuri leis veiksmingiau užtikrinti viešąjį saugumą ir nusikaltimų prevenciją regione.
Read more Description (LV): Viens no izaicinājumiem ar ko saskaras Ziemeļu Lietuvas un Kurzemes reģioni cīņā pret noziedzību ir projekta partneru pašvaldībās esošo tiesībsargājošo institūcija kapacitātes trūkums, runājot par tehniskajiem risinājumiem ar šīm institūcijām pieejamajām iekārtām, kā arī pārrobežu tiesiskās un administratīvās sadarbības trūkums starp minētajām institūcijām. Projekta mērķis ir to novērst, uzstādot progresīvas, modernas video novērošanas iekārtas un izstrādāt mūsdienīgu programmatūru datu apmaiņai, tā uzlabojot institūciju tehnisko kapacitāti ātrākai informācijas apmaiņai starp sadarbības partneriem. Projektā tiks attīstīts videonovērošanas kameru tīkls un izveidota pārrobežu sadarbības sistēma starp 17 Ziemeļu Lietuvas un Kurzemes pašvaldību tiesībsargājošajām institūcijām. Sadarbības sistēmā iekļausies arī Valsts policija. Šīs sadarbības sistēmas pamatmērķis ir ātrāka informācijas apmaiņa starp sadarbības partneriem, izvairoties no lēna, formāla pieprasījumu sūtīšanas procesa, tā padarot cīņu ar noziedzību efektīvāku. 17 pašvaldībās tiks instalētas 172 video novērošanas kameras un tās tiks apvienotas vienotā tīklā. Tiks arī izveidots digitālais informācijas apmaiņas rīks, datu apmaiņai un partneru tiesībsargājošajām institūcijām, kā arī valsts līmeņa institūcijām būs autorizētas piekļuves tiesības šim rīkam. Izmantojot šo info rīku, būs iespēja ātri iegūt informāciju piemēram, numura zīmes automašīnām, kas šķērso videonovērošanas kameru skata lauku. Lai izveidotu pārrobežu sadarbības tīklu, tiks organizētas 2 kopēju darba grupu sanāksmes un 2 pieredzes apmaiņas vizītes. Šo pasākumu laikā tiesībsargājošās institūcijas diskutēs par sadarbības tiesiskajiem un tehniskajiem aspektiem esošās Latvijas un Lietuvas likumdošanas ietvaros. Kā rezultāts tiks izveidota pārrobežu sadarbības sistēma informācijas no videonovērošanas kamerām apmaiņai, kas ļaus efektīvāk nodrošināt cīņu ar noziedzību reģionā.
Read more Description (EN): One of the challenges in crime prevention faced in cross-border regions of North Lithuania and Kurzeme is lack of capacity in technical solutions for equipment that is available and lack of legal and administrative cross-border cooperation among law enforcement institutions. The project aims to overcome this by installing advanced, up-to -date video surveillance equipment and elaborating contemporary software for data exchange, improving technical capacities of institutions for faster exchange of necessary information among co-operation partners.
The project will develop a network of video surveillance cameras and will establish cross-border cooperation system among law enforcement institutions in 17 municipalities in North Lithuania and Kurzeme. Co-operation system will include also State police. General purpose for this cooperation system is fast information/data exchange among co-operation partners without slow formal process of sending many requests between institutions, thus making crime prevention process more effective. 172 video surveillance cameras will be installed and connected into the video surveillance network in 17 municipalities. Also, a digital information tool for information exchange will be developed and all partner’s law enforcement institutions as well as national level institutions will have authorized access to it. Using this tool it will be possible fast to access information about cars passing video surveillance cameras – number of registration pates in particular. To establish cross-border cooperation system, 2 joint workshops and 2 experience exchange events will be organized. During these events law enforcement structures will discuss legal and technical aspects for further cooperation and will agree on creation of cross border co-operation system within framework of existing legislation in Latvia and Lithuania.As the result cross-border cooperation system for the exchange of information from video surveillance networks will be established, and this will enable more effective ensuring of civil security and crime prevention in the region.
