Description (EN): Through the unprecedented financing opportunity represented by the Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Programme 2014-2020, a partnership was created between the following EU and non-EU partners: Constanta County Council as Lead partner, together with partners: Bulgarian Association for Transfer of Technology and Innovation - Bulgaria, Ungheni District Council - Moldova and Enez District Administration - Turkey, in order to sustain the financing for project "Joint Cultural Heritage - Source for Development of Entrepreneurship in the Black Sea Basin". Cooperation of the communities from the Black Sea Basin involved in the project emerged from the common interest to solve common problems and to create favorable conditions for the sustainable development of an entrepreneurship in the culture and tourism sectors. For development of an entrepreneurship in a healthy cultural - touristic sector, as a source of added value in society, a prerequisite is represented by the creation, equipping and development of the specific infrastructure. Awareness activities to preserve and valorize the natural and cultural heritage must be right in the center of this specific infrastructure or existing legislation together with the existence of this financial source (BSBJOP 2014-2020), consists in sustaining elements for the balanced development effort of the eligible regions in the Black Sea basin. This pilot project aims at developing specific activities (creation and equipping of infrastructure with specific equipment, research and museum exposition of the natural, cultural underwater and classic heritage) so that at the end of the project, the partners will benefit from equipment and valuable facilities (e.g. diving equipment and traditional and digital display including rehabilitating a center building in Enez) promoted in a modern way (album and digital maps, festival, site and common event). This common challenge essential in this partnership also relies on sharing of human resources (joint team management), natural (natural and cultural heritage) and financial, having a total value of the project of 939.544,00 euros.
The overall objective of the project observes the general objective of the Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Program 2014-2020 to “improve the welfare of the people in the Black Sea Basin regions through sustainable growth and joint environmental protection”. In short, the archaeological sites of the natural and cultural joint heritage in the Black Sea Basin, generate innovation and contributes to smart and sustainable growth in the partner states.
Information added on 2020-05-26, regarding the mitigation of the effects of COVID-19 (the coronavirus pandemic that started in 2019) (English language only): Tackling the COVID-19 crisis together; Ungheni District Council promotes tourist attractions from the region and also displays information and recommendations to reduce the risk of infection and prevent coronavirus on the LED monitor purchased within TREASURE project.
Read more Achievements (EN): The project created a joint, cross-border sustainable new infrastructure which represents the engine for developing entrepreneurship in the tourism sector and not only. The project implied purchase of specific, innovative equipment, which has an important contribution to the increased visibility of tourist sites in Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova and Turkiye. Using innovative technology such as ROV, sonar, 3D devices, and holograms, the project succeeded in bringing to light underwater archaeological sites, which are normally harder to be visualised by tourists. Moreover, in Turkiye, the partner created a new underwater museum with 3 replicas of national archaeological monuments. This new concept for a museum is meant not only to valorise the 3 artefacts but also to encourage diving activities in the Enez area, activities directly connected to the sport building centre, also renovated within the project. Partner from Moldova has highly contributed to the main cross-border outputs by consolidating its image as an important touristic area with extraordinary touristic potential and also being in direct connection with its neighbours. Among others, a partner produced digital movie albums, which present the main tourist attraction from all partners. Disseminated, these materials have an important impact on a better knowledge of the common cross-border area with a huge potential for entrepreneurship and economic growth. All the implemented activities had a common goal: the creation of suitable infrastructure for partners as a common solution for a common challenge - raising the visibility of the cross-border areas in order to increase potential from the entrepreneurial point of view.
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Expected Results (EN): R 1.1 Strength of cross-border business opportunities in the tourism and cultural sectors
Expected Outputs (EN): Through the obtained results during the implementation of the project „Joint Cultural Heritage – Source for Development of Entrepreneurship in the Black Sea Basin”, respectively, specific equipment procurement for endowing the two institutions from Constanta and Enez, realization of digital maps, improving the museum collections by endowing with digital equipment and promoting by classic and modern and innovative technologies it is created the needed infrastructure to repsect the indicator of the programme – Consolidation of the cross border bussinesses in touristic and cultural sectors.
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Partners (4)
Lead Partner:
Constanta County Council
General Directorate of Projects
Tomis Bd. 51, 900725 Constanta, Romania
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 341 094.00
ENI budget:
EUR 313 806.48
Българска асоциация за трансфер на технологии и иновации
Българска асоциация за трансфер на технологии и иновации
Varna Head Office
14 Kesten Street, entr. 4, 7th floor 36, 9009 Varna, Bulgaria
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 215 590.00
ENI budget:
EUR 198 342.80
Ungheni District Council
Ungheni District Council
Nationala street 11, MD-3600 Ungheni, Moldova
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 85 120.00
ENI budget:
EUR 78 310.40
District Governmnet of Enez
District Governmnet of Enez
Milli Egemenlik Blvd, Hukumet Konagi, Fl.2, 22700 Enez, Turkey
Legal status:
Total budget:
EUR 297 740.00
ENI budget:
EUR 273 920.80