Description (EN): Despite national borders, natural or man-made disasters often affect entire border region, and requires fast, effective and united reaction of fire and rescue services. The main goal of the project is to implement new technologies in the work of the fire and rescue services of Kurzeme, Latgale, Zemgale, Riga regions of Latvia and Klaipeda, Telsiai, Siauliai, Panevezys, Utena and Kaunas counties of Lithuania, to increase the ability of services to objectively evaluate and promptly respond to nature and man-made disasters. The project shall introduce use of the new technologies – specialized drones for the surveillance of the situation– and new related methods that will allow more objective monitor fire and rescue works, thus allowing emergency situations to be assessed more quickly and efficiently. During the project a special tuition programme on the use of equipment will be developed, and 8 new drone’s instructors from both countries will be educated. Later they will pass their knowledge to other officers of fire and security services. The equipment needed for fire and rescue services as well as for training of specialists will be purchased, drones with regular cameras (LV – 11; LT – 6), drones with thermal cameras (LV -6; LT – 3), mapping drones (LV – 1; LT – 1), 2 specialized vehicles (1 LV, 1 LT). At the end of the project, joint extensive two-days-long practical training on the use of the drones in emergency situations will be organized for 80 Latvian and 40 Lithuanian participants. As a result of the project, the fire and rescue services will improve their skills, introduce new training methodology and improve mutual cooperation by making firefighting and rescue missions more effective by reducing the negative effects of disasters and improving safety.
Read more Description (LT): Gamtinė ar žmogaus veiklos nelaimės dažnai peržengia valstybių sienas ir daro poveikį visam regionui. Jos reikalauja greitos, jungtinės ir efektyvios reakcijos iš priešgaisrinių ir gelbėjimo tarnybų. Pagrindinis projekto tikslas yra įdiegti naujas technologijas ugniagesių gelbėtojų tarnybose Latvijos Kuržemės, Latgalės, Žiemgalės regionuose ir Klaipėdos, Telšių, Šiaulių, Panevėžio, Utenos ir Kauno apskrityse Lietuvoje. Jos pagerins objektyvaus įvertinimo ir tinkamo reagavimo gebėjimus į natūralias ar žmogaus veiklos sąlygotas nelaimes.Projekto metu bus įdiegtos naujos technologijos – specializuoti dronai ir nauji veikimo metodai, leisiantys daug efektyviau atlikti ugniagesybos ir gelbėjimo darbus, sudarant sąlygas greičiau ir tiksliau įvertinti kritines situacijas. Projekto metu bus parengta speciali mokymų programa skirta supažindinti darbuotojus su dronų naudojimu, o iš abiejų šalių bus parengti 8 dronų instruktoriai. Vėliau jie perduos įgytas žinias kitiems ugniagesių gelbėtojų tarnybų pareigūnams. Projekte numatoma įsigyti įranga skirta dronai su vaizdo kameromis (LV – 11; LT – 6), dronai su šiluminėmis kameromis (LV -6; LT – 3), žemėlapių sudarymo dronai (LV – 1; LT – 1), 2 specialus mikroautobusai, ir t.t.Projekto pabaigoje bus suorganizuoti dviejų dienų jungtiniai mokymai skirti pademonstruoti dronų naudojimo ekstremaliose situacijose galimybes, kuriuose dalyvaus 80 Latvijos ir 40 Lietuvos pareigūnų.Projekto rezultatas bus pagerinti ugniagesių ir gelbėjimo tarnybų įgūdžiai, įdiegtos naujos mokymo metodikos ir pagerintas tarpusavio bendradarbiavimas. Sudarytos sąlygos gaisrus gesinti ir gelbėjimo darbus vykdyti efektyviau, mažinant neigiamus nelaimių padarinius ir gerinant abiejų šalių saugumą.
Read more Description (LV): Katastrofas bieži ietekmē visu reģionu, ignorējot valstu robežas, tāpēc bieži ir nepieciešama kaimiņvalstu palīdzība, tāpēc šādos gadījumos ļoti svarīga ir dienestu sadarbība, vienotas iemaņas un aprīkojums, jo tas ļauj operatīvāk sekmīgāk veikt glābšanas un ugunsdzēšanas darbus.