Read more Achievements (EN): Overall objective of the project was to increase capacities and facilitate legal and administrative cross-border cooperation among law enforcement institutions of project partner’s municipalities for improvement of protection and security of civil society. This objective was achieved by implementing activities to reach two specific objectives:
Project Specific Objective 1 To develop network of video surveillance cameras in project partners municipalities of North Lithuania and Kurzeme.
To achieve this objective, each project partner (except LP) had installed particular amount of video surveillance cameras ( PP2 -10 cameras, PP3 – 7cameras, PP4 – 5cameras, PP5 – 6 cameras, PP6 – 10 cameras, PP7 – 16 cameras, PP8 – 27 cameras, PP9 – 4 cameras, PP10 – 5 cameras, PP11 – 12 cameras, PP13 – 26 cameras, PP14 – 7 cameras, PP15 – 8 cameras, PP16 – 6 cameras+2reonowated, PP17 – 13 cameras, PP18 – 15 cameras) , all cameras are with necessary equipment for data transfer, monitoring and recording in their territories and cameras was connected into the video surveillance network.
Project Specific Objective 2 To establish cross-border cooperation system among law enforcement institutions of project partners municipalities in North Lithuania and Kurzeme
To achieve this objective, 2 joint workshops / seminars, 2 experience exchange events were organized. During these events law enforcement structures of project partners introduced other partners with their resources and capacities, discussed legal and technical aspects for further cooperation and agreed on creation of cross border co-operation system within framework of existing legislation in Latvia and Lithuania. Letter of intents was prepared and during the final conference it was signed by different law enforcement structures of Latvia and Lithuania as confirmation of their readiness to participate in such system.
Project main output T1.1.1 has target value 31. Established video surveillance systems include 14 county municipalities in Latvia, 3 District municipalities in Lithuania, 9 municipal police structures and 1 State police structure (representing all Kurzeme region) in Latvia and Lithuanian 1 State police representing all Lithuanian project partner’s law enforcement structures. We can consider target value as reached because surveillance system allows both technically and legally to involve additional law enforcement institutions.
Project main output I1.1.1 has target value 2. Project partner PP2 Aizpute implemented their activities as Investment in infrastructure because at the beginning of the project they already had technical design documentation for establishing of video surveillance system in Aizpute county municipality. This system includes Aizpute county municipality and Aizpute municipal police.
These project main outputs directly contribute to Programme Output Indicators, Number of institutions, participating in cooperation’’, because includes different institutions (municipal, regional and State level) who by signing of Letter of Intents, agreed to cooperate for providing more effective public services.
Programme result indicator is “Number of solutions improving public services’’. Project contributes to this indicator by establishing of cross-border cooperation system for exchange with information from video surveillance networks which improves and makes more effective public services and straightens public services institutions ensuring improvement of civil security and crime prevention in North Lithuania and Kurzeme. To achieve this result, each project partner has install video surveillance cameras (more than 180 in total) with equipment in their territories and connected them into the video surveillance network. National level law enforcement institutions were contacted and invited to participate in project’s seminars and workshops to find solutions for making this network compatible with national level institutions and to determine possibilities and include all level institutions in common information exchange network for more effective services because of easier cooperation and exchange with data from video surveillance cameras.
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Expected Results (EN): Number of solutions improving public services
Expected Outputs (EN): Established cross-border cooperation system for exchange with information from video surveillance networks which improves and makes more effective public services and straightens public services institutions ensuring improvement of civil security and crime prevention in North Lithuania and Kurzeme. To achieve this result, each project partner will install video surveillance cameras equipment in their territories and connects them into the video surveillance network. National level law enforcement institutions will be contacted and invited to participate in project's seminars and workshops to find solutions for making this network compatible with national level institutions and to determine possibilities and include all level institutions in common information exchange network for more effective services because of easier cooperation and exchange with data from video surveillance cameras.
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Thematic information
Specific Objective:
Improved efficiency of public services by strengthening capacities and cooperation between institutions
Thematic Objective:
(11) enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration through actions to strengthen the institutional capacity and the efficiency of public administrations and public services related to the implementation of the ERDF, and in support of actions under the ESF to strengthen the institutional capacity and the efficiency of public administration.
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Investment Priority:
(11 ETC) ETC specific, for cross-border cooperation: enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration by promoting legal and administrative cooperation and cooperation between citizens and institutions
Partners (18)
Lead Partner:
Kurzemes plānošanas reģions
Project implementation department
Avotu iela 12, LV-3801 Saldus, Latvia
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 38 315.46
ERDF budget:
EUR 32 568.14
Rojas novada pašvaldība
Rojas novada pašvaldība
Zvejnieku iela 3, LV-3264 Roja, Latvia
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 15 000.00
ERDF budget:
EUR 12 750.00
Kretingos rajono savivaldybės administracija
Kretingos rajono savivaldybės administracija
Savanorių 29A, LT-97111 Kretinga, Lithuania
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 77 690.38
ERDF budget:
EUR 66 036.82
Priekules novada pašvaldība
Priekules novada pašvaldība
Saules 1, LV-3434 Priekule, Latvia
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 37 000.00
ERDF budget:
EUR 31 450.00
Plungės rajono savivaldybės administracija
Plungės rajono savivaldybės administracija
Vytauto str. 12, LT-90123 Plunge, Lithuania
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 89 397.96
ERDF budget:
EUR 75 988.27
Grobiņas novada pašvaldība
Grobiņas novada pašvaldība
Lielā 76, LV-3430 Grobiņa, Latvia
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 12 000.00
ERDF budget:
EUR 10 200.00
Vaiņodes novada pašvaldība
Vaiņodes novada pašvaldība
Raina 23a, LV 3435 Vainode, Latvia
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 11 400.00
ERDF budget:
EUR 9 690.00
Nīcas novada pašvaldība
Nīcas novada pašvaldība
Development department
Bārtas 6, LV-3473 Nīca, Nīcas pagasts, Nīcas novads, Latvia
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 20 000.00
ERDF budget:
EUR 17 000.00
Skuodo rajono savivaldybės administracija
Skuodo rajono savivaldybės administracija
Vilniaus 13, 98112 Skuodas, Lithuania
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 72 437.04
ERDF budget:
EUR 61 571.48
Brocēnu novada pašvaldība
Brocēnu novada pašvaldība
Lielcieceres 3, LV3851 Brocēni, Brocēnu novads, Latvia
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 9 030.00
ERDF budget:
EUR 7 675.50
Dundagas novada pašvaldība
Dundagas novada pašvaldība
Pils 5-1, LV-3270 Dundaga, Dundaga county, Latvia
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 16 000.00
ERDF budget:
EUR 13 600.00
Skrundas novada pašvaldība
Skrundas novada pašvaldība
Raiņa street 11, LV-3326 Skrunda, Latvia
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 24 790.00
ERDF budget:
EUR 21 071.50
Saldus novada pašvaldība
Saldus novada pašvaldība
Striķu 3, LV-3801 Saldus, Latvia
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 27 000.00
ERDF budget:
EUR 22 950.00
Durbes novada pašvaldība
Durbes novada pašvaldība
Parka 2, LV-3447 Lieģi, Tadaiķu pagasts, Durbes novads, Latvia
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 25 000.00
ERDF budget:
EUR 21 250.00
Ventspils novada pašvaldība
Ventspils novada pašvaldība
Development department
Skolas 4, LV-3601 Ventspils, Latvia
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 24 000.00
ERDF budget:
EUR 20 400.00
Rucavas novada pašvaldība
Rucavas novada pašvaldība
"Pagastmāja", LV-3477 Rucava, Rucavas novads, Rucavas pagasts, Latvia
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 15 000.00
ERDF budget:
EUR 12 750.00
Aizputes novada pašvaldība
Aizputes novada pašvaldība
Atmodas 22, LV3456 Aizpute, Aizpute county, Latvia
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 36 000.00
ERDF budget:
EUR 30 600.00
Talsu novada pašvaldība
Talsu novada pašvaldība
Kareivju street 7, LV-3201 Talsi, Talsi district, Latvia
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 38 700.00
ERDF budget:
EUR 32 895.00