Projekta mērķis ir ieviešot jaunas tehnoloģijas Kurzemes, Latgales, Rīgas, Zemgales un Klaipēdas, Telšu, Šauļu, Panevēžas, Viļņas un Kauņas reģionu ugunsdzēsības un glābšanas dienestu darbā, paaugstināt dienestu spēju objektīvi novērtēt un operatīvi reaģēt uz dabas un cilvēka izraisītam katastrofām. Projekta ietvaros Latvijas un Lietuvas ugunsdzēsības un glābšanas dienesti ieviesīs jaunu tehnoloģiju savā ikdienas darbā - dronus ar aprīkojumu, kas ļaus daudz objektīvāk pārraudzīt ugunsdzēšanas un glābšanas darbus, tādējādi reaģējot uz ārkārtas situācijām daudz ātrāk un efektīvāk. Projekta rezultātā tiks izstrādāta jauna apmācību metodoloģija, kā arī tiks apmācīti kopā 8 jauni dronu instruktori no Lietuvas un Latvijas, kuri savas zināšanas nodos tālāk citiem darbiniekiem. Tiks iegādāti droni ar video kamerām (LV – 11; LT – 6), droni ar termiskajām kamerām (LV -6; LT – 3), kartēšanas droni (LV – 1; LT – 1), 2 specializētie mikroautobusi (1 LV, 1 LT), u.c. Projekta noslēgumā tiks organizētas apjomīgas divu dienu praktiskās mācības, kurās 80 dalībnieki no Latvijas un 40 dalībnieki no Lietuvas pārbaudīs iegūtās teorētiskās zināšanas un apgūs jaunas praktiskās zināšanas. Projekta rezultātā ugunsdzēsības dienesti uzlabos spējas, ieviesīs jauno metodoloģiju un uzlabos savstarpējo sadarbību, padarot ugunsdzēšanas un glābšanas misijas efektīvākas, samazinot katastrofu radītās negatīvās sekas un uzlabojot drošību.
Read more Achievements (EN): General objective of the project was to increase environmental safety in cross-border regions of Latvia and Lithuania. This project has contributed to increase of the near border environmental safety by improving cooperation and technological capacities of rescue services of Latvia and Lithuania for more efficient fire and rescue operations.
During the project rescue services learned to apply new methods and technologies for emergency combat (usage of drones), tested their skills and improved cooperation. Overall this makes the rescue operations more efficient, minimizes the environmental risks and damage to nature and humans. Drones with camera or mapping drones are useful tools for precise analysis of the territory from air. They provide operating group with data based information that makes decision making more effective, localization and reduction of fire faster and the loses to physical property and environment less. Drones are also used to monitor the emergency site, manage rescue resources, provide data on wind direction or speed, temperature, they help with finding oil leak pollution and assist in search and rescue of people during bad weather conditions or nighttime (with thermal camera).
Overall 11 institutions contributed to the project. Online tuition program with materials on use of drones was created. 43 representatives from State Fire and Rescue Services of Latvia including Fire Safety and Civil Protection College and 21 representatives from Fire and Rescue Department of Lithuania from 6 regions took part in 2-day practical training on use of drones. 12 firefighters passed drone operator exams and will be able to teach their colleagues. The equipment (53 drones) purchased during the project will help to provide training process in the future. State Fire and Rescue Services of Latvia representatives went to State Border Guard (Latvia) base and made demonstrations of new drones. Also National military forces of Latvia and representative from National Forest service took part in various instructor practical exercises. Some of planned demonstrations and training activities for other involved institutions were executed later or postponed due to COVID-19.
Further, the online tuition program that contains informational materials, visual materials and test created during this project will be used for educational and training purposes in Latvia and Lithuania to ensure that new generations of firefighters, rescuers and other corresponding services are introduced with these latest technologies. In the future these programs will be funded by state budget.
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Expected Results (EN): Number of organisations jointly contributing to environmental resource management
Expected Outputs (EN): As a result all of the near border fire and rescue services would have improved their emergency combat techniques and mutual cooperation for greater environmental safety of the whole region. The skills of the rescue services would be improved, new methods for emergency actions will be created and firefighting/rescue operations will become more efficient, minimizing the damage from natural and man-made disasters - which will contribute greatly to environmental safety in the region. In total State Fire and Rescue Service and 6 Lithuanian regions are participating in this project.
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Thematic information
Specific Objective:
Increased integration and efficiency of environmental resource management
Thematic Objective:
(06) preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency by:
Investment Priority:
(06d) Protecting and restoring biodiversity and soil and promoting ecosystem services, including through Natura 2000, and green infrastructure
Partners (2)
Lead Partner:
Valsts ugunsdzēsības un glābšanas dienests
Regional brigades of Kurzeme, Zemgale, Latgale
Fire Safety and Civil protection college (Riga)
Maskavas street 5, LV - 1050 Riga, Latvia
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 322 833.00
ERDF budget:
EUR 274 408.05
Priešgaisrinės apsaugos ir gelbėjimo departamentas prie Vidaus reikalų ministerijos
Priešgaisrinės apsaugos ir gelbėjimo departamentas prie Vidaus reikalų ministerijos
Švitrigailos str. 18, LT-03223 Vilnius, Lithuania
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 265 395.12
ERDF budget:
EUR 225 585.85